Complete fusion mechanism by nucleon transfer in heavy ion collisions


Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics

Seminar on Nuclear Theory

Date and Time: Monday, 20 November 2023, at 3:30 PM

Venue: Blokhintsev lecture hall, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, online on Zoom

Seminar topic: “Complete fusion mechanism by nucleon transfer in heavy ion collisions”

Speaker: Avazbek Nasirov

Authors: A. K. Nasirov1, G. G. Adamian1, Sh. Kalandarov1, G. Giardina2, G. Mandaglio2, B. M. Kayumov3

2 – Messina University, Italy
3 – Institute of Nuclear Physics of Republic Uzbekistan AS


Within the framework of the dinuclear system model, we proposed a new mechanism for incomplete fusion of nuclei as the emission of an alpha particle from a very mass-asymmetric state of the nuclear system during its evolution into a compound nucleus in collisions with high orbital angular momentum (L > 30 hbar). The use of the transport master equation to describe the mass and charge distribution of binary reaction fragments shows that quasission products can mix with asymmetric products fusionssion experiments. We analyzed experimental data for selected reactions. It turned out that the difference between the observed cross sections of 2n and 3n channels evaporation residues in the reactions 34S+208Pb and 36S+206Pb is explained by the difference in fusion cross sections, which depend on the internal barrier Bf us height along the path to fusion. Our experience in theoretical describing the yield of reaction products in collisions of heavy nuclei allows us to assert that complete nuclear fusion occurs due to the transfer of nucleons through a window between the fragment surfaces of a dinuclear system.