Overview of Radiation Hardness of Materials


Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

Scientific and Methodical Seminar

Date and Time: Thursday, 10 February 2022, at 11:00 AM

Venue: Online conference on Zoom

Seminar topic: “Overview of Radiation Hardness of Materials”

Speaker: S. Abdelshakour


Semiconductor detectors are widely used in nuclear physics and high-energy physics experiments. The application of semiconductor detectors can be limited by their ultimate radiation hardness. The increase in the concentration of radiation defects leads to significant degradation of working parameters of semiconductor detectors.

The investigation of properties of radiation defects in order to enhance the radiation hardness of semiconductor detectors is an important task for the successful implementation of nuclear physics experiments.

At the seminar, the radiation hardness of such materials as diamond, sapphire, and CdTe will be discussed. Also, the results of measurements of I-V characteristics, charge collection efficiency, and the dependence on the bias voltage for different doses of high resistivity (GaAs:Cr) and Si at the LINAC-200 accelerator and the IBR-2 reactor will be presented.

Record of the seminar by S. Abdelshakour, 10.02.22