Registration for Wave 11 of INTEREST Programme opens

Education, 03 October 2024

From 5 November to 14 December 2024, the JINR University Centre will hold the Wave 11 of the INTEREST (International Remote Student Training) online programme. As part of the training, participants work on selected projects under the JINR researchers’ supervision. Interest is a prospective platform for the development of international cooperation in education allowing students and postgraduates to get acquainted with the activities of the Institute and carry out projects remotely.

The registration deadline is on 25 October 2024. The list of projects open for students during Wave 11 will be available via the link since 21 October. Please register on the website if it is the first time you are visiting it. After that, you can proceed to fill out the application form based on your professional interests.

Who can participate in the programme?

INTEREST is designed for young people under 31: students who have completed two or more courses and first-year postgraduates majoring in science and technology from any country in the world.

What prospects does the programme offer to students?

The programme provides the participants with an opportunity to get acquainted with the main research areas of the Institute and its laboratories, network, find a thesis supervisor, and prove themselves in the work process, thereby increasing their chances of being selected to participate in full-time internships at JINR, such as the Summer Student Programme. In addition, the research they conduct online during the Programme can provide a solid basis for their future larger-scale projects.

How does it work?

After learning about the research topics, the student submits an application for a project they are interested in. The application must describe in as much detail as possible the student’s educational path and their specialised knowledge and skills and be supplemented with a motivation letter. All applications are reviewed by the supervisors, and students are admitted based on their decision.

4-6 weeks are allocated for each stage, or wave, of the programme. At the end of the wave, the student draws up a written report on the work performed, which is published on the website after approval by the project leader.