Pioneers of Nuclear Physics: Women Changing Science


Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics

Seminar of the Division of Nuclear Physics

Scientific leader: Valery Shvetsov

Date and Time: Wednesday, 5 March 2025, at 11:00 AM

Venue: Conference hall, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics

Seminar topic: “Pioneers of Nuclear Physics: Women Changing Science”

Speaker: Ivan Ruskov (Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, FLNP JINR, TANGRA collaboration)


The informational lecture is dedicated to International Women’s Day on 8 March. The lecturer will talk about the “scientific legacy” of outstanding women nuclear physicists, whose scientific research and discoveries have had a significant impact on various areas of neutron and nuclear physics.

The audience will have the opportunity to refresh and enhance their knowledge about such remarkable scientists as “Two Madams in Physics”, “The First Lady of Physics Research”, “Uranium Lady”, “Russian Madam Curie”, “Marie Curie of the Orient”, “The First Women Nuclear Physicist”.