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JINR Newsletter #49, 30 December 2024

Dear colleagues and friends,

A year full of intensive and interesting work, challenges, and achievements in the development of research infrastructure, significant events in the life of JINR as an international intergovernmental organization, is behind us. The outstanding results obtained by the Joint Institute in 2024 have become possible thanks to the dedicated work of scientists, workers, and specialists of the JINR Member States and partners.

The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research team wishes the employees and colleagues a Happy New Year. There are many new discoveries ahead of us changing the world for the better!

Happy New Year!

Сongratulations from JINR Director

Please enjoy a New Year’s note from JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov and a short video about the magic of science. Thank you for being with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in 2025, and Happy New Year!


Governing Bodies

JINR Science and Technology Council reviewed results of past year

On 20 December, the final meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council in 2024 was held: the STC members discussed the year’s work results and reviewed the prospects for further development of the Institute. The event concluded with a ceremony of awarding JINR employees.



JINR-RSA Joint Coordination Committee took place in Cape Town

The Institute’s representatives headed by Director Grigory Trubnikov participated in the 23rd meeting of the JINR-RSA JCC held at the NRF: iThemba LABS, the accelerator centre of South Africa. The agenda of the Committee meeting was devoted to strategic issues of further partnership development.


JINR’s visit to universities of South African Republic

A delegation of JINR and partner Russian higher education institutions visited the universities of the Republic of South Africa to meet with the leadership of scientific faculties and specialised departments and discuss cooperation issues.


Students of Slovak Republic visited JINR

On 13 December, a group of Slovak students from Moscow universities came to Dubna to get acquainted with JINR. They visited the JINR Mir Centre and listened to lectures at MLIT, FLNP, and BLTP. Head of the MLIT Scientific Department of Computational Physics Ján Buša organized the visit.


Flagship Projects

MPD solenoid at NICA was cooled down to operating temperatures

The solenoid of the Multi-Purpose Detector at NICA was successfully cooled down to its operating temperatures of 4.5-5К, confirming the absence of “cold leaks” and demonstrating the quality of the methods and equipment for the cooling.


Reconstructed substation for NICA put into operation

On 23 December, JINR received permission from the Chief Department of State Construction Supervision of the Moscow Region to commission the main JINR Dubna Distribution Substation No. 1, a strategically important facility for powering the NICA Accelerator Complex.


VBLHEP developed new method for manufacturing HTS cable joints

The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research obtained a patent for a method for manufacturing high-temperature superconducting cable joints. Congratulations to the authors Andrey Shemchuk, Maxim Ilyin, and Mikhail Novikov on receiving the state registration!


Conferences & Seminars

Seminar of IMEMO President took place at JINR

On 24 December, President of the Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Dynkin visited JINR to tour the NICA Accelerator Complex at VBLHEP and make a presentation “Transformation of the world order” at a joint institute seminar.


Session of Scientific Council of RAS Physics Division at JINR

The event took place from 16 to 18 December and was dedicated to the experience exchange and discussion of the latest achievements in condensed matter radiation physics. Along with the FLNR JINR employees, representatives of more than ten Russian scientific centres participated in the session.


Book and album about LHEP JINR co-founder Ivan Chuvilo published

The presentation of the book marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist took place on 20 December at the JINR Museum of History and Science of Technology. Ivan Chuvilo’s colleagues, family, and friends shared their memories about him at the event.


Ceremonies & Grants

100th diploma awarded by JINR Dissertation Council

The JINR International Conference Centre hosted a ceremony of awarding diplomas on conferring degrees to three doctors of sciences and six candidates of sciences. JINR congratulates the researchers and wishes them further academic achievements!


JINR scientists awarded titles of Dubna University Honorary Professors

On 25 December, at the meeting of the Dubna State University Scientific Council, the titles of Distinguished and Honorary Professor were awarded to seven outstanding JINR scientists working at the university. The Institute team congratulates the honoured employees and wishes them further successes and new achievements!


Competition results for JINR Youth Grants in 2025

106 young researchers, specialists, and highly qualified workers of the Institute will receive the AYSS JINR grant for the most significant experimental, theoretical, methodological, technical, and applied works. We congratulate the grantees and wish them success in their future activity!



Third exhibition of JINR Artists’ Club opened at Mir Centre

On 24 December, the JINR Mir Cultural Centre hosted the opening of the Fairytales of the World exhibition organized by the JINR Quarks Artists’ Club. The artwork is made in various techniques. The canvases feature watercolour, pastel, oil, acrylic paint, gouache. Plaster, papier-mâché, decorative elements, and lighting are used in the installations.



Ice rink opened at JINR Nauka Stadium

Ski, skates, and other equipment rental is available at the stadium for all visitors. You can find information about prices on the JINR Sports Complex website. Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 12:00 PM — 9:00 PM; Sat-Sun: 10:00 AM — 9:00 PM.



Masterpieces of classical music performed at Synchrophasotron

The Moscow Virtuosi State Chamber Orchestra under the baton of maestro Vladimir Spivakov performed compositions by Bach, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, and other world-famous composers in the Synchrophasotron Hall at VBLHEP. The soloist of the Moscow Academic Musical Theatre Elizaveta Pakhomova became the voice of the evening.


Seminar recordings

Please enjoy recordings of seminars “Low-frequency laser power stabilisation for a compact precision laser inclinometer”1 by Yuli Klemeshov, “LINAC-200 Linear Accelerator: a new DLNP JINR basic facility for research with electron beams”2 by Alexey Trifonov, and “Attosecond physics in Cherenkov radiation”3 by Dmitry Karlovets.


A day in JINR life

On 26 December, the JINR Telegram channel published a post with an archive photograph of the ceremony marking the launch of the new U-400 Heavy Ion Accelerator at FLNR at JINR taken exactly 46 years ago, on 26 December 1978.


Video about main JINR events

We offer you to watch a video review of highlights from the life of the Institute.


JINR Weekly Newspaper issued

A new issue of the JINR Weekly Newspaper #50 has been published. Please note that you can read an English version on the JINR Newspaper’s website.


Upcoming Events



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© Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Joliot-Curie str 6, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia, 141980


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