AYSS seminar at JINR Scientists’ Club
On 12 March 2025, at 4:00 PM, the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists at JINR invites everyone interested to the next seminar that will take place in the Big Hall of the JINR Scientists’ Club (6 Joliot-Curie St, left side).
A member of the Coordinating Council for Youth Affairs in the Scientific and Educational Spheres under the Council for Science and Education under the President of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor at Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, a senior researcher at the NEVOD Experimental Complex Egor Zadeba will deliver a presentation titled “Cosmic rays: from ultra-high energy physics and new states of matter to muon tomography of reactors and Egyptian pyramids”.
Cosmic rays (CR) are a natural stream of high-energy particles coming to us from both the Milky Way galaxy and the most distant regions of the universe. This phenomenon was discovered over a hundred years ago and has become not only the subject of comprehensive study, but also a tool for studying nature. CR have two features that are useful for this: constant, dense flow and high energy, allowing them to reach the bottom of the oceans and the deepest underground structures. The lecture is devoted to the history of the discovery, the study of cosmic rays, and ways to apply them when studying new physical processes and the largest natural and human-made objects, such as volcanoes or Egyptian pyramids.
To join the event on 12 March, please fill in the form via the link.