Calculated and experimental characteristics of DGFRS-2 new gas-filled separator and modelling of ion optics of GASSOL gas-filled superconducting solenoid
Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions
Date and Time: Monday, 19 June 2023, at 3:00 PM
Venue: FLNR Conference Hall, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions
Seminar topic: “Calculated and experimental characteristics of DGFRS-2 new gas-filled separator and modelling of ion optics of GASSOL gas-filled superconducting solenoid”
Speaker: Dmitry Solovyev
The results of studying the characteristics of DGFRS-2 new gas-filled separator are presented. DGFRS-2 was studied both on the basis of the separator calculated model created in Geant4 framework and on the basis of experimental data obtained in 170Er(48Ca,4n)214Ra, 174Yb(48Ca,5n)217Th, and 206Pb(48Са,2n)252No test reactions.
The separator main characteristics: the dipole magnet dispersion, the separator transmission at different target thicknesses, dependence of ion image size in the focal plane on the gas pressure were determined experimentally.
The separator calculated model is verified on the basis of experimental data. A set of methods for simulation of evaporation residue trajectories in the gaseous environment of a magnetic separator will be presented at the seminar. After verification of DGFRS-2 calculated model and the methods in use a model of GASSOL separator based on a superconducting solenoid was created, and its prospects in the experimental study of the chemical properties of superheavy elements were estimated.
(Based on the PhD thesis.)