Dubna hosts the 7th German – Russian Travelling Seminar “Nanomaterials and scattering methods”
A Travelling Seminar of the 7th German – Russian Summer School “Nanomaterials and scattering methods” will be held on 18 September 2017.
The Travelling Seminar will be hosted in Dubna by the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR. FLNP Deputy Director Egor Lychagin will welcome the School on behalf of the Institute. He will give a lecture on research activities of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics and after that participants of the School participants will have a guided tour to the IBR-2 reactor. In the afternoon, students will attend topical lectures of Russian and German professors.
The present 7th German – Russian summer school was started on 11 September in Yekaterinburg. Two days later, the School participants traveled the Trans-Siberian railway for a guest seminar in Kazan, whence they have come to Dubna. The final four days of the School will be held in Moscow, where participants will visit the Moscow State University, the Skolkovo Innovation Center, and also will see the Red Square and the Kremlin.
Download the Programme of the Travelling Seminar in Dubna
7th German – Russian Travelling Seminar “Nanomaterials and scattering methods”
(PCnano & TS-2017)
10–22 September 2017, Russia
The Travelling Seminar is a German-Russian summer school, which alternatingly is organized in Russia and Germany. This year the Summer School will be held in on 10 – 22 September 2017 in Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Dubna and Moscow. About a dozen German and a dozen Russian students participate in a two-week course on the scientific topic of nanomaterials and large-scale research facilities. The seminar aims for Master students, possibly for last year Bachelors or first year PhD students. Famous Russian and German professors will give lectures to students of the School. The talks by the students supposed to be along the topic of the Summer School. Tours in leading universities and scientific centers of Russia are scheduled in the frames of the School.