All-Russia Science Festival 2016
News, 03 October 2016
JINR will participate in the Festival of Science «Nauka 0+» on 7-9 October 2016 in Moscow, exposing its exhibitons in the Residential Complex “Shuvalovsky” of MSU and the Expocentre.
In MSU JINR will present the following layouts: the MPD/NICA facility, the heavy-ion Cyclotron U-400, the IBR-2 reactor, the model of a calorimeter, and the model of the Deep Underwater Neutrino Telescope with a photomultiplier on lake Baikal. During all three days, JINR scientists will introduce the main research directions of JINR laboratories and JINR flagship projects.
In the Expocentre, young members of the JINR robotics club will hold classes on the basics of programming of robots (, workshops on robotics, experiments in elementary chemistry and physics, interactive games and contests and the winners will be awarded souvenirs.
How to find us:
Expocentre -> 2nd pavilion -> 4th hall. View layout
Residential Complex “Shuvalovsky” -> Central hall -> the far corner poster on the left. View layout