Centenary of the birth of Bruno Pontecorvo
News, 27 August 2013

The RAS Branch of Physics Sciences hold a scientific session “Prospects of research in the fields of neutrino particle physics and astrophysics” on 2-3 September 2013 (Dubna, International Conference Hall) devoted to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician Bruno Pontecorvo.
The programme of the session includes memories about life and scientific heritage of Bruno Pontecorvo, and also scientific reports on status and prospects of neutrino physics.
For participants of the session JINR organizes: arrival from Moscow to Dubna, accommodation in hotel on 2-3 September, departure from Dubna to Moscow.
Information about a bus to Dubna: 2 September, 10 a.m., square of the Savelovsky railway station. The bus will be marked "Дубна" (or in English “DUBNA”).
On issues of participation please contact: titkova@jinr.ru
Detailed information and the programme are at the JINR web-site.