60th meeting of JINR Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics

News, 22 January 2025

On 23–24 January 2025, the 60th meeting of the Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics will take place at the JINR International Conference Centre. The event will focus on JINR’s ongoing nuclear physics projects and the development of the main facilities the projects are implemented at.

  Programme of the 60th PAC NP meeting

Chair of the PAC for Nuclear Physics Valery Nesvizhevsky will open the event. He will inform the PAC members about the implementation of the previous meeting’s recommendations. JINR Vice-Director Sergey Dmitriev will present the Resolution of the 136th Scientific Couincil session and the decisions of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States.

The PAC members will hear talks on the JINR projects. A senior researcher at the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems Bair Shaibonov will discuss the progress and results of the Baikal-GVD Project to build the deep underwater neutrino telescope. A DLNP researcher Alexey Trifonov will make a presentation entitled “LINAC-200 Linear Electron Accelerator as a core for a new test beam facility at DLNP at JINR”. Head of the Sector of the Formation Reaction and Structure of Heavy Nuclei at the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions Alexandr Svirikhin will make a presentation on the study of chemical and physical properties of superheavy elements at the Superheavy Element Factory.

Executive Secretary of the Natural Science Review Editorial Team Alexander Nezvanov will give a brief talk about the new JINR journal.

After lunch, the committee members will tour the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR.

At the end of the first day, six young FLNR scientists will make poster presentations on new nuclear physics research results and projects. The PAC members will select the best speakers.

On 24 January, the meeting will start with scientific presentations: “Equivalence principle and acceleration effect” by Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics Alexander Frank and “The JUNO Experiment: status and results” by Head of the DLNP Reactor Neutrino Sector Maxim Gonchar.

At the end of the event, the members of the Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics will meet with representatives of the JINR Directorate to prepare the PAC recommendations and proposals regarding the next meeting’s agenda.