General information on collaboration
The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, as part of USSR, joined JINR according to the agreement signed on 26 March 1956. As a legal successor of USSR in JINR, the sovereign Russian Federation has been a JINR Member State since 1991.
JINR activities in Russia are subject to the Federal Law “On ratification of the agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research on location and conditions for activities of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in the Russian Federation” signed by Vladimir Putin on 2 January 2000.
The Russian Federation is the leading scientific partner of the Institute. JINR collaborates with about 150 research centres, universities, organizations and companies in 40 cities in Russia.
About 60% of the Institute’s scientists are Russian citizens. Almost all staff members in JINR service departments are Russian citizens.
Major collaboration areas:
Participation of scientists from Russian research centres in the Institute research programme, i.e. work at the JINR basic facilities: the Nuclotron, the IBR-2M pulse reactor, the isochronous cyclotron of heavy ions.
Participation of the staff from all JINR Member States in the work at the JINR basic facilities and in research programmes of Russian scientific centres: IHEP (Protvino), INR RAS (Troitsk), NRC “Kurchatov Institute” (Moscow), PNPI (Gatchina), IPPE (Obninsk), ISSP (Chernogolovka), VNIIEF (Sarov), IHCE SB RAS (Tomsk), INP SB RAS (Novosibirsk), LPI RAS, SINP MSU (Moscow) and etc.
Collaboration is carried out in the fields of theoretical research, educational programmes, summer schools and conferences. Educational programme is developed in close collaboration with leading Russian universities. JINR cooperation with Russian universities is of special significance as far as it involves training of specialists that prepares a new generation of researchers. The geography of cooperation covers all Russia. There is a SINP MSU branch in Dubna. The JINR University Centre was established in 1991 in which students of MSU, MEPhI, MIPT, MIREA and other RF universities finish their education under the supervision of the leading JINR scientists and pass practice in the JINR laboratories. JINR has close contacts with the Dubna International University for Nature, Society and Man.
Effectiveness of cooperation can be seen in the significant number of publications authored by researchers from Russian scientific centres and universities. Another cooperation area concerns preparation and defense of dissertations by scientists from Russian scientific centres.
One more field of cooperation is contacts with domestic industries. Russian companies in various industries are used to fulfill orders for scientific projects. The basis for such cooperation is projects conducted at accelerators in other countries, for example, in the projects of the Russia-JINR-CERN, Russia-JINR-FNAL collaboration.
Special economic zone “Dubna”
In accordance with the Government Decree of 21 December 2005, the Special Economic Zone of technical-innovative type “Dubna” was established at the territory of Dubna. Special economic zones of technical-innovative type are created to increase the share of Russia’s presence in the world markets of high-tech products, working out the mechanisms for concentration of intellectual and other resources in modern conditions at a certain territory in order to solve priority problems in the scientific and technical field.
RAS Academician
Grigory V. Trubnikov
Executive of the contacts with the Russian Federation, Professor, Director of JINR -
+7 (49621) 6-22-00
fax: +7 (49621) 6-22-03 -
RAS Academician
Victor A. Matveev
Executive of the contacts with the Russian Federation, Professor, Scientific Leader of JINR -
+7 (49621) 6-50-45
fax: +7 (49621) 6-51-46 -
The scientists of the Russian Federation take part in the research work on all themes of the Topical plan for JINR research and international cooperation for the year 2022.
At present the active cooperation is with the following scientific organizations of the RF:
- State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation A.I. Alikhanov Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
- M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
- National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
- Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Russian Scientific Centre “Kurchatov Institute”
- P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Russian Federation National Nuclear Corporation Rosatom
- State Scientific Centre Institute of High Energy
St. Petersburg
- ARCP SPbSU – V.A. Fock Academic and Research Centre of Physics Saint Petersburg State University
- SPbSU – Saint Petersburg State University
- Ioffe Physics and Technology Institute RAS
The Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Russian Federation in JINR since March 2020 is Valery Nikolaevich Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Born 18 October 1978 in Tyumen.
Graduated from Tyumen State University with a degree in Law. Candidate of Juridical Sciences.
Held several posts at Tyumen State University (department head, Deputy Director of the Institute of State and Law, Deputy President for Continuing Education, Director of the Institute of Law, Economics, and Administration).
Rector of Tyumen State University.
Voting member of the Tyumen Regional Election Commission.
Chairman of the Tyumen Regional Council of Young Academics and Professionals.
Member of the Tyumen City Duma; Chairman of the Standing Committee on Urban Development and Land Regulation of the Tyumen City Duma.
Member of the Tyumen Regional Duma; Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy of the Tyumen Regional Duma.
Chairman of the Tyumen Regional Council of University Presidents.
21 January 2020
Appointed Minister of Science and Higher Education by Presidential Executive Order.
Awards and titles
Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2003); Badge of Honor of the Tyumen Regional Duma (2009); Certificate of Merit from the Governor of the Tyumen Region (2013); Diploma of the State Duma of the RF Federal Assembly (2014); Thank-you note from the Plenipotentiary Representative of the RF President in the Ural district (2015); Thank-you note from the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (2017).
Vladimir Voevodin, Director, Research Computing Center of Lomonosov Moscow State University; Director, branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University “MSU Sarov” (Moscow, Russia).
Stepan Kalmykov, Vice-President, Russian Academy of Sciences; Dean, Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia).
Mikhail V. Kovalchuk, President, National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”
Pavel Logatchov, Director, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Victor A. Matveev, Scientific Leader of JINR (Dubna).
Аlexander Sergeev, Scientific Leader, National Center for Physics and Mathematics, branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University “MSU Sarov” (Sarov, Russia).
Grigory Trubnikov, Director, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, JINR).
- New Year – 1 January;
- Orthodox Christmas – 7 January;
- Defender’s Day – 23 Februar;
- International Women’s Day – 8 March;
- Day of Labour and Spring – 1 May;
- Victory Day – 9 May;
- Day of Russia – 12 June;
- National Day of Unity – 4 November;
- Constitution Day – 12 December.