Workshop of the Nuclotron Beams Users
News, 03 October 2017
The 5th International Workshop «Perspectives of Experimental Research with the Nuclotron Beams» will be started on 6 October 2017 in the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR.
The JINR Basic facility Nuclotron is the only superconducting accelerator of nuclei and heavy ions in Europe and Asia. Since the Nuclotron is the basic element of the NICA mega-science project, the accelerator along with the project was included in the Roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).
At first, participants of the Workshop will be acquainted with the current status of the Nuclotron, its injection complex and the beams, as well as the operation schedule of the Nuclotron in 2017 and 2018. Issues of polarized beams of deuterons and protons will be exhaustively covered: the results of the 53rd and 54th runs at the Nuclotron will be presented, as well as reports on polarimetry in the 53rd and 54th runs and its development will be heard.
During the Workshop scientific reports will be given, in particular, “The DSS collaboration results obtained on unpolarized and polarized deuteron beams at the Nuclotron” by V.P. Ladygin, “Development of a new concept for electronuclear method of energy production based on light ion beams” by A.A. Baldin and “Some results of studying the structure of light nuclei by the nuclear emulsion method and long-term objectives” P.I. Zarubin.
On the second day of the Workshop, proposals on the research programme at the Nuclotron beams and runs schedule 2017-2018 will be presented, as well as the advance work schedule (up to 2020) for the operation and development of the accelerator complex and the beams infrastructure will be considered. Discussions and approvals with account of the interests of users will be held.