The 16th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics
Conferences, 19 August 2013

The conference is organized by the Faculty of Physics and Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University in cooperation with Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna), Institute for Nuclear Research (Moscow), Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Moscow), Institute for High Energy Physics (Protvino), Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (Novosibirsk), Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Russian Academy of Sciences and the Dmirty Zimin “Dynasty” Foundation and Interregional Centre for Advanced Studies.
The programme of the 16th Lomonosov Conference will include:
- Electroweak Theory, Tests of Standard Model and Beyond,
- Neutrino Physics, Astroparticle Physics,
- Gravitation and Cosmology,
- Developments in QCD (Perturbative and Non-Perturbative Effects),
- Heavy Quark Physics,
- Physics at the Future Accelerators.