Information of the JINR Operational Headquarters about testing for coronavirus
News, 03 June 2020
Since 13 April 2020, about 1,000 of coronavirus tests were made at JINR. In addition, polymerase chain reaction tests with reverse transcription were carried out:
- About 1,000 tests with the support of JSC “STRABAG” in April 2020;
- About 583 tests (April – 221; May – 265, June – 97) in the frames of the additional agreement with Medical Unit No.9 of FMBA of Russia;
- 41 tests were made, including of 18 military men of the Federal National Guard Troops Service guarding JINR, of FMBA patients and those who have been in contact with them.
Moreover, in the frames of the research programme on checking tests basing on the enzyme multiplied immunoassay, 210 JINR employees were tested upon the agreement with the Dubna City Hospital.
Most of the coronavirus tests of JINR employees are carried out for prophylactic purposes. It is necessary to highlight that, first of all, health of employees who maintain and manage the IBR-2 reactor is monitored, as well as of those who ensure the management and functioning of the Institute during the pandemic and, therefore, are at high risk. In total, 10 staff members got positive results of the coronavirus tests. All of them got necessary treatment and were put on quarantine under the supervision of Medical Unit No. 9 of the FMBA of Russia.
According to Mosoblshtab and Rospotrebnadzor, 133 coronavirus tests of Dubna citizens were positive as of 30 May since the beginning of the pandemic.
Head of the Operational Headquarters Grigory Shirkov