General information on collaboration
The Socialist Republic of Vietnam has been a JINR Member State since 1956. Vietnam’s participation in JINR projects has played a key role in the development of science in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Many Vietnamese physicists studied in Dubna scientific school over the years. Nguyễn Đình from Hanoi was among the first experts of the international centre. Nguyễn Dinh successfully defended his dissertation in Dubna and returned to Vietnam as a highly skilled expert, which led him to the position of Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Physics of the Hanoi University. He later became Minister of Higher Education of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (he visited Dubna in this position in 1976) and Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission of the SRV. Academician Nguyễn Văn Hiệu, one of Academician N. N. Bogoliubov’s students, is a symbol of JINR-SRV collaboration. Nguyễn Văn Hiệu is President of the National Centre of Science and Technology of SRV. For many years, he has been a Plenipotentiary Representative of Vietnam at JINR and a member of the JINR Scientific Council. He was the first Vietnamese theoretical physicists in JINR in the 1950s – early 1960s.
Vietnamese scientists, JINR students, are now playing a significant role in national research institutes in Hanoi and other cities in Vietnam. For this reason, collaboration with JINR has always been a key issue of the foreign policy of the Academy of Science and Technology of Vietnam. Both fundamental research and applied developments are important for development of science and the Vietnamese economy. A top-priority goal for this is to train young specialists in the fields of nuclear physics research, protection of environment and radiochemistry, as well as information technologies.
Over the past few years, the collaboration of JINR and scientific institutions of Vietnam has become remarkably active, especially with Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST). A JINR delegation headed by JINR Vice-Director professor M.G. Itkis visited Vietnam on the invitation of VAST President professor Chao Văn Minh. Both sides highlighted the importance of widening cooperation with JINR at the official meeting with the president of the Academy of Science and Technology. Reasonability of building a joint JINR-VAST International Centre in Nha Trang for advanced research on nanotechnology was discussed.
Next step of the negotiations was the signing on 8 September 2008 the “Letter of intent to build the International Centre for Advanced Research” in Nha Trang with a focus on nanotechnologies and information technologies.
Vietnamese experts participate in JINR projects on topics related to computing, condensed matter physics, synthesis and study of nuclei properties on the borders of stability as well as in educational programmes. Vietnamese physicists lead by Nguyễn Văn Hiệu continue to be in touch with researchers from Dubna. JINR scientists visit Vietnam to attend conferences organized by Vietnamese colleagues. Professor JINR Chief Scientific Secretary N. Russakovich attended the International Business Conference for Material Engineering and Nanotechnologies of Scientists and Experts of the Asian Region. The Conference took place in Nha Trang on 15 – 20 September 2008. N. Russakovich presented a special report “JINR – a centre of international cooperation”.
In September 2010, a delegation of the JINR Directorate lead by JINR Vice-Director R. Lednický and JINR Chief Scientific Secretary N. Russakovich visited Vietnam. As a result of this meeting, the memorandum on understanding between the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Researches and the agreement with the Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission were signed.
In recent years, due to the economic situation, the number of Vietnamese experts at JINR laboratories has been extremely limited. Nguyễn Manh Shath is the only employee who has been working as a Plenipotentiary Representative of Vietnam at JINR. He has greatly contributed to maintaining cooperation between JINR and Vietnam. Nowadays, 15 Vietnamese experts work at JINR laboratories.
RAS Academician
Boris Yu. Sharkov
Executive of the contacts with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Special Representative of the Director of JINR for Cooperation with international and Russian scientific organizations -
+7 (49621) 6-22-01;
+7 (49621) 6-50-60;
+7 (916) 203-00-30 -
The scientists of The Socialist Republic of Vietnam take part in the research work on the following themes of the Topical plan for JINR research and international cooperation for the year 2025:
- Large JINR Research Infrastructure
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Theoretical Physics
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Elementary Particle Physics and High-Enegry Heavy-Ion Physics
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Nuclear Physics
Cooperation on 2 themes. - Condensed Matter Physics
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Radiation Research in Life Sciences
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Applied Innovation Activities
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Physics and Technology of Charged Particle Accelerators
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Organization of Scientific Activity and International Cooperation. Strengthening Human Resources. Educational Programme
Cooperation on 1 theme.
At present JINR collaborates actively with the following scientific organizations of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam:
- Institute of Material Engineering of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
- Institute of Physics of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
- National Centre of Natural and Technical Sciences of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
- Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
- Vietnamese National University
Prof. Tran Tuan Anh, deputy director of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, is Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in JINR at present.
Participants on behalf of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at Sessions of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the JINR Member States were:
- Nguyen Thanh Nghi, Assistant to President of the Vietnamese National Centre for Science and Technologies;
- Tran Duc Thiep, professor, Director of the Centre of Nuclear Physics of the Vietnamese National Centre for Science and Technologies;
- Nguyen Khoa Sean, professor, Vice President of the Academy of Science and Technology of Vietnam;
- Nguyen Manh Shat, a Leading Researcher of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems of JINR;
- Pham Trung Phuoc, First Secretary, Attache on science and technologies of the Vietnamese Ambassy in the RF;
- Nguyen Manh Shat, a Leading Researcher of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems of JINR and Nguyen Hong Quang, Vice Director of the Institute of Physics of the Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology;
- Nguyen Van Hieu, Chief Researcher of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology;
- Le Hong Khiem, Distinguished Professor of the Institute of Physics of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology; 2022 – present day
- Prof. Tran Tuan Anh, deputy director of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.
2001 – 2002
2003 – 2004
2007 – 2008
2010 – 2013
2013 – 2022
Trần Chí Thành, President of the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute – VINATOM, and Lễ Hõng Khiếm, Leading Scientist, Institute of Physics of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, are now Members of the JINR Scientific Council from Vietnam.
Nguyễn Văn Hiệu, Nguyễn Manh Shat, and Trần Đức Thiệp, Leading Researcher, Institute of Physics of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, have been members of the Scientific Council since 2000.
The languages of international communication at JINR are Russian and English. However, one can hear the speech in many languages in Dubna, including the languages of JINR member-states when the countrymen, the representatives of the same expatriates’ community (the national groups of JINR), meet each other. Over the years of existence of JINR the national groups have developed their traditions, forms of cooperation and collaboration with other national groups. Their leaders, appointed by the plenipotentiaries of the JINR member-states play an organizing role in the life of national groups.
Many employees, when they come from member states, do not know the Russian Language, and for such employees JINR creates courses of the Russian language. Heads of national groups help them in it.
Nguen Van Tiep, a junior researcher, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions
+7 (496) 216 32-12
Being in constant contact with plenipotentiaries, embassies of member-states, JINR’s directorate and management services, they take part in the solution of the problems connected with the stay of their colleagues-countrymen and their families in Russia, with the organization of their life and leisure. At present 3 Vietnamese experts work in the Institute.
The main national holiday in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is:
Day of Independence – 2 September (2 September 1945).
- New Year – 1 January;
- Day of the Liberation of South Vietnam – 30 April;
- Tết (Lunar New Year) – in end of January beginning of February.
- On 9–27 September 2024, the second stage of the International Practice for students and postgraduates from universities of the JINR Member States took place at the University Centre
- On 28–30 August 2023, a JINR delegation took part in the 8th Academic Conference on Natural Science for Young Scientists, Master and PhD Students from ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries in Vinh
- On 9–11 August 2023, in Nha Trang, Vietnam, a JINR delegation took part in the 15th Vietnam Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology (VINANST-15)
- 21 July 2023 marks the 85th anniversary of the birth of Academician Nguyen Van Hieu (21.07.1938 – 23.01.2022), one of the greatest Vietnam scientists and ex-president of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. For many years he was a member of the JINR Scientific Council and Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of Vietnam in JINR
- On 18 May 2023, an international working meeting on the development of the University Centre JINR project “Open information and educational environment to support fundamental and applied interdisciplinary research at JINR” took place at UC JINR. Representatives of universities of the JINR Member States and Associate Members took part in the event
- On 22 March 2023, Plenipotentiary Representative of Vietnam in JINR, Vice-President of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology Tran Tuan Anh met with JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov. The expansion of the participation of Vietnamese employees in JINR, staff training, and further plans for the development of cooperation were the key topics of the meeting. Tran Tuan Anh arrived in Dubna to participate in the meetings of the JINR Finance Committee and the Committee of Plenipotentiary Representatives
- On 28 October 2022, a meeting with the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in JINR completed a series of work visits of the JINR delegation to universities and scientific organizations of Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM) and the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City
- On 26 October 2022, jointly with colleagues from the Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technology (VAST) and scientific institutes of the VINATOM system, a JINR delegation headed by Special Representative of the JINR Director Boris Sharkov visited the Vietnam National University Ho Chi Ming City to discuss cooperation prospects
- In the end of October 2022, the JINR delegation is on a work visit to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The purpose of the visit was to consider further steps to develop the JINR-Vietnam cooperation, in particular, as part of the agreement on the participation of the Institute in the creation of the first research reactor in the SRV
- On 28 – 29 September 2022, a delegation from the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) headed by its President Academician Chau Van Minh visited JINR. On 29 September, representatives of the Embassy of Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Moscow headed by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Dang Minh Khoi also joined the VAST delegation. The VAST President introduced the new Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of Vietnam in JINR, Vice President of VAST Tran Tuan Anh. The visit was devoted to the 132nd session of the JINR Scientific Council, and the Plenipotentiary Representative took part in its work
- On 17 March 2021, the first meeting of the Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) on Vietnam-JINR cooperation was held in the video conference format
- On 9 December 2020, representatives of Vietnam took part in a representative international workshop devoted to the conception of JINR Information Centres
- On 25 – 26 November 2019, a regular session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States was successfully concluded in Vietnam
- On 27 – 28 November 2019, the conference “Challenges and Opportunities for International Cooperation in Natural Sciences” was held in the Conference Hall of the International Centre for Mathematics in Hanoi in the frames of the guest JINR CP session
- On 25 – 26 November 2019, a session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States chaired by Plenipotentiary Representative of the Russian Federation at JINR, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the RF M. M. Kotyukov was held in Hanoi, Vietnam
- On 21 November 2019, a guest meeting of the Finance Committee of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research started in Hanoi, Vietnam
- On 17 – 18 November 2019, preceding the meeting of the JINR Finance Committee and the session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States in Hanoi, an interdepartmental delegation from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
- On 24 May 2019, President of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology Chau Van Minh visited JINR
- On 19 April 2019, a signing of an agreement on cooperation with VINATOM concluded a two-day visit of the interdepartmental delegation of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Dubna
- On 5 September 2018, a meeting of JINR Director V.A. Matveev with Plenipotentiary Representative of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in JINR, Director of the Institute of Physics of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) Le Hong Khiem was held
- On 7 December 2017, an interdepartmental delegation from Vietnam visited JINR to discuss prospects of international cooperation in the field of science and education
- On 4 September 2017, in honor of the Independence Day of Vietnam, the traditional festive meeting of the JINR Directorate with Vietnamese staff members of JINR was held
- On 20 March 2017, a delegation of the Vietnamese Academy of Sciences and Technology headed by VAST Vice-President Nguyen Dinh Cong visited JINR
- A delegation from the Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technology headed by Vice-President of the Academy Professor Duong Ngoc Hai visited JINR on 9-10 October 2014
- A representative delegation of Vietnamese scientists and science organizers headed by President of the Vietnamese Academy of Sciences and Technology (VAST) Professor Chau Van Minh visited the The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research on 26-28 July 2012.
- A delegation of the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the Russian Federation headed by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Pham Suan Shon participated in ceremonial events dedicated to the JINR Foundation Day on 26 March 2012
- On 1 September 2011, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Pham Suan Shaun organized a reception in Moscow on the occasion of the 66th anniversary of independence of Vietnam
- On 11 August 2011, a delegation of the Vietnamese Atomic Energy Commission headed by VINATOM President Prof. Vuong Huu Tan visited JINR
- On 25 June 2010, a delegation from the Institute of Physics, Hanoi (Vietnam) came to JINR to become acquainted and develop opportunities of scientific cooperation
- A Vietnamese delegation headed by Vice-President of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) Professor Nguyen Dinh Cong visited JINR on 22-27 February 2010
Contact Information on the Embassies
Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the Russian Federation:
Russian Embassy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: