
JINR vacant positions

Persons wishing to participate in the elections for vacant positions shall submit an application to the Director of JINR and attach to the application originals or certified copies (translations) of the following documents in one of the working languages of JINR:

  • Scientific biography;
  • List of main scientific publications and inventions;
  • Documents on higher professional education and academic degrees.

In addition to the above documents the applicant may submit other documents or information in written form.

Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics
Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems
Laboratory of Information Technologies
Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics
Laboratory of Radiation Biology

There are no vacant positions at the moment.

Engineering and technical vacant positions
Hotel and Restaurant Complex Management Office’s vacant positions

There are no vacant positions at the moment.

“Mir” Cultural Centre

    There are no vacant positions at the moment.


Ser­gey Vla­di­mi­ro­vich

Head of the JINR Hu­man Re­sour­ces Of­fice


phone: +7 (49621) 6-44-96
