26 March, JINR, Dubna
Dear colleagues, friends and veterans of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research!

I heartily congratulate you on the Foundation Day of our Institute! Representatives of governments of 11 founding countries signed the Convention on establishment of JINR on 26 March 1956 in Moscow in order to unite their scientific and material potentials to study the fundamental properties of matter. And now our Institute brings together scientists and experts from 18 Member States and 6 members associated with JINR.
For 58 years, the Institute has been successfully developing on the principles of international cooperation mutually beneficial to all members. JINR is a world-renowned scientific center, which is a unique example of successful integration of fundamental theoretical and experimental research. Ideas and basic objectives underlying the activities of the Institute, have successfully withstood the test of time.
The international prestige of JINR as an intergovernmental organization in the Russian Federation has significantly increased in recent years; its relationship with the international scientific organizations and higher authorities of the European Union strengthened.
The 114th element of the Mendeleev Periodic Table of Elements was named “Flerovium” which is associated with the name of the illustrious scientist G.N. Flerov, the founder of a promising direction in Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions of the Institute dedicated to physics and chemistry of new heavy elements of Nature; the recent decision of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry to name it after the scientist was the recognition of the outstanding contribution of Dubna’s scientists in modern physics and chemistry.
Significant progress in the development of the most important JINR basic facilities was achieved: Nuclotron-NICA, DRIBs-III, as well as the complex of cryogenic decelerators and spectrometers of the IBR-2 reactor.
Impressive progress was made in development of the most important JINR basic facilities: establishment of the superconductive complex Nuclotron-NICA, the factory of super heavy elements DRIBs-III, as well as the complex of cryogenic decelerators and spectrometers of the IBR-2 reactor. Physicists of Dubna — theorists, experimenters, experts in the fields of accelerator technology have made an impressive contribution to the biggest discovery of our time — experiment detection at the Large Hadron Collider of the famous Brout-Englert-Higgs Boson, named in honour of Nobel Prize winners in 2013 who theoretically predicted the existence of this Boson. The world has witnessed epochal discoveries in research of the unique phenomenon of neutrino oscillations predicted in Dubna by B.M. Pontecorvo. New impressive results were obtained in the fields of rare decays of particles. JINR research in the fields of radiobiology, space medicine, and at the new frontier — in the fields of astrobiology which studies issues related to origin of life on Earth, enjoys profound acknowledgement.
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, as an international organization established for cooperation among scientists in peaceful purposes, has shown the world the attractive force of new scientific knowledge and the unprecedented strength of bonds that unite people of science.
I wish you and your families, dear colleagues and friends good health and prosperity, every success in your scientific research and industrial work.