“Simulations of HIC for NICA energies”
News, 13 April 2018
On 16 – 18 April 2018, the II International Workshop on Simulations of HIC for NICA energies organized by the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics will be held in Dubna.
About 70 scientists from Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, India, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, France, Croatia, the Czech Republic, the Republic of South Africa, Japan will participate in the Conference.
The second International Workshop shall bring together the creators and practitioners of simulation codes for Heavy-Ion Collisions at various energies, paticularly in the energy domain of the NICA experiments BM@N and MPD, as well as those experts who can make essential fundamental physics inputs to these programmes. The nature of theoretical investigations in the field of relativistic heavy ion physics requires resolution of a number of fundamental problems as well as phenomenological studies directly connected with experiments, and it has to be based on a coherent implementation of a wide range of methods of quantum chromodynamics, relativistic nuclear physics, kinetic theory, hydrodynamics and critical phenomena in finite short lived statistical systems.
The Workshop will be followed by a meeting “Colloqium on Nonequilibrium phenomena in strongly correlated systems”.