Visit Centre opens its doors for students
News, 22 March 2017
JINR has opened the season of intensive professional orientation of students. Summer is coming – the traditional time of student internships and trainings
On 10 March 2017, JINR welcomed senior students (pursuing their bachelor’s and master’s degrees) from the Linguistics Department at Dubna University, who Head of the JINR International Cooperation Department D. Kamanin talked to about JINR international cooperation and who were later asked to fill in a questionnaire. The selection of students for summer practice at JINR will be based on the questionnaire results. Two female Master’s students will shortly try their hand at the International Cooperation Department and the Science Organization Department.
On 21 March, the Visit Centre received students from the Department of Ecology who had the opportunity to listen to the presentation about JINR activities, namely they were shown a demo lesson by G. Trubnikov “NICA — the Universe in a laboratory”. M. Frontasyeva (FLNP) and M. Gustova (FLNR) delivered lectures about the application of neutron activation analysis, X-ray fluorescence and gamma activation analysis in ecology studies and related disciplines.
From the interview by Inna Kamanina, Head of the Department of Ecology and Earth Sciences:
“The Institute has been the major employer for Dubna University graduates for many years. This is true not only for physicists or engineers but also linguists and ecologists. We have well- and long-established relations with the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, mainly with the Sector of Neutron Activation Analysis and Applied Research. Our graduates have already become accomplished scientists. Our postgraduate student Nikita Yushin, who works at the sector, is part of the group of authors recently awarded the JINR Prize «Neutron activation analysis for ecological state assessment of coastal ecosystems of the Black Sea» for applied research in the field science and technology. We have also been in close collaboration with the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions lately, especially regarding the methods of X-ray fluorescence analysis and gamma activation analysis.
Applying modern methods of analysis and the scientific potential of JINR laboratories allows us to solve crucial ecological problems. Our students pointed out that these lectures by M. Frontasyeva and M. Gustova, dedicated to specific examples of applying such methods, had been extremely interesting. They were even sorry that the time allotted for the meeting was limited and at the end of the day.
The discussion with the students was intended not only to inform about the main research directions of the Institute but also to prove that science, indeed, brings nations together. They were excited to watch a fragment of the Russian-wide lesson by G. Trubnikov about the NICA project. Such meetings, when students get acquainted with the activities of the Institute, certainly, motivate and mobilise them to be more actively involved in scientific work.”