This page contains all official information of the JINR Directorate and the JINR Operational Headquarters for preventing the spread of coronavirus infection.
Address of JINR Director G. V. Trubnikov to the staff. Video by the JINR Scientific Information Department
- About COVID-19 restrictions at JINR. Published on 26 January 2022
- Information of JINR Operational Headquarters about revaccination. Published on 27 September 2021
- 80% level of collective immunity against COVID-19 achieved at JINR. Published on 2 September 2021
- JINR immunity against COVID-19 formed by 75%. Published on 20 August 2021
- Video: JINR against COVID-19. Published on 12 August 2021
- Information of the JINR Operational Headquarters: Clarification of Orders. Published on 8 July 2021
- Information of JINR Operational Headquarters: EpiVacCorona vaccine. Published on 4 June 2021
- Address of JINR Director G. V. Trubnikov to the staff. Published on 28 May 2021
- Information of JINR Headquarters: first delivery of EpiVacCorona and CoviVac vaccines. Published on 27 May 2021
- Information about new rules for arriving in Russia. Published on 15 April 2021
- Information from the JINR Operational Headquarters on coronavirus. Published on 5 March 2021
- Information about organization of vaccination of JINR employees and their family members against COVID-19. Published on 9 February 2021
- Information from Operational Headquarters about testing and vaccination. Published on 31 January 2021
- Information from Operational Headquarters about working regime of the Institute in February 2021. Published on 30 January 2021
- Information from Operational Headquarters about the incidence of COVID-19 and vaccination. Published on 17 December 2020
- JINR Operational Headquarters about incidence of COVID-19 and changes in Institute’s work. Published on 04 December 2020
- The procedure for entry of foreign JINR employees to the Russian Federation under the pandemic conditions, and issuing special letters of support. Published on 24 November 2020
- JINR Operational Headquarters informs about the worsening of the epidemiological situation. Published on 04 November 2020
- JINR Operational Headquarters about volunteer assistance. Published on 19 October 2020
- Information of JINR Operational Headquarters about work regime from 1 October. Published on 30 September 2020
- Information of JINR Operational Headquarters about influenza vaccination. Published on 27 September 2020
- Rules for employees returning after vacations and business trips. Published on 30 August 2020
- JINR Operational Headquarters informs. Published on 30 August 2020
- About changes in the self-isolation regime. Published on 21 August 2020
- JINR Operational Headquarters informs on reception and accommodation of guests in Hotel “Dubna”. Published on 7 July 2020
- JINR Operational Headquarters informs. Published on 20 June 2020
- About the JINR’s working regime since 15 June 2020. Published on 13 June 2020
- Summary of the epidemiological situation in Dubna. Published on 09 June 2020
- Information of the JINR Operational Headquarters about testing for coronavirus. Published on 03 June 2020
- Extension of the regime of self-isolation. Published on 30 May 2020
- About registration of digital passes. Published on 26 May 2020
- Monitoring information on coronavirus in Dubna. Published on 26 May 2020
- Information of the JINR Operational Headquarters. Published on 23 May 2020
- Regulation of work of the Institute until 31 May. Published on 9 May 2020
- About the JINR’s working regime from 1st to 11th May. Published on 30 April 2020
- About cameras and fines when using cars. Published on 22 April 2020
- Information on coronavirus for JINR employees. Published on 21 April 2020
- JINR Directorate’s official information on current situation with coronavirus and JINR work on 13-30 April. Published on 14 April 2020
- About operation of pass system in the Moscow Region. Published on 13 April 2020
- About introducing pass system in the Moscow Region. Published on 11 April 2020
- Updated WHO advice on the use of masks. Published on 10 April 2020
- Operational coronavirus situation in Dubna on 9 April 2020
- Official information of the JINR Directorate on the situation with coronavirus, 6 April 2020
- About the JINR’s working regime from 4 to 30 April 2020. Published on 6 April 2020
- Information on coronavirus for JINR employees, 3 April 2020
- Information on coronavirus for JINR employees, 2 April 2020
- Information on coronavirus for JINR employees, 30 March 2020
- Assistance to JINR employees in self-isolation or quarantine, 25 March 2020
- Operational coronavirus environment in Dubna, 24 March 2020
- Information on coronavirus for JINR employees, 23 March 2020
- JINR Directorate’s official information on the coronavirus, 17 March 2020
- Information on coronavirus for JINR employees, 13 March 2020
- Related links
About COVID-19 restrictions at JINR
Published on 26 January 2022
Due to the worsening epidemiological situation with the incidence of the coronavirus infection COVID-19, according to the Order by JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov No.67 of 24.01.2022, additional measures are introduced at JINR to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Thus, from 25 January to 25 February 2022, the in-person presence at workplaces of employees should be minimised. Only the following employees are allowed to attend workplaces:
- staff members engaged in the implementation of continuous activities and at basic facilities performing research, installation, and commissioning activities, routine and other mandatory activities for the support of their operation, as well as activities held under contracts with other organizations;
- staff members working shifts and (or) with a cumulative accounting of working hours;
- staff members ensuring the calculation and payment of salaries, conducting priority purchase and payments, as well as other functions for maintaining the JINR operation;
- staff members performing tasks that cannot be performed remotely.
Admission to the DLNP and VBLHEP sites will not be permitted for employees included in the list of those performing their jobs remotely. Admission of visitors to the administrative buildings at the addresses 6, 11, and 13, Joliot-Curie Street will be possible with temperature control and the use of personal respiratory equipment (masks, respirators).
It is recommended to hold all seminars and meetings online.
Sports, cultural, and entertaining events in buildings of the JINR infrastructure should be held in conditions of no more than 70% hall occupancy and only if visitors have special QR codes and masks or respirators.
During these days, the control over the observance by staff members social distancing and the use of masks or respirators when being at workplaces, in buildings, and in the territory of JINR, when using official transport (except for cases when an employee is in a separate room or in official transport without the presence of other persons) will be strengthened.
The JINR Directorate asks employees to treat the imposed restrictions with understanding.
Stay healthy!
Information of JINR Operational Headquarters about revaccination
Published on 27 September 2021
Dear colleagues,
Currently, the total number of JINR employees vaccinated against the COVID-19 reaches 4,500 people, which is more than 80% of the total JINR staff. This high rate of vaccination of the staff allowed the Institute to avoid a so-called “third wave” of the COVID-19.
The Ministry of Health and Rospotrebnadzor recommend getting revaccinated and “renewing” an immune body system every 6 months. This is necessary to prevent other “waves” of the pandemic, as well as to increase a body resistance to new, more active strains of the coronavirus. A single-component vaccine Sputnik Light was developed for revaccination.
Vaccination of the JINR staff started in December 2020 and by now, more than 1,000 people have already been recommended for revaccination.
At present, the situation with the spread of the coronavirus in the entire country, and the Moscow region, in particular, remains difficult. Therefore, the Operational Headquarters recommends all JINR employees who got vaccinated with the first dose six months ago or more, getting revaccinated in Medical Unit No.9 in order to maintain and strengthen the collective immunity of the Institute. It is important to note, that Sputnik Light is a single-component vaccine this is why it is not required to attend a vaccination room twice.
The Operational Headquarters suggests registration for revaccination with the Sputnik Light vaccine by contacting the coordinator of the Headquarters Larisa Yurievna Stolypina +7 916 366 92 38, +7 (496) 216-30-49,
JINR Operational Headquarters
80% level of collective immunity against COVID-19 achieved at JINR
Published on 2 September 2021
According to the JINR Operational Headquarters, at the end of August, the total number of JINR employees with immunity reached 4,300 people. The Institute applies all measures taken by the Russian Federation to support citizens of the country for aiding families of staff members from the Member States: foreign employees with children have received 10 thousand rubles for children aged 6 – 17. In addition, the Institute continues paying financial aid of 4 thousand rubles to employees who have got fully vaccinated.
Thanks to the achieved successes of the vaccination campaign of the staff the Institute has successfully overcome a so-called “third wave” of COVID-19.
“JINR has managed to reach the highest possible rates of vaccination of the staff. It allowed the Institute to become one of the leading organizations in the fields of science and education in the territory of the Russian Federation in terms of forming collective immunity,” JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov commented on the results of the vaccination campaign in the Institute.
The JINR Directorate does not only follows the instructions of the healthcare system of the Institute’s location country – Russia – but also implements additional measures to preserve the health of the staff. Thus, with the active support of Medical Unit No.9, the re-vaccination campaign of the JINR personnel has begun, additional preventive measures are taken, rehabilitation for those who have been ill will be organized. Strict control of PCR-testing of employees coming to JINR, members of their families, and visitors has been established. Moreover, the JINR Directorate will keep a high level of compliance with all the quarantine measures (disinfection of premises, door handles, handrails and railings, temperature control, supply with masks and disinfectants, prevention of queues at checkpoints, etc.). The Institute continues paying the financial support of 4 thousand rubles for the employees getting vaccinated.
Nowadays, JINR leaders work on the mechanisms of a gradual return of the maximum possible number of employees from remote work to full-time.
The JINR Directorate and the JINR Operational Headquarters thank all the staff for their responsible approach to measures on preventing the spread of the COVID-19!
JINR immunity against COVID-19 formed by 75%
Published on 20 August 2021
The JINR Operational Headquarters has announced statistics on the fight against the new coronavirus infection at the Institute: the total number of personnel who received immunity is at least 4,000 people or about 75% of the total number of employees.
By mid-August, at least 3,750 JINR staff members have received primary vaccination in Medical Unit No. 9, Dubna City Hospital, as well as in other cities (Taldom, Kimry, Moscow) and countries. In addition, the number of patients with an officially confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 in Medical Unit No. 9 was 206 in 2020, and 150 employees suffered from it in 2021.
Thus, the total number of JINR employees with an immune response to the infection is at least 4,000people.
At the same time, the situation with the incidence of the coronavirus remains complicated in Dubna: there have been 312 new cases of COVID-19 registered over the past month.
The active vaccination campaign at JINR continues: all the vaccines registered in Russia are available to the staff – Sputnik V, EpiVacCorona, KoviVak, and Sputnik Light. It is possible to get vaccinated both in Medical Unit No. 9 and in the first-aid posts at both sites of the Institute. Revaccination has started – re-vaccination of those vaccinated more than six months ago.
The Directorate of the Institute highly appreciates the responsible approach of the staff to vaccination and provides financial assistance to those providing a COVID-19 vaccine certificate.
Video: JINR against COVID-19
Published on 12 August 2021
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research runs a campaign of vaccination against COVID-19. According to the JINR Operational Headquarters, the threshold of immunisation, taking into account those who have overcome the disease, is at least 60 % of the staff today.
Even with this fairly high level of team immunity, the danger of falling ill does not yet disappear. That is why the Institute aims to achieve the level of 70 % of employees with immunity until September.
To support the vaccination campaign, representatives of the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR in cooperation with the JINR University Centre have prepared a video in which they share their points of view and speak about opportunities provided by the vaccine.
Information of JINR Operational Headquarters: EpiVacCorona vaccine
Published on 8 July 2021
Dear colleagues, the Operational Headquarters for preventing the spread of coronavirus infection brings to your attention clarification on the execution of the Resolutions of the Governor of the Moscow region No.213-ПГ of 28.06.2021 and of the Chief Medical Officer of the Moscow region No.3 of 16.06.2021 and JINR Orders No.493 of 16.06.2021 and No.556 of 02.07.2021 deriving therefrom.
1. In accordance with JINR Order No.493 of 16.06.2021, admission to the DLNP and VBLHEP technical sites is permitted for employees not included in the list of those performing their jobs remotely. Based on this Order, heads of divisions should prepare lists of employees working directly at their workplaces and having immune to the coronavirus infection COVID-19 (recovered and/or fully vaccinated), and the Security Service, together with military unit 3559, is requested to admit to the technical sites only the employees involved in work directly at the sites.
This order excludes the possibility of in-person participation of the employees not on the lists of recovered and/or fully vaccinated in the Institute’s public activities, including meetings, seminars, conferences, schools, etc., as well as secondment of them to other organizations in Russia and abroad.
Order No.493 of 16.06.2021 provides that the funding allocated by the Incentive Fund to the structural subdivisions must be primarily used for the employees included in the lists and performing their jobs directly at their workplaces.
2. In accordance with JINR Order No.556 of 02.07.2021:
a) Preventive vaccination must be provided, as a matter of priority, to JINR employees, including those working at the following facilities (areas):
- Physical culture and sports centers, swimming pools;
- Catering services;
- Education and health care;
- Housing maintenance and utilities, power sector;
- Cultural, exhibition, and educational activities (including in museums, exhibition halls, libraries, at lectures and training courses);
- Leisure, entertainment, and recreation events (including play activities, workshops);
- Concert halls;
- Popular sports activities;
b) At least 60% of the total number of employees must be vaccinated with a first dose of the vaccine by the deadline of 15.07.2021; and at least 60% of the employees should be vaccinated with a second dose of the vaccine until 15.08.2021;
c) Employees with contradictions against preventive vaccination against COVID-19 or those who have overcome COVID-19 not more than 6 calendar months ago are required to provide a medical certificate or documentary confirmation of recovering from this disease;
d) It has been explained that JINR reserves the right to suspend from work (not to admit to work) the persons who have not presented the documents listed in item c) within the deadline, until the circumstances that have led to suspension from work or non-admission to work are eliminated.
3. Since the adoption of Orders Nos.493 and 556, the number of JINR employees interested in vaccination has increased. With a view to bringing the level of vaccination at JINR to 60-70% as soon as possible, as well as simplifying and optimizing the vaccination campaign, the Operational Headquarters and Medical Unit No.9 took the following decisions:
- To cancel the reservation and preliminary lists for vaccination in the Operational Headquarters;
- To open a second vaccination room for JINR employees in Medical Unit No.9 (appointment is made the day before from 9:00 to 10:00 by tel. +7 (496) 216-64-90);
- To continue the vaccination at the health posts of the DLNP (tel. +7 (496) 216-24-56) and VBLHEP (tel. +7 (496) 216-20-68) sites;
- To continue coronavirus testing using PCR technique in Medical Unit No.9 by prior appointment at the Headquarters with L. Yu. Stolypina (tel. +7 (496) 216-30-49);
- To recommend that JINR employees should postpone revaccination until September except for specific medical indications.
Information of JINR Operational Headquarters: EpiVacCorona vaccine
Published on 4 June 2021
Dear colleagues,
we hereby inform you that on Wednesday, 9 June, vaccination against COVID-19 with the EpiVacCorona vaccine will be continued in Medical Unit No.9.
Those wishing to get vaccinated with this vaccine should register by contacting the coordinator of the Headquarters Larisa Yurievna Stolypina Please, specify your full name, date of birth, email, phone number, and division.
JINR Operational Headquarters
Address of JINR Director G. V. Trubnikov to the staff
Published on 28 May 2021
Dear colleagues, dear citizens of Dubna,
A little more than a year ago, nobody could have imagined how our lives would change. The life of every person, every family. The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly taken over the entire world, and it will never be the same again obviously.
Transport restrictions, social isolation, the mandatory wearing of masks and gloves. We did everything possible to save the most significant things – health and life both our own and of our loved ones.
The most valuable thing of our Institute is you, our multi-thousand multinational staff. Since the very first days of the pandemic, we have been caring to protect employees of the Institute and citizens of Dubna from the risk of infection.
Nevertheless, many of us have suffered from COVID-19 over the past year. Including me and my family.
The probability to face serious and even deadly danger still exists. The task of each of us is to observe the measures necessary for protection against the virus as responsibly as possible. The most obvious solution to the question ‘to get or not to get sick’ is vaccination. The choice is, of course, yours.
We make every possible effort to organize vaccination of employees and their family members. 3 vaccines are available for you – Sputnik V, EpiVacCorona, and CoviVac. About 1,5 thousand JINR staff members have already been vaccinated. Let’s think not only about ourselves but about others as well. We support those who prove by their example the safety and necessity of vaccination. So, we will pay financial assistance to those who provide a certificate of vaccination.
At the same time, the probability of COVID-19 infection is still extremely high. It is necessary to continue our joint fight for a full return to the usual working process.
The Institute’s activities are aimed at international cooperation. Mass vaccination against COVID-19 is becoming a new global trend in healthcare. Uniform border crossing rules are being developed everywhere, which will require vaccination. That is why vaccination against coronavirus is becoming a necessity for every staff member of the Institute.
But more important than trips and meetings with colleagues is our health. It is like driving a car: an unfastened seat belt is not important until an accident. So the vaccination is not necessary until the infection the consequences of which can hardly be predicted.
Please, colleagues, fasten your seat belts, protect yourself and your loved ones! Get vaccinated!
JINR Director
Academician Grigory Trubnikov
Information of JINR Headquarters: first delivery of EpiVacCorona and CoviVac vaccines
Published on 27 May 2021
Dear colleagues,
we hereby inform you that Medical Unit No. 9 has received the first small batch of the EpiVacCorona and CoviVac vaccines. Vaccination will be held in the polyclinic of the Medical Unit only for the JINR staff:
- 31 May and 1 June: EpiVacCorona
- 2 June – CoviVac
All those who wish to get vaccinated should register by contacting a coordinator of the Operational Headquarters Larisa Yurievna Stolypina Please, indicate your full name, date of birth, email, phone number, and department you work at.
JINR Operational Headquarters
Information about new rules for arriving in Russia
Published on 15 April 2021
From 15.04.2021, the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation comes into force. The Resolution is of 09.04.2021 No. 12 “On amendments to the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 18.03.2020 No. 7 “On ensuring the isolation regime in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia as of 14.04.2021, registration No. 63 125).
According to the amendments:
- Citizens of the member states of the Eurasian Union who enter the territory of the Russian Federation from the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, and the Kyrgyz Republic through air checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation are supposed to confirm the presence of a negative result of a test for COVID-19 by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the mobile application “Travelling without COVID-19”.
- From 15.04.2021, all citizens of the Russian Federation arriving in the territory of Russia by any transport means are supposed:
– to fill in the questionnaire of a person arriving in the territory of the Russian Federation so that to ensure sanitary and quarantine control at checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation (the questionnaire can be filled in on the Unified State and Municipal Services Portal (USSP);
– within three days from the date of arrival in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to pass a laboratory PCR test for COVID-19 and publish the result on the USSP.
Before receiving the results of the PCR test for COVID-19, it is obligatory to observe the isolation regime at the place of residence (stay).
Previously, this rule applied only to those arriving by air.
JINR Operational Headquarters
Information from the JINR Operational Headquarters on coronavirus
Published on 5 March 2021
Dear colleagues,
the Operational Headquarters deeply regrets to announce the death of two Polish employees from the COVID-19 effects in specialized clinics in Khimki (FMBA) and in Solnechogorsk last week.
Due to the decrease in cases of COVID-19 in a severe form in the North of the Moscow region, the COVID department in the Taldom City Hospital was closed by the decision of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow region. The JINR Headquarters lost an opportunity to send JINR employees to this hospital.
At the same time, according to medical predictions, there is a real risk that we will face the so-called third wave of the pandemic in the coming months. In order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to have not less than 60 – 70 % of citizens (or employees in case of JINR) with immunity from COVID-19. Those who have undergone the disease or got vaccinated have immunity.
Vaccination of the JINR staff started more than a month ago. At the end of February, more than 1,000 people passed the first stage of vaccination, including 700 people in Medical Unit No.9 and 250 people in polyclinics in Bolshaya Volga district and the Dubna City Hospital. Some people used the official system of the State Services Portal and other organizations and were not included in the statistics. In order to determine the number of employees who got vaccinated independently, a general mailing list survey started on 19 February. So far, only about 200 responses have been received and about 100 people confirmed their vaccination. The Headquarters announces the continuation of the survey and asks those staff members who have been vaccinated independently to inform about it via the link.
Now, the total share of personnel with immunity is estimated to be at least 25%, and in reality, it can reach 30-40%, which is confirmed by the results of antibody tests. For the stable operation of the Institute and the return to the workplace of employees who now work remotely, 60-70% is required. At the same time, the Headquarters draws attention to the fact that almost everyone who wants to be vaccinated has received vaccines, and there has already been a significant decline in applications for vaccination in March. At the request of the Headquarters, it was decided to resume testing for antibodies for those who are ready to be vaccinated but who think they may have antibodies and immunity as a result of COVID-19 with light symptoms or without symptoms. In this case, L. Yu. Stolypina registers employees for testing as usual.
The JINR Directorate and the Headquarters once again call on JINR employees and their family members to participate in the vaccination. This is especially important for employees over the age of 60. The Headquarters congratulates all our lovely women on the upcoming spring holiday and wishes them and all their loved ones health, love and spring!
JINR Operational Headquarters
Information about organization of vaccination of JINR employees and their family members against COVID-19
Published on 9 February 2021
Dear colleagues,
as previously reported, vaccination against COVID-19 with the “Gam-COVID-Vak = Sputnik V” is underway at the Institute. The arrival of other types of vaccines is planned for the second quarter of 2021.
The probability of infection and spread of COVID-19 among the JINR staff and citizens of the city, and thus dates of return to the normal scientific life of the Institute depend on the ratio of vaccinated employees and employees with the immunity. The JINR Directorate and the Operational Headquarters urge all employees who do not have contraindications to take part in vaccination.
For any inquiries please contact the Operation Headquarters (contact person: Larisa Yurievna Stolypina,, тел. +7 (496) 216-30-49).

I. On 5 February 2021, the order “On organizing vaccination of JINR employees and their family members against COVID-19” was signed at JINR.
This Order regulates vaccination against COVID-19 at JINR in order to prevent the incidence of COVID-19 among Institute’s employees and their family members. The Order instructs the Operational Headquarters to organize vaccination jointly with heads of structural departments.
The Operational Headquarters brings to the attention of COVID-19 controllers of structural departments information acquired from medical organizations about vaccination conditions, including time, place, and the maximum number of available vaccines.
COVID-19 controllers of structural departments shall collect, process, and transfer to the Operational Headquarters information about staff members of a particular department and their family members who express wish to be vaccinated. COVID-19 controllers shall inform employees about conditions of vaccination, including time, place, and the maximum number of vaccinated people. For this purpose, COVID-19 controllers shall interact with JINR employees and their family members who expressed their intention to be vaccinated.
II. Medical Unit No.9 of FMBA of Russia has prepared a Plan for vaccinating JINR employees against COVID-19 for February 2021:
1) Employees are vaccinated in room 302 (vaccination room) of the polyclinic for adults (13, Mir str.) according to the lists submitted by the Headquarters. The schedule is the following:
2) Employees can also be vaccinated at JINR health points from 08.02.21 daily on working days in the amount of 10 people at VBLHEP site and 10 people at DLNP site. It is suggested to entrust making appointments for vaccination to heads of the health points.
JINR Operational Headquarters
Information from Operational Headquarters about tests and vaccination
Published on 31 January 2021
The Headquarters also informs that there has been a decline in the number of infected staff members in the last 2-3 weeks. At the same time, the number of employees with immunity is growing, and the number of vaccinated staff members is getting larger. More than 100 people were vaccinated last week. Nowadays, there are more than 200 vaccinated people.
The Headquarters reminds you that there are authorized representatives at each laboratory and department of the Institute who prepare the lists of staff members for testing, including for antibodies, and for vaccination with all necessary information. They are also responsible to pass this information to the Headquarters.
You can find up-to-date forms of the questionnaire, booklets below:
Booklet for patients after vaccination
Information from Operational Headquarters about working regime of the Institute in February 2021
Published on 30 January 2021
The JINR Operational Headquarters for the prevention of the spread of the coronavirus infection hereby informs you about the working regime of the Institute in February 2021.
According to the Order by JINR Director No.50 of 28.01.2021, the remote working mode in-force at the moment is prolonged up to 28 February. Moreover, the following changes come into force:
- The introduced procedure for passing the DLNP and VBLHEP checkpoints using passes and certificates will be resumed since 1 February, while maintaining the access to working places only for employees who are not transferred to remote work.
- Operation of the Museum of Science and Technology of JINR, holding public events at the objects of the SIM Office can be resumed in accordance with the requirements of the Moscow region and Rospotrebnadzor.
- Heads of departments are instructed to continue sending employees to PCR and ELISA testing jointly with the Operational Headquarters, as well as to organize vaccination of employees against COVID-19.
Information from Operational Headquarters about the incidence of COVID-19 and vaccination
Published on 17 December 2020
As far as there are many requests from the staff of the Institute, the JINR Operational Headquarters informs that the situation with the spread of the coronavirus in the Institute remains difficult.
Since the previous news from the Headquarter (04.12.20), more than 100 new JINR employees have been tested positive for the virus only by Medical Unit No.9.
At the same time, vaccination against the coronavirus begins. Five people have already expressed their wish to be first vaccinated. The number of doses will gradually increase, and the Operational Headquarters recommends staff members who do not have contraindications and who have not had COVID-19 to get vaccinated as soon as the vaccine is available. Mass vaccination will allow slowing down and subsequently stopping the pandemic.
There are two domestic registered coronavirus vaccines in Russia: one of them is developed by the Gamaleya National Centre “Sputnik V”, the other one is the EpiVacCorona vaccine developed by the Vektor centre of Rospotrebnadzor. The third vaccine will be possible soon registered by the RAS Federal Scientific Center for Research and Development of Immune and Biological Products.
A small batch of Sputnik V was received in Dubna, most of it is used to vaccinate doctors and teachers. JINR got 5 first doses of the vaccine. The vaccine is recommended for people under 60 years who have not had COVID-19 and who do not have many chronic diseases. It is expected that we will continue receiving vaccines, and two other types of vaccines will be received in upcoming days or weeks. It is significant that they do not have age restrictions.
Nowadays, the laboratories and offices of the Institute make up lists of employees ready to be vaccinated. To be included in them, it is necessary to address to the contact person responsible for COVID-19 issues of your laboratory/department. Before vaccination, a test for antibodies and other examinations will be made.
In order to organize prompt informing of citizens of the Moscow region about dates, stages, and places of voluntary vaccination against COVID-19, we kindly invite you to read the information leaflet “Protect yourself from COVID-19: get vaccinated!”:
JINR Operational Headquarters
JINR Operational Headquarters about incidence of COVID-19 and changes in Institute’s work
Published on 04 December2020
The JINR Operational Headquarters for preventing the spread of coronavirus infection hereinafter informs you about the current situation with the incidence of COVID-19 and changes in work of the Institute.
The Operational Headquarters informs that the number of JINR employees suffering from COVID-19 has been significantly increasing over the last two months. The total number of infected employees since the beginning of the year is already approaching 200, and this number has almost doubled over November only. The city suffers even more from the disease: specialized medical institutions are overloaded, doctors and ambulance crews receive hundreds of calls daily, and about a half of doctors, who are at high risk, undergo COVID-19 nowadays. As a result, waiting for doctors and ambulances takes numerous hours, and only patients in grave conditions may be hospitalized.
Such a tendency poses a serious threat to the health of our employees and their family members, as well as to the operation of the Institute, including continuously operating divisions. Due to this reason, the JINR Directorate made decisions (order No. 700 of 03.12.20) on changes in the working conditions of numerous staff members for the period from 07.12.20 to 31.01.21. In particular:
- all JINR employees are transferred to the remote working regime, except for the staff members engaged into continuous technological processes, the performance of research as well as repair and installation activities at basic facilities, employees working shifts and (or) with a cumulative accounting of working hours, employees performing accounting and payment of salaries, priority purchases and payments, as well as other functions for the Institute’s operation;
- the presence at workplaces of employees performing accounting and payment of salaries, priority purchases and payments, as well as other functions for the Institute’s operation should be minimized by decreasing working hours (part-time mode) or organization of flexible schedule (including according to the schedule of presence at the workplace).
Starting from 07.12.20, access to the territory of the Institute’s divisions will be open only to employees allowed working at workplaces and, if necessary, to employees working remotely. From the date specified above, access to the DLNP and VBLHEP technical sites will be available only with official certificates and due to the lists of authorized employees. The checkpoints of the DLNP and VBLHEP sites as well as Administration buildings will be equipped with thermal cameras in order to identify people with high temperature.
Previously adopted Order No. 693 of 30.11.20 limited holding of any public events with the full-time presence of employees (including festive, solemn, commemorative events), except for some categories of meetings. In this regard, all Christmas and new year events have been cancelled.
Heads of the Institute and the Operational Headquarters take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of employees. For this purpose, they are in constant contact with medical institutions of the city and the Moscow region.
The Institute purchased and provided to Medical Unit No.9 several dozens of oximeters (devices for determining the oxygen content in the blood). The devices will be passed to duty and district doctors, as well as the Institute’s divisions. JINR and Medical Unit No.9 have reached the agreement to send the most severe patients to specialized clinics of the FMBA.
The Institute and Medical Unit No.9 have signed an agreement on carrying out more than 20 thousand tests for COVID-19 and antibodies to it for our employees and their family members. All JINR employees isolated at home because of medical indications can be visited by medical workers of the Unit to take a PCR test. An agreement has been reached to start vaccinating against COVID-19 next week. However, especially in the first months, the number of allocated vaccine doses for JINR will be very limited, and its use will have a lot of restrictions on the age and health state of vaccinated people.
Due to the decrease in temperature and the beginning of seasonal flu rise, Medical Unit No.9 has purchased and started mass vaccination against influenza (there are Russian and foreign vaccines available). In this regard, the Operational Headquarters strongly recommends employees to get vaccinated against flu in case of having no medical exemptions, as far as COVID-19 and flu have similar symptoms, so it may cause difficulties in treatment.
Taking all this into account, we ask you to follow the recommendations below to save your life and lives of your relatives:
- Limit visits to public places and contacts with persons you do not live with, refrain from using public transport as well as trips to other cities, including during the new year holidays. We strongly recommend refraining from trips to the neighbouring Tver region where the epidemiological situation is even worse.
- Use personal respiratory protection equipment (masks, respirators) when being at work or in public places.
- In case of having SARS symptoms or a temperature higher than 37ºС, the patient and his family members should stay at home and not go to work, as well as restrict visits to public places and in-person communication with other people.
- If doctors suspect or confirm COVID-19, a patient should follow all the instructions given by the attending physician and the sanitary authorities. In case of long-term waiting for a doctor’s visit for the PCR test, you can address to COVID-19 controllers of your division to inform the Headquarters of any problems.
For any other inquiries about COVID-19 related to testing, registration of disability certificates, etc., you can ask COVID-19 controllers of your division.
Head of the JINR Operation Headquarters,
Assistant Director G. D. Shirkov
The procedure for entry of foreign JINR employees to the Russian Federation under the pandemic conditions, and issuing special letters of support (updated in February 2021)
Published on 24 November 2020
At the moment the entry of foreign citizens to the Russian Federation is regulated by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 635-р as of 16 March 2020.
According to the document, the restrictions on the entry into the Russian Federation shall not apply to the accredited* and appointed** JINR employees and their family members*** subject to the documents confirming their status. To secure admission of JINR employees and their family members to Russia it is recommended to address to the Protocol Office, JINR International Cooperation Department ( to get special letters of support. To do so please provide the copies of the following documents: passport, visa (if applicable) and MFA card.
Information on the procedure for entry of visitors within the joint projects (collaborations) is available in JINR Visit Centre (
*an accredited employee is a person employed by JINR in accordance with a directive of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of a particular foreign state and registered (accredited) in the State Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which is proved by a valid MFA card;
**an appointed employee is a person recruited by JINR in accordance with a directive of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of a particular foreign state, entering Russia under the valid one-entry SERVICE visa (or within a visa-free procedure, if applicable) and getting registered (accredited) in the State Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation upon arrival;
***family members are the spouses and underage (up to 18 years old) children of accredited and appointed JINR employees, having or getting corresponding registration (accreditation) in the State Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation upon arrival. Children over 18 years old are considered to be the family members only if they are full-time students of the Russian higher education institutions and have a confirming document officially stamped hereby. Arrival of parents of JINR employees and their registration (accreditation) as the family members is only possible in exceptional cases for strict medical (vital) reasons, which shall be confirmed by a special medical document. Each case shall be considered individually and well in advance. Please address to Anatoly Vasiliev (+7 (496) 216-51-59,

JINR Operational Headquarters informs about the worsening of the epidemiological situation
Published on 04 November 2020
Dear colleagues,
The JINR Operational Headquarters congratulates on the National Unity Day!
At the same time, the Headquarters informs about the deterioration of the epidemiological situation in Dubna and at JINR, in particular. Thus, the total number of infected JINR employees registered by Medical Unit No.9 is:
as of 01.09.2020, 22;
as of 01.10.2020, 28;
as of 15.10.2020, 38;
as of 30.10.2020, 59.
These figures should be complemented with about 30% of infected staff members registered by the ambulance and the Dubna City Hospital. Thus, the total number of infected JINR employees since the beginning of the epidemic is about 80 people. 12 people have been hospitalized. The number of infected JINR employees has more than doubled for the last month.
- Order No. 558 of 30.09.2020 About remote working regime for the period from 1 October to 30 November 2020, which states, in particular: it is recommended to organize remote working regime for the period from 1 October to 30 November 2020 of employees, especially of staff members aged more than 65, as well as people with diseases specified in the Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region of 12.03.2020 No. 108 ПГ, except for managers and employees engaged in continuous activities and work at the basic facilities conducting, conducting research, installation and commissioning activities, regulatory and other mandatory work thus ensuring their continuous operation, as well as work under contracts with other organizations.
- Order No. 609 of 20.10.2020 About limitations imposed on particular objects and on holding events at JINR since 21.10.2020. The order states, in particular: to suspend since 21.10.2020 the operation of the Museum of History of Science and Technology of JINR, holding of sports events at the facilities of the Sports Complex, except for events held without the presence of the audience, holding of recreational, leisure, entertainment, cultural, exhibition, educational and other similar events with the presence of the audience in the Cultural Centre “Mir”, the Blokhintsev Universal Public Library, as well as at other JINR objects in Dubna.
- Order No. 610 of 21.10.2020 About organization of remote working regime, which states, in particular: Heads of structural divisions located in Dubna should ensure remote work of employees up to 30 November, especially of employees aged more than 65, in compliance with the lists made up by structural divisions so that to fulfil JINR Order No. 219 of 06.04.2020 and the letter No. 010-32/254 of 09.10.2020.
- The letter by the Head of the Operational Headquarters No. 268 of 22.10.2020, which instructs heads of structural divisions to prepare up-to-date (as of the request date) lists of employees performing work remotely and to appoint authorized persons to control the compliance with anti-epidemic measures and requirements of Standards for work organization aimed to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-2019) (i.e. COVID-19 controllers).
- Order No. 629 of 29.10.2020 included decisions about extension of powers and composition of the Operational Headquarters, in particular:
to include the following persons to the membership of the Operational Headquarters for preventing the spread of the coronavirus infection: Deputy Head: E. D. Uglov; members of the Headquarters: A. P. Kuznetsov, Yu. V. Maslov, L. Yu. Stolypina.
The Operational Headquarter is subject: jointly with heads of structural divisions to organize testing of JINR employees for the coronavirus infection; to control the organization of remote working regime, to control the organization and compliance with measures aimed to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection at workplaces, in buildings and in the JINR territory, as well as when using official transport; to control the appointment in structural divisions of employees authorized to control the observance of anti-epidemic measures and requirements of Standards of work organization in order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) (COVID-19 controllers); to provide COVID-19 controllers with methodological and coordination aid in structural divisions. - The decree of the Operational Headquarters of 29.10.2020 (approved by Director V. A. Matveev) gave necessary tasks and recommendations to heads of divisions and employees, as well as reallocated the responsibilities of the Headquarters’ members, including coordination of interaction of the Headquarters with divisions represented by appointed inspectors (controllers) and testing of employees for COVID-19 assigned to Larisa Yurievna Stolypina (, +7 (926) 895-60-10. Registration for tests: daily, except for Tuesdays, from 8:30 to 10:00 AM, in radiology building of Medical Unit No.9.
Head of the JINR Operational Headquarters G. D. Shirkov
JINR Operational Headquarters about volunteer assistance
Published on 19 October 2020
On 9 October, the Operational Headquarters of volunteers #МыРядом started functioning in the Moscow region.
The central platform of the Headquarters on the Internet is website штаб.волонтермо.рф. Residents of the Moscow region can ask here for assistance around the house, food or medicines delivery, psychological support, or some other issues. By clicking the button “Мне нужна помощь” (“I need help”) a site visitor is offered several options.
We remind you that volunteers of the JINR Association of Young Scientists and Specialists are ready to help those JINR employees who are in self-isolation or quarantine, with the delivery of medicine and food.
Please bring this news to your colleagues who may not receive this information for one reason or another. If you apply on behalf of another employee of the Institute, they must agree to you making such appeals and other actions performed in their interests.
Contact through e-mail:
or phone numbers:
+7 (496) 216-30-12, +7 (929) 566-22-81 – Nikolay Voytishin
When contacting us, you must provide:
- Employee’s full name;
- Name of your structural subdivision;
- Contact phone number;
- List of products and/or medicines (with dosage).
If you contact us by phone, it is advisable to duplicate all the necessary information by e-mail in order to avoid misunderstandings.
Payment for the cost of products or medicines should be made after delivery using online banking (Sberbank, OTKRYTIE, VTB). Other payment methods may be available later.
The delivery is FREE of charge.
JINR Operational Headquarters
Information of JINR Operational Headquarters about working regime of the Institute from 1 October
Published on 30 September 2020
Dear colleagues,
the Operational Headquarters informs you that today, on 30 September, JINR Director V. A. Matveev signed order No. 558, which states the following.
Due to the worsening epidemiological situation with the incidence of the coronavirus infection COVID-19, in order to ensure JINR operation in the high alert regime in effect in the Moscow region, as well as to minimize full-time presence at workplaces of JINR employees, and basing on the Decree of the Governor of the Moscow region, heads of Dubna structural divisions are:
Recommended to organize remote working regime for the period from 1 October to 30 November 2020 to employees, with first priority to staff members aged more than 65 as well as to people with diseases specified in the Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region of 12.03.2020 No. 108 ПГ, except for managers and the following categories of employees:
- staff members engaged in the implementation of continuous activities and at basic facilities performing research, installation and commissioning activities, routine and other mandatory activities for the support of their operation, as well as activities held under contracts with other organizations;
- staff members performing daily duty and ensuring the operation of structural divisions requiring fill-time presence at workplaces;
- staff members ensuring the calculation and payment of salaries, conducting priority purchase and payments, as well as other functions for maintaining the JINR operation.
Recommended to strengthen the control over the implementation of events aimed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection COVID-19, including over the observance by staff members social distancing and the use of personal respiratory protection equipment (masks, respirators) when being at workplaces, in buildings, and in the territory of JINR (including the checkpoints of the DLNP and VBLHEP technical sites), when using official transport (except for cases when an employee is in a separate room or in official transport without the presence of other persons).
JINR Operational Headquarters
Information of JINR Operational Headquarters about influenza vaccination
Published on 27 September 2020
Dear JINR employees,
since 15.09.2020, JINR staff members may be vaccinated against influenza in the health centre of the DLNP site and in room 417 of the adult polyclinic of the Medical Unit No. 9 of the FMBA of Russia (from 12:00 to 2:00 PM, we recommend that you make a preliminary appointment). Vaccination at the VBLHEP site will be available since 05.10.2020 after the medical assistant of the health care returns from vacation.
Immunization is available for all the JINR employees regardless of the Dubna polyclinics they are attached to. Information about vaccinations will be passed to them.
As of 24.09.2020, 124 staff members have been already immunized with “Sovigripp” vaccine.
The JINR administration and the Medical Unit No.9 of the FMBA of Russia took all the measures to purchase the “Ultrix Quadri” vaccine recommended for people from the risk group. Until now, vaccines are distributed only centrally; the “Ultrix Quadri” vaccine is expected to be purchased after 20.10.2020.
For any additional information about immunization, please contact Head of the Polyclinic Kovalev Alexander Nikolaevich (tel. +7 (496) 214-80-91).
JINR Operational Headquarters
Rules for employees returning after vacations and business trips
Published on 30 August 2020
Dear colleagues,
due to the ongoing pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 and restrictions in force in the territory of the Russian Federation, the JINR Operational Headquarters for preventing the spread of the coronavirus infection brings to your attention the following information.
Decrees of the Chief Sanitary Inspector of the Russian Federation No.7 of 18.03.2020 and No. 9 of 30.03.2020 establish the specifics of the arrival of citizens of any countries in the territory of the Russian Federation.
- All persons coming to the Russian Federation by export international flights must observe self-isolation and be under medical supervision at home or in a hospital for 14 days from the date of the arrival.
- People coming to Russia by regular, charter international flights and other transport means:
– when crossing state boundaries of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens must provide a medical document (in Russian or in English) confirming the negative result of the laboratory test for COVID-19 by PCR method taken not earlier than 3 days before the arrival in the territory of the Russian Federation, or medical documents confirming the detection of G (IgG) immunoglobulin (if available)
In case a person does not have a medical document confirming the negative result of the COVID-19 test, foreign citizens must pass a PCR test for COVID-19 during 3 days since the arrival in the territory of Russia;
– Russian citizens must pass a PCR test for COVID-19 and send the results of this test to Rospotrebnadzor via the state services portal (
The JINR Order No. 407 of 24.07.2020 implies that the Institute’s employees returning from foreign countries, as well as after vacations, may be admitted to work in divisions only if they provide medical documents mentioned above or after self-isolation and medical supervision (in case of arrival by export international flights).
Due to this reason, the JINR Operational Headquarters recommend to JINR employees returning from foreign business trips to pass a test for COVID-19 provided in the Institute twice a week and refrain from visiting workplaces until the results are obtained.
At the same time, due to the unfavourable epidemiological situation with the incidence of COVID-19 in some regions of Russia, including the Republic of Crimea and the Krasnodar region, the Operational Headquarters highly recommend passing a PCR test for COVID-19 withing 3 days after returning from a vacation spent in the territory of Russia.
JINR Operational Headquarters
JINR Operational Headquarters informs
Published on 30 August 2020
Due to the ongoing pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 and the current high-alert regime in the Moscow region, we hereby inform you of the following on behalf of the JINR Director.
- The high-alert regime introduced since 13.03.2020 in the Moscow region is maintained, and the following requirements imposed by the Decree of the Governor of the Moscow region No. 108-ПГ are in effect:
– mandatory mask regime while being in public places (including in all retail facilities, pharmacies, public transport, including transportation of passengers and luggage by order, taxi, railway transport, railway stations, walkways, bridges and tunnels, all enterprises continuing work, public places of apartment buildings, medical organizations);
– keeping a 1,5-meter distance is obligatory (social distancing), including in public places and transport, except for transportation of passengers and luggage by taxi;
– self-isolation regime is obligatory for citizens infected with COVID-19 and people living with them, for citizens returning from foreign countries by export flights, as well as citizens suspected of being infected with COVID-19 or with symptoms of SARS and other acute respiratory diseases;
– operation of retail facilities, objects for services and public gathering is limited;
– public, sports, cultural, entertainment and other public events are forbidden, including in buildings and premises inside them, except for particular cases. - According to the JINR Order No. 296 of 12.06.20, social distancing of employees and the use of personal respiratory protection equipment (masks, respirators) are obligatory while being at workplaces, in buildings and in the JINR territory, when using official transport, except in cases when an employee is in a separate room or in an official transport without other persons. On the basis of this Order and the Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region No. 108-ПГ of 12.03.2020, access to buildings of the Institute is only available for persons (employees and third-party visitors) using personal respiratory equipment. In case a person does not use this equipment, access to the Institute may be forbidden.
- Periodic testing for the coronavirus infection imposed by the JINR Order No. 296 of 12.06.2020 is obligatory for all the employees, including heads of structural divisions. In this regard, an employee does not have the right to refuse to be tested if this staff member is included in a list of employees invited to the test.
- Conferences, round tables, symposiums, exhibitions with personal attendance are possible with a simultaneous number of participants no more than 50 per cent of the total capacity of the venue and in case all the conditions imposed by MP 3.1/2.1.0198-20. 3.1 are observed. Prevention of infectious diseases. 2.1. Communal hygiene. Recommendations for measures aimed to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) when implementing congress and exhibition activities. Methodical recommendations approved by the Chief Sanitary Inspector of the Russian Federation on 26.06.2020.
- According to the JINR Order No. 462 of 25.08.2020, the working regime prescribed by the Internal code of labour conduct of JINR and labour contracts of employees over 65, as well as employees with certain diseases, who have been put on the self-isolation regime on the basis of the Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region No.108-ПГ of 12.03.2020, may be resumed from 24.08.2020.
- Basing on the JINR Order No. 462 of 25.08.2020, up to 01.10.2020, heads of structural divisions are allowed to optimize the number of employees engaged in work in the workplaces with the possibility of transfer of some employees to the remote working regime (or maintenance of such a regime), setting (maintenance) of flexible working hours or part-time working regime of some employees.
JINR Chief Engineer B. N. Gikal
Head of the JINR Operational Headquarters, JINR Director Assistant G. D. Shirkov
About changes in the self-isolation regime
Published on 21 August 2020
Dear JINR employees,
According to the decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region No. 374-ПГ of 20.08.2020, self-isolation regime for people aged 65 and older, or citizens suffering from chronic diseases, will be lifted on 24 August.
JINR Operational Headquarters
JINR Operational Headquarters informs on reception and accommodation of guests in Hotel “Dubna”.
Published on 7 July 2020
Dear JINR employees,
we hereby inform you that the procedure of purchasing trip tickets, organization of reception and accommodation of guests in the JINR SPA & Resort Hotel “Dubna” in 2020 has been approved.
According to the Order of the JINR Director No. 337 of 30.06.2020, since 8 July, the Hotel will resume its activities, and the purchase of trip tickets will be available from 8 July to 10 October only for JINR employees and their family members, as well as non-working retired JINR employees.
Accommodation will be made for 1-2 persons per suit except for cases when people arriving for rest and recreation are companions, family members or live together.
Body temperature measurement of each resident will be carried out upon admission to the hotel and then daily. All the guests are obliged to use personal respiratory protection equipment (masks and respirators) in all public areas. Guests should change masks every three hours. No gatherings of guests (including when registering, checking-in and out), mass events, including public, sports, cultural, entertaining ones, are allowed in the territory of the Hotel. Residents should observe social distance when being in public areas.
In case a resident with elevated body temperature and/or with other SARS symptoms is found, he/she is subject to immediate isolation in a hospital. In case a resident has elevated body temperature, it is necessary to call an ambulance with the help of the staff of the Hotel. According to the decision of the ambulance, the patient may be hospitalized or put on isolation. Information about the detection of an ill person is subject to the immediate transfer to the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor. In case of the detection of the COVID-19, the ill residents are subject to hospitalization. Persons who have had contacts with them are obliged to move to the hospital to observe the self-isolation regime.
Selling of trip tickets will be possible in case all the persons for whom the tickets are purchased provide written consent to the Order of the organization of reception and accommodation of guests in the JINR SPA & Resort Hotel “Dubna” in 2020 (in two copies) and the document (certificate) confirming the lack of contacts with COVID-19 patients during 14 days preceding the trip issued by a medical organization not later than 3 days before the departure. In case a guest has not got the indicated documents, he will be refused in purchasing trip tickets to the Hotel.
To issue certificates confirming the lack of contacts with COVID-19 patients, the lists of employees purchasing tickets before the departure should be sent from JINR (G. S. Krutyakova) to the Medical Unit No.9 (for those who are registered there) and to the Dubna City Hospital (for children and those who registered there). On the basis of these lists, the Medical Unit No.9 (A. N. Kovalev) and the Dubna City Hospital (A. V. Osipov) issue certificates confirming the lack or presence of contacts with COVID-19 patients in case there have been any. Unified certificates for all the travellers from the Medical Unit No.9 and the city hospital are transferred to the heads of the Hotel. Travellers receive them individually.
JINR Directorate
JINR Operational Headquarters
JINR Operational Headquarters informs.
Published on 20 June 2020
Dear colleagues,
Yesterday, a new Decree of the Governor of the Moscow region was signed. The main changes in restrictions are as follows according to the lawyers of the Headquarters:
Last night, a new Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region on the high alert regime was issued according to which:
1. The Self-isolation regime, obligatory mask regime, ban on holding mass events, the possibility to leave the place of residence (stay) only for particular reasons are still in effect (without time limits). Conditions under which walks in fresh air and exercises are allowed remain the same.
2. Scientific activities are still included in the list of suspended ones.
3. The following organizations may resume work:
3.1. Since 25 June, organizations providing personal services: beauty salons, SPA salons, massage and tanning salons, saunas, organizations providing services of banyas and showers, as well as any other retail objects without the need to follow requirements of the work standard, are allowed to work.
3.2. Museums and exhibition halls may open since 25 June subject to the standard of work organization.
3.3. Since 1 July, sports objects at which sports and PE events are held, as well as other sports objects, including fitness centres, may open in compliance with the standard of work organization of sports objects.
3.4. Since 15 July, stationary organizations for children’s recreation and health improvement may resume work subject to compliance with the requirements of the standard for operation of organizations for children’s recreation and health improvement.
More details are available on the website.
JINR Operational Headquarters
About the JINR’s working regime since 15 June 2020.
Published on 13 June 2020
Dear colleagues,
In connection with the Order and the Resolution issued by the Governor of Moscow and the Moscow region respectively on removing some restrictions of the high-alert regime, on 12 June 2020, JINR Director V. A. Matveev signed Order No.296 “On the Institute’s working regime since 15 June 2020 and preparation for a gradual resumption of activities to the full extent”.
This Order regulates working conditions of the Institute and all its employees since 15 June 2020, including the following:
- Since 15 June, the working regime of the Institute’s staff, including employees who have been transferred to remote work, established by the contracts and internal labour regulations will be resumed taking into account the following peculiarities:
1.1. Heads of structural divisions are recommended to optimize the number of employees involved in performing work at workplaces in divisions up to 01.08.2020. Heads of divisions are given an opportunity to transfer some staff members, including those over 65, to the remote working mode or to maintain this work mode. They may also establish flexible working mode or part-time working regime for some staff members.
1.2. Operation of divisions should be organized in compliance with the measures aimed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection. All employees should be provided with necessary personal protective equipment (masks, respirators and gloves if necessary).
1.3. Heads of divisions are responsible for ensuring that employees observe social distancing and use personal respiratory protective equipment (masks, respirators) when being at workplaces, in buildings and in the JINR territory or when using official transport. Exceptions may be cases when an employee works in a separate room or uses a company vehicle without the presence of other persons.
1.4. Periodic testing of employees for the coronavirus will be continued. - Since 15 June, operation of check points at the DLNP and VBLHEP technical sites will be resumed as usual. All the staff members must observe social distance (1,5 metres from other employees in the queue) and use personal respiratory protection equipment both at JINR sites and in the city territory adjacent to the checkpoints.
- Taking into account the epidemiological situation and other conditions, it is allowed to send employees on business trips throughout Russia and abroad. It is also allowed to employ citizens of other countries at JINR. The Human Resources & Innovation Development Office and the Science Organization & International Cooperation Office are assigned the divisions responsible for it.
- The responsible divisions will work out opportunities for a gradual safe resumption of activities of JINR sports and cultural objects, public catering facilities, the hotel “Dubna” and the resort hotel “Ratmino”.
The decisions taken by the Institute’s Director are necessary to organize the effective operation of divisions and employees, to prepare the resumption of the Institute’s activities in full and to ensure strict compliance by all employees with measures taken to prevent the coronavirus infection.
JINR Operational Headquarters
Summary of the epidemiological situation in Dubna. Published on 09 June 2020
Dear colleagues,
All Dubna citizens are worried about the real epidemiological situation in the city that can be characterized by the number of infected, cured and deceased people. No doubt that it is possible to find any information on the internet. However, various websites and various departments provide different information about the situation in Dubna.
For example, the website states that:
“Dubna is located in the Moscow region where there is the following COVID-19 statistics as of 8 June 2020:
- 339 people were infected
- 211 people recovered
- 3 infected people passed away.”
This statistics is at least two times higher than that on the official website of the Administration of Dubna saying that: “According to the data presented by Mosoblshtab and Rospotrebnadzor, 144 people have been found infected in Dubna as of 06.06.2020 since the beginning of the pandemic.”
Deputy Head of the Dubna Council of Deputies, Assistant to JINR Chief Engineer, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics E. D. Uglov commented on the situation:
This website is not official. It is a poorly written aggregator of information. It is not clear where the data is taken. It provides both correct statistics (for regions in general) from official websites and fictional numbers as in Dubna. Moreover, there is even a mismatch of data on the website itself.
As for official statistics. The Administration and the City Headquarters publish news on the website Deputies have agreed to publish official statistics basing on the combined data from Medical Unit No.9 and the Dubna City Hospital.
In the initial period, the statistics presented on the website was more accurate compared to the official web page of the Moscow region, as far as they took into account only the statistics presented by the Dubna Hospital, without considering the Medical Unit. However, since the end of May, everything was corrected and the statistics on this website now coincides with the summarized information.
Head of the Polyclinic of the Medical Unit No.9 Candidate of Medical Sciences A. N. Kovalev informs about the situation in the area of responsibility of the Medical Unit:
As of 08.06.2020, 64 people attached to the Medical Unit No.9 have positive results of the RNA detection of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection.
14 people were hospitalized with the new coronavirus infection. 4 of them were sent to the FMBA organization of Russia. 7 patients were released in a satisfactory condition. One patient passed away.
20 patients undergo only a mild course of the disease. They and their family members are isolated and examined at home. Moreover, 51 people who have contacted with virus carriers are also under observation.
521 people were removed from medical supervision, 36 people recovered.
2,012 tests were made to detect RNA of SARS-CoV-2 among working people.
For any inquires related to the new coronavirus infection, please contact the epidemiologist Lyudmila Gennadievna Zimenkova (tel. +7 (496) 214-80-93) and Head of the polyclinic Alexander Nikolaevich Kovalev (tel. +7 (496) 214-80-91).
According to the JINR Operational Headquarters, 13 infected JINR employees have been found, most of whom have already recovered.
JINR Operational Headquarters
Information of the JINR Operational Headquarters about testing for coronavirus. Published on 03 June 2020
Since 13 April 2020, about 1,000 of coronavirus tests were made at JINR. In addition, polymerase chain reaction tests with reverse transcription were carried out:
- About 1,000 tests with the support of JSC “STRABAG” in April 2020;
- About 583 tests (April – 221; May – 265, June – 97) in the frames of the additional agreement with Medical Unit No.9 of FMBA of Russia;
- 41 tests were made, including of 18 military men of the Federal National Guard Troops Service guarding JINR, of FMBA patients and those who have been in contact with them.
Moreover, in the frames of the research programme on checking tests basing on the enzyme multiplied immunoassay, 210 JINR employees were tested upon the agreement with the Dubna City Hospital.
Most of the coronavirus tests of JINR employees are carried out for prophylactic purposes. It is necessary to highlight that, first of all, health of employees who maintain and manage the IBR-2 reactor is monitored, as well as of those who ensure the management and functioning of the Institute during the pandemic and, therefore, are at high risk. In total, 10 staff members got positive results of the coronavirus tests. All of them got necessary treatment and were put on quarantine under the supervision of Medical Unit No. 9 of the FMBA of Russia.
According to Mosoblshtab and Rospotrebnadzor, 133 coronavirus tests of Dubna citizens were positive as of 30 May since the beginning of the pandemic.
Head of the Operational Headquarters Grigory Shirkov
Extension of the regime of self-isolation. Published on 30 May 2020
The JINR Operational Headquarters for preventing the spread of coronavirus infection informs the Institute’s employees of the following information. By order of the JINR Director, the previously introduced regime of remote work, as well as self-isolation for employees aged 65 and older, was extended until 14 June. The existing suspension of work of some JINR’s divisions has also been extended for this period.
Sending employees on foreign business trips, as well as admission of citizens from foreign countries, including hiring by JINR, has been suspended until further notice. Sending employees on business trips in Russia is possible only in agreement with the JINR Vice-Directors.
Taking into account the gradual easing of restrictions on work of enterprises in the Moscow region, the JINR Directorate will develop a plan of necessary measures for gradual resumption of the Institute’s activities, subject to obligatory compliance with the requirements established measures of sanitary protection. Due to further updates on conditions of high alert regime implementation in the Moscow region issued by the Governor of the Moscow region please be informed that:
- the regime of obligatory self-isolation, obligatory “face mask regime”, social distancing, the ban on holding mass events, restrictions on activities of some organizations have been extended until 14 June.
- the number of reasons for leaving place of residence (stay) was increased. In addition to getting medical help, way to and from the place of work and purchasing goods (services), taking out garbage, walking pets, it is allowed to do outdoor sports, as well as walking.
Sports activities are allowed for no more than two people together with the distance of at least 5 meters between them (if they are not family members and do not live together). Use of courtyards and playgrounds is not allowed yet.
Walking is allowed for no more than two people together with obligatory social distancing. It is still forbidden to visit places of mass stay of the people, including sports grounds and children’s playgrounds.
At the same time, in the case of sports or walking on the territory of parks and recreation, the use of personal respiratory protection equipment (masks, respirators) is obligatory. - starting from 1 June, the following is allowed: libraries can be reopened (by issuing books in person by appointment via the official website or by phone); open air movie showing; enterprises that provide services for repairing computers, personal items and household items (except delivery services and remote maintenance), including laundry and dry cleaning, as well as some non-food stores.
The objects listed above can be resumed if they comply with the approved COVID-19 protection standards and with prior notification to the Moscow region and local government authorities. - it becomes possible to resume operation of kindergartens subject to a positive decision by the sanitary supervision authorities of the Moscow region.
JINR Operational Headquarters
About registration of digital passes. Published on 26 May 2020
Due to changes in procedure of digital passes registration in Moscow, the JINR Operational Headquarters for preventing the spread of coronavirus infection informs Institute’s employees of the following important information.
Since 23 May, the obligation to obtain digital passes for moving in the Moscow region has been canceled, and previously issued passes remain valid until 27 May.
Starting from 27 May, moving using transport around Moscow will be possible only with digital passes issued directly for moving in the capital, and the use of passes for the Moscow region from this date will be impossible (including those issued by JINR through public services).
For this reason, digital passes for moving around Moscow for work purposes (for more than one day) will be issued directly by JINR:
- Digital passes will be issued by JINR only for employees who continue their work at the Institute’s workplaces being transferred to a remote mode of work, but periodically involved in work directly at the workplace.
- First and foremost, applications for registration of digital passes will be submitted for those employees who previously received digital passes for moving in the Moscow region through the Gosuslugi portal (about 1,700 employees).
Digital passes for moving around Moscow for work purposes which were previously registered by employees will be annulled by JINR. In addition, JINR decision makers will regularly monitor applications for long-term digital passes for moving around Moscow for work purposes, and all passes registered directly by employees will be annulled.
All necessary information on the registration of long-term passes for moving around Moscow for work purposes will be reported to heads of the JINR divisions.
Head of the JINR Operational Headquarters Grigory Shirkov
Monitoring information on coronavirus in Dubna. Published on 26 May 2020
As of 25 May 2020, the Headquarters of the Moscow region and Rospotrebnadzor have confirmed in Dubna:
- 103 people have tested positive for all time of the coronavirus,
- 22 patients have recovered,
- 81 people are under medical supervision.
The Security Department of the Dubna Administration and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region control the safety of self-isolated residents of Dubna.
The website of the Dubna Administration provides most accurate and up-to-date information on coronavirus in Dubna:
JINR Operational Headquarters
Information of the JINR Operational Headquarters. Published on 23 May 2020
Due to updates in high-alert regime in the Moscow region, the JINR Operational Headquarters informs Institute’s employees of the following important information.
- Since 23 May, the obligation to obtain digital passes for moving in the Moscow region has been canceled, and previously issued passes remain valid until 27 May. At the same time, the earlier restrictions on moving remain.
At the same time, starting from 27 May, moving using transport around Moscow will be possible only with digital passes issued directly for moving in the capital, and the use of passes for the Moscow region from this date will be impossible (including those issued by JINR through public services). Specialists of JINR are studying the possibility of centralized issuance of work passes for moving around Moscow for JINR employees from 27 May, in particular for those who live in Moscow and those who need to visit the capital regularly. - Since 22 May, according to the decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region, citizens are recommended to strictly follow the following recommendations (this recommendation is a duty):
— use personal respiratory protection equipment (masks, respirators) at any time while being outdoors,
— use personal protective equipment (gloves) when in public (including all retail facilities, pharmacies, public transport, including transportation of passengers and luggage by taxi service, railway transport, railway stations, stations, passenger platforms, pedestrian decks, bridges and tunnels, at all enterprises that continue their work, in public areas of apartment buildings, medical organizations), as well as at any time while being outdoors. - Organizations whose activities require joint stay of citizens are charged with the duty to prevent citizens without personal respiratory protection equipment from entering buildings, structures, structures (units inside) in which the activities of such organizations are carried out. are charged with the duty to prevent employees who do not use personal respiratory protection equipment (masks, respirators) from entering the workplace and / or territory.
- Multifunctional centres of the Moscow region for face-to-face reception of applicants for some services partially reactivated.
Head of the Operational Headquarters Grigory Shirkov
Regulation of work of the Institute until 31 May. Published on 9 May 2020
Dear colleagues,
The JINR Operational Headquarters for preventing the spread of the coronavirus infection congratulates all employees on the Great Victory Day, a state holiday of the Russian Federation.
Due to the issuance of the order of the JINR Director No. 260 of 08.05.2020 on the working regime from 12 to 31 May, the Operational Headquarters hereby informs you of the following.
1. From 12 to 31 May, the previously introduced suspension of the Institute’s main activities will be maintained. It includes scientific and educational activities, except for continuous activities and work of some specialists supporting them. In order to ensure safety and the subsequent gradual return to scientific research at basic facilities, setting up and commissioning, routine and other mandatory work will be resumed stage by stage due to the order of the Director.
2. Since 12 May, all Institute’s employees will be obliged to keep social distance and use personal respiratory protection equipment (masks, respirators) when being at work, in buildings and in the JINR territory (including the checkpoints of the DLNP and VBLHEP technical sites), when using official transport (except for cases when an employee is in a separate building or in official transport without the presence of other persons).
3. Heads of the JINR structural divisions are responsible for the organization of work in compliance with the anti-epidemiological measures recommended by state bodies. They also shall ensure the monitoring of social distance and the use of personal protection equipment. Moreover, Heads of JINR departments, operation of which was not suspended, shall issue an order on the selection of people authorized to control the compliance with the anti-epidemiological measures.
4. A regular coronavirus testing of employees organized by the Operational Headquarters will be continued.
5. Admission of employees to the DLNP and VBLHEP sites from 12 to 31 May will be possible only with JINR official IDs and on the basis of earlier compiled lists of employees.
Due to the continued high-alert regime in the Moscow region and changes in some of its conditions, please take the following into account.
1. According to the decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region, all earlier imposed restrictions have been prolonged up to 31 May. Up to the indicated date, work of some categories of shops and service organizations is restricted, public and mass events are forbidden. Moreover, self-isolation regime for people aged 65 and older, or with certain diseases, is extended.
2. Staff members of the Institute engaged in maintenance of its continuous activity, as well as those working remotely but periodically involved in work at workplaces, get digital passes for work issued by the Institute on the basis of lists compiled by divisions.
3. Since 12 May, the rules for issuing digital passes for moving using transport will change.
3.1 Digital passes valid up to 11 May will be prolonged until 31 May.
3.2 New digital passes valid after 11 May can be obtained on the Unified portal of state and municipal services ( or by calling the Hotline (8-800-100-70-10 or 8-800-550-50-30). It will be impossible to get digital passes via SMS since 12 May.
4. We remind you that you can travel around the Moscow Region using public transport only paying with a transport card or showing a social card. Payment by other means is impossible. If a transport or social card is not linked to a digital pass, then such a card may be blocked when presented in transport. We highly recommend linking transport and social cards with digital passes via the service:
5. Starting from 12 May 2020, all citizens are obliged to use personal respiratory equipment (masks, respirators) in public places (in shops, pharmacies, public transport, including transportation of passengers and luggage by taxi service, in all enterprises continuing work, medical organizations).
Head of the Operational Headquarters Grigory Shirkov
About the JINR’s working regime from 1st to 11th May. Published on 30 April 2020
Dear colleagues,
The JINR Operational Headquarters for preventing the spread of the coronavirus infection COVID-19 informs the Institute’s staff of the following.
According to the Order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 294 of 28.04.2020 “About prolongation of measures taken to ensure epidemiological welfare of citizens in the territory of the Russian Federation in view of the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)”, an order of JINR No. 244 was signed today proclaiming days of 1-5 and 9-11 May as days-off. On 6 – 8 May, the work of the Institute will be continued in a mode earlier established during April.
We would like to highlight that districts of the Tver region neighbouring with Dubna (Kimry, Kimry district, Konakovo district) have an unfavourable situation with the spread of the coronavirus infection and the number of infected people several times exceeds that in our city. Due to this reason, as well as taking into account the fact that there were no restrictions imposed in the Tver region on work of public places, we ask you to restrain from visiting public places in the mentioned districts.
The Governor of the Moscow Region prolonged the earlier introduced high-alert mode for the period up to 11 May and we therefore inform you of the following:
1. All earlier introduced restrictions (self-isolation, staying out of the place of residence, work of particular organizations and others) are prolonged up to 11 May.
2. The order of issuance of digital passes for moving around the Moscow region for the period of 1 – 11 May is prolonged with some complements:
2.1 It is possible to issue only one pass for a particular period to commute to work (or for work) using the transport;
2.2. All earlier issued digital passes to commute to work (or for work) are automatically prolonged up to 4 May. It is necessary to issue new digital passes or prolong already existing ones for the period of 5 – 11 May by oneself;
2.3. It is possible to issue a digital pass for moving by transport registered abroad. Everyone who has earlier issued the digital pass for transport with foreign car license plates shall present the demanded information about such a vehicle on the state services portal ( from 1 to 4 May.
In response to the increased cases of annulment of digital passes for work issued on the Moscow Government portal, we recommend issuing digital passes for wok using the state services portal (, which has special apps for mobile phones, or via SMS. We ask employees who got their passes from the Institute through the state services portal to get digital passes by themselves due to the risk of pass annulment.
Head of the Operational Headquarters Grigory Shirkov
About cameras and fines for using cars as of 22 April 2020
Dear colleagues,
Due to the tightening of the control of the self-isolation regime, regional surveillance cameras have been installed in the city. They are controlled neither by the City Administration nor by our Department of Internal Affairs and General Administration for Traffic Safety. These cameras automatically read car licence plates and send them to the region. If there is no pass issued for a car, the owner will automatically receive a fine. The system started working today. Thanks to the support of the City Administration, we achieved the delay the issuance of fines for 2-3 days. Nevertheless, all JINR employees using personal transport should issue passes for themselves and their vehicles on their own. To do this, it is necessary to send SMS either to the Moscow centre using the number 7377 or to the Regional centre using the number 0250. See the instructions below:
To the Moscow centre using the number 7377, to the website
Brief instruction to get the pass using SMS to the Moscow centre:
Send to 7377 the following text (XXXX series of passport, YYYYYY number of passport, A000AA00 number of licence plate of vehicle, JINR INN 9909125356):
More details are available via the link:
SMS to the Regional centre, the number 0250, website Brief instruction to get the SMS pass in the Regional Centre:
Send an SMS to 0250 using the phone with the following text (XXXX series, YYYYYY number of passport, DD.DD.DDDD date of birth, A000AA00 number of licence plate of vehicle JINR INN 9909125356):
More details are available via the link:
JINR Operational Headquarters
for preventing the spread
of the coronavirus infection
Information on coronavirus for JINR employees as of 21 April 2020
Dear colleagues,
- Since last Monday, we have started preventive testing of the JINR staff jointly with the Medical Unit No.9. First of all, we check staff members who ensure the operation of the most important and dangerous facilities and systems, as well as those who have had contacts with already infected citizens of Dubna. Moreover, we control those who continue to manage and coordinate the JINR services and staff in their workplaces, support contacts with the Dubna City Administration and city organizations and thus are under a greater risk of being infected with the coronavirus. Last week, as a result of it, tests of two staff members of JINR were positive. The Medical Unit No.9 promptly disinfected workplaces of these employees and tested their colleagues with whom the infected employees were in contact. After repeated tests of these two employees, the coronavirus infection was not found.
- Please, pay attention that the situation in the neighboring Tver region is unfavorable. There are already 67 infected people in Kimry +9 in the Kimry district. 83 infected people were found in Konakovo. We recommend refraining from visiting Konakovo and Kimry.
- Due to the stricter rules on movement introduced in Moscow and the Moscow region, we hereby inform that the staff of JINR and other backbone companies of Dubna should only have their IDs or passes for free movement around the city.
JINR Operational Headquarters
for preventing the spread
of the coronavirus infection
of the JINR Directorate on the current situation and the measures taken
in the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection COVID-19,
as well as on work of the Institute from 13 to 30 April 2020
In order to inform the staff of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, we hereby state the following:
The JINR Operational Headquarters for preventing the spread of coronavirus infection (Chaired by JINR Assistant Director G. D. Shirkov) carries out a daily monitoring of the situation with the incidence, maintains contacts with federal, regional and city governmental bodies and medical organizations, informs the staff about the current situation and gives recommendations, as well as takes measures aimed to minimize the risks of the JINR staff incidence with the disease.
In order to ensure the safety of the operation of nuclear and radiation hazardous objects of JINR, the COVID-19 testing of the staff members employed at them is organized. Moreover, it is now being considered to take additional measures to protect the staff of crucially important objects.
Basing on the decisions previously taken by the Director of the Institute to transfer a part of the staff to remote work, as well as on the regulations of the Russian Federation and the Moscow region, each division has selected employees who can work remotely, as well as employees whose work cannot be performed in a remote mode due to the necessity of the Institute to operate continuously.
Nowadays, in order to prevent further spread of the coronavirus infection, the Governor of the Moscow region made a decision to suspend a considerable range of activities, except for that performed continuously, for the period of 13 – 19 April 2020. Basing on this decision and taking into account the dynamics of the COVID-19 spread in Dubna, in order to decrease the risks of the incidence with the disease among our staff, the JINR Directorate took an unprecedented decision for all 64 years of the organization’s existence to suspend scientific and educational activities in the premises in the territory of the Institute for the period of 13 – 30 April. This will cause essential changes in the work of a considerable number of structural divisions and employees. At the same time, to maintain the operation of the Institute, our employees, those who support the continuous processes ensuring the maintenance of the JINR infrastructure, finance planning and accounting processes, including accounting and payment of salaries, holding the first-priority purchases and payments, will continue to work. In their turn, heads of the divisions should take measures recommended by federal sanitary bodies to ensure safe conditions for working employees.
Up to the end of April, all construction works on the objects of the Institute will be suspended, except for the most important works conducted at the NICA complex, a part of the “Nauka” national project, as well as urgent repairs.
Due to the suspension of scientific, educational activities and construction works, the order of the admission to the DLNP and VBLHEP sites will change since 15 April. Employees will be allowed to pass to the sites only with JINR IDs and in case they are in the lists of employees admitted to JINR agreed with the JINR leaders.
Due to the current unfavorable situation with the COVID-19 incidence in the Moscow region, the permit regime will be introduced in the territory of the region since 15 April. It means that it will be possible to go out of the place of residence only on the grounds expressly provided for in the Governor’s decree.
The Dubna City Administration and leaders of the Institute have reached an understanding that JINR employees will be granted the right to freely commute to work in Dubna by transport if they present their passports and official IDs or JINR passes. In case employees do not have such documents, they should present special certificates issued by the HR office. For these purposes, foreign employees should carry the ID, the accreditation document (the MFA card) or the residence permit instead of the passport.
Nonresident employees of JINR who commute to work by private and public transport are required to obtain a digital pass (the pass is issued once for a period until 30 April 2020).
Please note that for walking out of the house (to the store, pharmacy, with a dog, etc.) no passes are required. At the same time, the JINR Directorate and JINR Operational Headquarters strongly recommend that all employees and residents of Dubna maintain the maximum self-isolation mode and minimize any exits from the house.
When filling in the information to obtain the digital pass for commuting to work, JINR employees must specify the full name of our organization (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) or abbreviated name (JINR), as well as INN 9909125356.
The need to move around the city on transport for other purposes not related to work, will require the registration of a one-day digital pass, the cases and procedure for registration of which is specified by the Governor of the Moscow Region.
If you need to leave the city, you will need to obtain the digital pass in accordance with the established procedure, as well as always have an identity card with you. If you need to travel to Moscow or other districts of the Moscow region by official vehicle, you will also need to obtain the appropriate digital pass. The JINR Directorate and JINR Operational Headquarters call for the complete exclusion of any departures from Dubna, except for extreme necessity or for medical reasons.
The digital pass issued in the Moscow region is valid in Moscow, as well as a pass issued in Moscow is valid the Moscow region.
In order to resolve any issues related to obtaining digital passes, primarily for foreign employees, as well as in case of problems with governmental authorities when moving around the Moscow region and Moscow during the permit regime, JINR employees can contact the JINR Operational Headquarters directly by email:, and foreign employees can also contact the JINR Science Organization & International Cooperation Office (SO&IC Office).
Taking into account the difficult situation of employees and veterans of the Institute over 65 years old, who, due to the self-isolation regime established in March, cannot leave their places of residence, our young colleagues who are members of AYSS have independently organized a volunteer movement and help retirees in purchasing and delivering food and basic necessities to their homes. With the support of the JINR Operational Headquarters, JINR employees were informed about the possibility of receiving assistance, and interaction with various departments of JINR was established.
Since the incidence of the coronavirus continues to increase in the Moscow region and the number of fatalities is increasing, the JINR Directorate urges employees to faithfully comply with the measures restricting movements, as well as recommendations on the use of personal protective equipment, disinfection, and social distance.
Dear colleagues! In this difficult and challenging time, not only for our Institute but also for all the JINR Member States, the JINR staff shows its firmness, high professionalism and ability to find the right solutions in extraordinary situations, participation in solving common problems, respect, and careful attitude to colleagues. There is no doubt that together we will pass this difficult challenge and preserve our multinational team which is the foundation for the intellectual capital of JINR as of a world-class scientific center, and continue to perform advanced scientific research. I wish you and your close ones health, patience and optimism!
14 April 2020
JINR Director, RAS Academician V. A. Matveev
About operation of pass system in the Moscow Region
This week, the first stage of the pass control will be introduced in the Moscow region to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Electronic passes are codes for trips around the region as well as to Moscow. It will possible to get them since 13 April. Their checking will start since 15 April.
Electronic codes will be obligatory for everyone who uses transport: personal, public transport and taxi. Moreover, passes should be issued for both a driver and passengers.
The code is not needed to go on foot within own district. Pay attention that citizens are allowed to go out only if necessary: to grocery stores or pharmacies, to throw out rubbish or walk dogs.
The following categories of citizens do not need the pass: military personnel, law enforcement officials, the staff of federal and regional governmental bodies, judges, lawyers, notaries, journalists, security guards. All of them will have the right to move around the region using their official IDs.
To get the pass on the regional government services portal, it is necessary to download the application “Public services STOP coronavirus” and fill in a simple form with the following information:
- full name;
- passport series and number;
- phone number;
- email address (optional);
- vehicle license plate (if the applicant uses private transport means);
- the number of the “Strelka” or “Troyka” card (if the applicant uses public transport).
To get the pass for trips to work, please specify:
- name of the organization;
- tax ID number of the employer (except for medical organizations); it is possible to learn the tax ID number from heads of companies or on the Internet.
To go out seeking for medical care, it is necessary to fill in the following information:
- the name of the medical organization;
- the itinerary (the residence address and the address of the destination place).
It is necessary to specify the following issues for travels for other purposes:
- the aim of going out (taking into account constraints introduced in the region);
- the itinerary (the residence address and the address of the destination place).
In case someone does not have an account on the regional government services portal, it is possible to get the pass contacting the hotline 8-800-550-50-30 or sending an SMS to the short number 0250.
The regional pass will be valid in the territory of the Moscow region and in Moscow.
The capital code is also valid for both territories.
Working people can get a multi-use pass. It will be valid up to 30 April.
If a trip for medical care is necessary, including to accompany a relative, the pass is issued for one day. It is possible to request such a pass as many times as necessary.
For trips for other aims (to grocery stores, to visit relatives, to go to other regions, a railway station or an airport), the pass will be valid for one day. It is possible to get it twice a week.
The police, the staff of the General Administration for Traffic Safety and the Federal National Guard Troops Service will have the right to check drivers’ passes for a trip. They should present the printed pass or a 16-symbol code on phones, as well as their passports. The check will be carried out quickly and in the presence of the owner of the digital pass.
About introducing pass system in the Moscow Region
The Government of the Moscow Region decided to gradually introduce a pass system for movements in the territory of the region. The pass system will be introduced since 13 April, Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov said.
“The pass system will be introduced gradually, we will make it maximally convenient. We have established web platform, those who need to travel to work, or travel from Moscow to the region, or travel with a valid reason, will have to register,” — Vorobyov said.
He explained that the authorities will act step by step.
“And even if you are not registered, you do not have a QR code, it’s okay if you have an ID card and a work permit,” — the Governor said.
“Last week we were still building schools, kindergartens, and apartment buildings. But starting from the next week we will prohibit it. This is very painful for the economy. In fact, this is a quarantine that implies not leaving the house, and if you go out, then only to work and for food. <...> If you go to work or to a hospital, you will have to have a document with a seal,” Vorobyov said on the TV channel “Russia 1”.
He noted that when walking not far from the house for food or with a dog, you do not need a pass.
The enhancement of police, the National Guard of Russia, and traffic police will be introduced in the Moscow Region. They will check citizens in the streets and find out the reason for leaving the house.
There are 182 new patients with the coronavirus infection confirmed in the Moscow region in the last 24 hours, the total number of cases of the infection has reached 930.
The Moscow authorities also decided to introduce a pass system starting next week.
The Moscow region, following Moscow, also introduced new restrictions for businesses for the next week from 13 to 19 April:
- carsharing will not work;
- taxis can only work if they have a work permit in Moscow and (or) the Moscow Region.
- construction will be stopped, except for continuous cycle operations, implementation of national projects, construction of medical facilities, transport infrastructure, and agricultural facilities.
- work of almost all businesses and organizations is temporarily suspended, except for food stores and pharmacies.
- exceptions: defense enterprises, forest protection, agriculture, and critically important infrastructures.
JINR Operational Headquarters
for preventing the spread
of the coronavirus infection
Updated WHO advice on the use of masks
Current information suggests that the two main routes of transmission of the COVID-19 virus are respiratory droplets and contact. Wearing a medical mask is one of the prevention measures that can limit the spread of certain respiratory viral diseases, including COVID-19.
In response to the new data, on 6 April, the World Health Organization published issued an updated version of the temporary guidelines on the use of masks in communities, during home care, and in health care settings.
This document provides brief and simple advices for the use of medical masks in communities, during home care, and in health care settings in areas that have reported cases of COVID-19.
It is intended for individuals in the community, public health and infection prevention and control professionals, health care managers, health care workers, and community health workers.
JINR Operational Headquarters
for preventing the spread
of the coronavirus infection
Operational coronavirus situation in Dubna
on 9 April 2020
We hereby inform the staff of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research that on 8 April 2020, the third citizen of the city infected with coronavirus was identified. She is a doctor in the Medical Unit No. 9.
Nowadays, to prevent the spread of the virus, buildings of the Medical Unit No.9 have been sanitized. All contacts of the infected person have been identified, and tests for COVID-19 were taken. This case is controlled by the Federal Medicobiological Agency of Russia and JINR.
The official address of Head of the Dubna city district M. N. Danilov is available via the link:
The Directorate and the Operational Headquarters of JINR are in constant contact with the City Administration and the heads of the Medical Unit No.9 of the FMBA of Russia.
JINR Operational Headquarters
for preventing the spread
of the coronavirus infection
on the current situation and measures taken in the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, as well as on the peculiarities of the Institute’s work during non-working days from 30 March to 30 April 2020
In order to inform the staff of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research about the measures taken, we hereby inform you of the following.
On the basis of the Order of the JINR Director of 16.03.2020, in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19, the transfer of a part of the staff to the remote working regime for the period up to 31 May 2020 was timely organized. All public events, including conferences and seminars, were cancelled. Sending employees for business trips and hiring citizens from foreign countries were banned.
As a result of these measures, more than half of the JINR administrative staff, as well as most of the scientific staff not directly involved in work on the operating accelerators were transferred to the remote working regime.
By order of the JINR Operational Headquarters for preventing the spread of the coronavirus infection (headed by JINR Assistant Director G. D. Shirkov,, measures aimed at the disease prevention were implemented in all the divisions. They included a regular cleaning of surfaces in public areas using antiseptics, provision of personal protection equipment, setting up of decontaminating facilities. Non-contact thermometers and thermal imagers to measure the temperature of working employees were supplied to divisions. All information concerning the Institute’s staff is officially sent by the JINR Operational Headquarters to all the emails in the domain (about 4,800 email addresses).
The Governor of the Moscow Region decided to introduce the high-alert mode in the territory of the Moscow Region, as well as to suspend the activities of some categories of objects. Thus, activities of the JINR Cultural Centre “Mir”, the “Archimedes” swimming pool and other cultural and sports objects were suspended. Several cafes, restaurants, canteens of the Institute, as well as the hotel “Dubna” were temporarily closed.
Moreover, the work of the JINR SPA & Resort Hotel “Dubna” in Alushta was suspended up to 1 June so that to comply with a relevant order of the Head of the Republic of Crimea.
Due to the relevant order issued by the President of Russia, the period from 30 March to 8 April 2020 was declared non-working with salary retention in the Institute. It is necessary to highlight that JINR is a continuously operating organization and it has objects with nuclear energy use, including the IBR-2 reactor. There are also divisions ensuring their nuclear and radiation safety, as well as the continuous power transmission, the production and supply of utilities, including to citizens of Dubna. Moreover, JINR divisions provide communication services, fire alarm services, physical protection, perform urgent construction work. In this respect, a considerable part of the Institute in the period of announced non-working days continued its work on a regular basis. The most important construction projects of the Institute, namely the NICA complex and the extensive repair of the building No. 3 of the Hotel “Dubna”, were not also affected.
The period from 4 to 30 April has also been declared non-working by the Presidential Order. Thus, the Institute has the challenge to organize work of divisions taking into account the necessity of carrying out the full range of functions of our organization: scientific, infrastructural, administrative. In this regard, the regulation for work order of administrative and scientific JINR divisions, the interaction between them, the document flow, decision-making and management of all the divisions will be shortly adopted for the whole non-working period taking into account the necessity to comply with serious measures of protection against the coronavirus and the possibility of the remote working regime.
Another significant task the Institute continues to solve in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, diplomatic and consular bodies of Russia and other JINR Member States is the return Dubna of our staff members who are currently in other countries and are not able to return due to a significant reduction in the number of flights and the introduction of other restrictive measures.
The management of the Institute is in constant contact with the Federal Medicobiological Agency of the Russian Federation, the Dubna City Administration and medical institutions of the city and therefore promptly receives information about the current situation with the incidence of COVID-19 and decisions taken by federal, regional and local authorities, including information about possible restrictions for citizens. On my behalf, JINR Chief Engineer B. N. Gikal organizes daily operational meetings with leaders of structural subdivisions of the JINR Management and the Chief Engineer’s Offices to ensure the sustainable work of the Institute.
The JINR Directorate reminds that due to the norms of international law, employees of an international intergovernmental organization are obliged to respect the legislation of the JINR’s country residence (the Russian Federation), including the restrictions established in the Moscow Region for the period up to 1st May:
- keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters from other citizens, including in public places and public transport;
- do not leave the place of residence (stay), except in certain cases (seeking medical assistance, way to and from the place of work, way to the nearest retail and service locations, taking out garbage, walking pets);
- refrain from visiting religious sites, travel for tourism and recreation.
Please note that the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Region has been amended to allow applying the administrative penalties on those found to violate the restrictions during the period of high-alert, including self-isolation.
According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in connection with the, you must always have an identity document with you, and we strongly recommend that you always have a JINR identity card or JINR service pass to present these documents in case of a police check. Non-Russian employees must also have a document on accreditation and a residence permit (if available).
The JINR Directorate considers the protection of interests of foreign employees as a special task so JINR Directorate is ready to provide them with all necessary assistance. The JINR International Cooperation Department continues to work in contact with the heads of JINR national groups and is always ready to answer any questions that arise. We assure all JINR employees from the JINR Member States that they are protected by the rights and privileges of the international Institute, whose management is ready to provide them with the necessary assistance in solving emerging issues and problems, including taking care of their family members. They can always address questions to the heads of national groups, directly to the members of the JINR Directorate and to the JINR Operational Headquarters for help and assistance in resolving them.
I am very pleased to note that as a result of all the measures taken, none of the Institute’s employees in Dubna, including those who returned from foreign trips and were in the self-isolation regime, have been diagnosed with the coronavirus infection so far.
On behalf of the JINR Directorate and JINR staff I thank employees who continue to work in this situation, and urge all of our colleagues to pay due attention to precautions and restrictions imposed by the competent authorities of the Russian Federation and Moscow region.
Dear colleagues! In these difficult days for all of us, I sincerely wish you, your families and loved ones health, optimism, respect and care for each other and confidence that together we will overcome this period of challenges and preserve our wonderful Institute, its facilities, intellectual capital and, above all, our international staff!
06 April 2020
JINR Director, RAS Academician
V. A. Matveev
About the working regime of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research from 4 to 30 April 2020.
Published on 6 April 2020
We inform JINR employees that in order to ensure the continuity of the JINR activities in the current conditions of preventing the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, as well as to fulfill the international obligations of the Institute in accordance with the JINR Charter and the Agreement on the Establishment of JINR, basing on the Order of the President of the Russian Federation of 02.04.2020 No. 239, the Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region No. 108-ПГ of 12.03.2020, the JINR Order No. 183 of 16.03.2020, the following actions will be undertaken:
- By 8 April 2020, heads of JINR structural divisions will compile lists of JINR employees working remotely, JINR employees whose working duties cannot be performed remotely, as well as JINR employees subject to a non-working regime with salary retention.
- A daily duty of JINR employees ensuring the functioning of their structural divisions from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM will be organized starting from 6 April 2020.
- Admission of JINR employees to the DLNP and VBLHEP technical sites is possible with JINR IDs, with JINR passes indicating the round-the-clock admission time, as well as according to additional admission lists of employees submitted to the JINR Security Service by heads of structural divisions. Passing to JINR by car to employees given that right will be also allowed.
JINR Operational Headquarters
for preventing the spread of the coronavirus
Information on coronavirus for JINR employees
as of 3 April 2020
Dear colleagues,
On 2 April 2020, President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin delivered a speech. Moreover, the Presidential Decree No. 239 and the Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region No. 171-ПГ were signed on the prevention of the spread of the novel coronavirus infection in the Moscow Region. In order to fulfill these decisions and to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus infection in JINR and in Dubna, a joint meeting was held between the Operational Headquarters appointed by the order No. 175 of 12.03.2020 and the administrative group headed by B. N. Gikal appointed by the order No. 192 of 20.03.2020.
According to the decisions of the state bodies of the Russian Federation, it is decided to prolong the working regime of the Institute until 30.04.2020 established by the order No. 208 of 26.03.2020 and to draft a new order regulating it for JINR Director V. A. Matveev to sign.
According to the Civil Defence Headquarters and the PLS, it was noted that the JINR staff is fully provided with protective masks and non-contact infrared thermometers for working in these conditions.
In order to quickly resolve the administrative and economic issues that arise, full-time working modes were proposed for representatives of the JINR management divisions.
Some other urgent measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection and to ensure the Institute’s sustainable operation under existing conditions have been reviewed and will be submitted for approval to JINR Director V. A. Matveev.
The meeting was attended by First Vice-Director of JINR G. V. Trubnikov.
Head of the JINR Operational Headquarters
for preventing the spread of the coronavirus
Grigory Shirkov
Information on coronavirus for JINR employees
as of 2 April 2020
Please get acquainted with clarifications by Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region Vadim Khromov concerning the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation as of 25.03.2020 No. 206 “On the declaration of non-working days in the Russian Federation”.
JINR Operational Headquarters
for preventing the spread of the coronavirus
Information on coronavirus for JINR employees
as of 30 March 2020
We inform you that due to the deterioration of the situation with the incidence of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection in the Moscow region on 29 March 2020, additional measures were taken to combat the spread of the coronavirus.
Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyev signed a corresponding document:
Citizens of the Moscow Region are obliged to keep a social distance of at least 1,5 metres. The exception is taxi rides.
All organizations and enterprises must provide citizens with conditions for social distancing. It includes markings or the introduction of a special regime of visits.
Citizens should not leave their homes. Exceptions:
- requests for emergency medical care
- direct threat to life and health
- way to and from the place of work, if it is not suspended
- a trip to the nearest grocery store to buy first-priority goods, to a bank and a mobile store
- walking pets at a distance of no more than 100 m from the house
- taking out garbage
Antiviral medications are provided for free to citizens with the confirmed coronavirus and those who help prevent the spread of the infection.
The unemployed will start receiving regional compensation from 1 April. Including all mandatory unemployment payments, the amount will be 15,000 rubles. Moreover, unemployed citizens sent to study will continue receiving a scholarship.
The regime of staying at home does not restrict the rights of citizens to enter/leave the Moscow region.
The Decree only restricts leaving a house without probable cause.
The JINR Operational Headquarters on coronavirus urge the JINR management and staff to follow these instructions.
JINR Operational Headquarters
for preventing the spread of the coronavirus
Assistance to JINR employees in self-isolation or quarantine
Volunteers of the JINR Association of Young Scientists and Specialists are ready to help those JINR employees, who are in self-isolation or quarantine, with the delivery of medicine and food.
Please bring this news to your colleagues, who may not receive this information for one reason or another. If you apply on behalf of another employee of the Institute, they must agree to you making such appeals and other actions performed in their interests.
Contact through e-mail:
or phone numbers:
+7 (964) 771-18-69 – Anna Bogomolova
+7 (496) 216-30-12, +7 (929) 566-22-81 – Nikolay Voytishin
When contacting us, you must provide:
- Employee’s full name;
- Name of your structural subdivision;
- Contact phone number;
- List of products and/or medicines (with dosage).
If you contact us by phone, it is advisable to duplicate all the necessary information by e-mail in order to avoid misunderstandings.
Payment for the cost of products or medicines should be made after delivery using online banking (Sberbank, OTKRYTIE, VTB). Other payment methods may be available later.
The delivery is FREE of charge.
We have a few requests/tips for you:
- when contacting us, try to order as many products as possible to reduce the load on volunteers. It is more convenient for us to bring you products less often and in large quantities than often and small ones;
- if you order products from the Vkusvill store, we recommend using the “Order and Pick up” service This way, you can choose the list of products you need. The store employee will collect them from the list, and the volunteers will only have to come to the specified store, pay for this order and bring it to you.
You may find useful information or services from the following resources (we have nothing to do with them and are not responsible for their accuracy):
- – information about discounts for JINR employees on pickup and delivery of food from cafes and restaurants in Dubna
- – paid delivery of various goods in Dubna.
Stay healthy!
AYSS volunteers
Operational coronavirus environment in Dubna
24 March 2020
As of 24.03.2020, 138 people (72 in Medical Unit + 66 in Dubna City Hospital) who have arrived in the Russian Federation and do not have symptoms of the infectious disease are under medical supervision (self-isolation at home) in Dubna.
Information about those who have arrived in the Russian Federation is provided by enterprises subscribed for medical care, i.e. through the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region (FMBA), representatives of Rospotrebnadzor, and citizens who arrived from vacation themselves.
At the request of a citizen who has arrived in the Russian Federation and adult members of his family, a certificate of disability for 14 days of isolation is issued.
In the Dubna City Administration, mobile teams have been created to monitor compliance with the isolation regime by citizens according to the lists submitted by clinics.
According to the decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region, citizens aged over 65 years should also be subject to isolation starting from 26 March.
3 people who have arrived in Russia with ARVI symptoms in a satisfactory condition are placed in the department of infectious disease of the Dubna City Hospital. Tests on COVID-2019 were made, the results were negative. They are scheduled to be discharged after repeated tests on COVID-2019.
A total of 54 tests were made on COVID-2019, all showed negative results. Taken nasopharyngeal swabs are passed on to the city of Mytischi (“Vector”). They are tested within 1 day. Medical supervision of home-isolated people is organized by the medical staff of hospitals due to the attachment of citizens by means of a daily survey. From 27.03.2020, they will be tested on COVID-2019 on the 10th day of their stay in the Russian Federation.
If symptoms are detected that do not exclude COVID-2019, citizens are hospitalized to the department of infectious disease of the Dubna City Hospital. If they are diagnosed with COVID-2019, their contacts (family members) are hospitalized for examination.
Inpatient medical care for COVID-2019 patients will be provided in the department of infectious disease of the Dubna City Hospital. 17 beds are available.
In case the department of infectious disease of the Dubna Hospital is fully filled, available beds (places) of the therapeutic and pediatric departments (40 beds in a separate building) of the Dubna Hospital and 20 beds in the separate building of the Medical Unit No.9 of the FMBA of Russia (a former radiology department) will be repurposed. We consider available bed places and oxygen equipment sufficient.
If severe forms of the disease appear, patients will be hospitalized due to medical reasons in the medical centers of the FMBA and the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region.
Head of the Adult Clinic of the Medical Unit No. 9 of the FMBA of Russia,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, A. N. Kovalev, tel. +7 (496) 214-80-91
Information on coronavirus for JINR employees
23 March 2020
We inform you that the self-isolation regime will be introduced for citizens over 65 years of age from 26 March to 14 April 2020 in Moscow and the Moscow region.
Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin and Governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov signed the relevant decrees:
- Decree of the Mayor of Moscow of 23.03.2020 № 26-УМ
- Decree of the Governor of the Moscow region of 23.03.2020 № 136-ПГ
The JINR Operational Headquarters on coronavirus urge the JINR management and staff to follow these instructions.
JINR Operational Headquarters
for preventing the spread of the coronavirus
on the current situation in preventing the COVID-19 coronavirus in the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
17 March 2020
In view of the deteriorating situation regarding the incidence of the COVID-19 coronavirus both in the Russian Federation and in other countries of the world, as well as to inform JINR employees about the measures taken to prevent its spread, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research reports the following.
The JINR Directorate pays considerable attention to health of employees and their families, as well as guests of JINR. In this regard, since the beginning of the extensive spread of infection of the COVID-19 coronavirus in the territory of the People’s Republic of China in January 2020, it was decided to cancel all business trips of the JINR employees to the PRC, including the recall of employees who were already in the PRC.
After receiving information about the unfavorable epidemiological background for this disease in a number of European countries, in order to prevent the disease of JINR employees, it was decided to terminate current business trips to these countries, as well as to cancel planned trips, including sending employees to CERN, FAIR and other scientific centers.
According to the Order of the JINR Director of 13 February 2020, all returned from foreign business trips from countries with an unfavorable situation for the incidence of coronavirus infection were placed under a fourteen-day self-isolation regime recommended by the Federal Biomedical Agency (FMBA); they are under the regular supervision of medical specialists of Medical Unit 9.
As of today, according to the results of medical laboratory studies, none of the JINR employees in Dubna has been found to have the coronavirus infection. At the same time, some of the JINR employees who returned from foreign business trips less than two weeks ago continue to stay under the regime of self-isolation and supervision of doctors.
After the World Health Organization formally declared the COVID-19 coronavirus a worldwide pandemic, it was decided to establish the JINR Operational Headquarters to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection. The JINR Operational Headquarters are chaired by JINR Assistant Director, RAS Corresponding Member G. D. Shirkov and comprise representatives of JINR and Medical Unit 9. The JINR Operational Headquarters work in continuous operation mode and regularly interacts with the management of the FMBA of the Russian Federation and the Interregional Department No. 21, the Administration of the city of Dubna, Medical Unit 9, the Dubna City Hospital. The JINR Operational Headquarters also inform the JINR Directorate several times a day about the current state of the disease and the proposed measures against the coronavirus.
Taking into account the rapid spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus and the restrictive measures taken by the Russian Federation, the JINR Director issued an order at the suggestion of the JINR Operational Headquarters aimed at minimizing the risk of JINR employees contracting the coronavirus which includes exceptional measures, such as a ban on sending employees on business trips and on hiring citizens from foreign countries to work at JINR, as well as the cancellation of all mass events, including conferences and seminars. It was also decided to organize remote work in the shortest possible time for those JINR employees whose work can be performed without staying at the workplace and to form a list of positions of employees who have to stay at the workplace.
In addition, the restrictions proposed by the JINR Operational Headquarters on the work of JINR sports and cultural divisions, public catering services, as well as on visiting the Institute’s infrastructure by any outside parties will be put into effect soon.
Dear colleagues, due to the frequent appearance of false information about the situation with the COVID-19 coronavirus in JINR and our city, on behalf of the JINR Directorate, I urge you to remain calm, be reasonable when studying various information sources and take into account only official information from JINR, state authorities and local governments.
For its part, the JINR Operational Headquarters for the prevention of the coronavirus spread have been tasked to regularly inform JINR employees about the current situation with the incidence and recommended methods for preventing the COVID-19 coronavirus disease.
JINR Director, RAS Academician
Victor Matveev
Information on coronavirus for JINR employees
13 March 2020
The health of employees and guests of the Institute is the highest priority of the JINR Directorate. Please get acquainted with up-to-date information about the current situation and measures taken by the Directorate to prevent the spread of infections and to ensure health defence of our multinational staff.
At the moment, no cases of the COVID-2019 virus have been registered in the Institute.
Employees returning from countries with the poor epidemiological situation are put in the quarantine for 14 days under medical supervision.
Since the first cases of virus infection in China registered, the Institute took timely and efficient measures to recall employees from business trips and put them in quarantine.
To minimize the risks of the coronavirus spread in the JINR territory, the city, and the country, we ask all the JINR staff members to take the information below responsibly.
1. We ask all the Institute’s employees to comply with the basic hygiene requirements:
- wash your hands frequently and thoroughly (at least 30 seconds);
- use an alcohol-based hand rub if there are no sinks and soup available;
- avoid close contacts with strangers (do not shake hands, do not hug);
- keep distance, especially with people showing any signs of illness (cough, difficulty breathing);
- when sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth not with hands but with a flexed elbow;
- regularly ventilate the premises;
- use masks, individual dishes, disposable napkins.
Information leaflets about precautions measures will be distributed in public areas.
2. We should remind you that employees returning from countries with the poor epidemiological situation should stay at home on the quarantine during 14 days regardless of whether they have any ARVI symptoms or not. All employees put in the quarantine may get the official sick leave contacting the clinic in which they are registered. They are either allowed to arrange a remote mode of work (at home) contacting their divisions. Violation of the quarantine by staff members of the international organization is unacceptable.
JINR Operational Headquarters
for preventing the spread of the coronavirus
Related Links
- Assistance to JINR employees on self-isolation or lockdown
- Explanations of the Moscow Operational Headquarters on the Decree of the Moscow Mayor of 23 March 2020 (in Russian)
- World Health Organization
- Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
- Official website on COVID-19 of the RF Ministry of Health
- Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia
- Rospotrebnadzor
- Rospotrebnadzor memo for parents
- Department of Health of Moscow
- Ministry of Health of the Moscow region
- State and municipal services of the Moscow region
- Official Internet-Portal of the Dubna City Administration
- Medical Unit 9
- Dubna City Hospital
- Instagram of the Dubna City Hospital
- Free online services for those at home
- Mutual aid campaign during the coronavirus pandemic #МЫВМЕСТЕ
Coronavirus information hotline number for residents of the Moscow region:
General hotline in RF: