Workshop in Memory of Professor V.P.Sarantsev in Alushta
News, 30 August 2017
12th International Scientific Workshop in Memory of Professor V.P.Sarantsev «Problems of Colliders and Charged Particle Accelerators» will be held on 3 – 8 September 2017 in the JINR Resort Hotel «Dubna» in Alushta, Crimea.
The Workshop provides a forum for exchange of new information and discussion in the area of acceleration science and engineering, development of new projects of heavy ion and lepton colliders, particle beam physics, new accelerator designs, modernization of existing facilities, accelerators for scientific purposes and applications, as well as attraction of young scientists to the problems of accelerator physics. Particular attention will be given to these issues in the light of the implementation of mega-science project NICA.
Traditionally the workshop is attended by representatives of leading accelerator centers of Russia. Speakers were delegated by such research centers as the BINP SB RAS (Novosibirsk), JINR (Dubna), ITEP (Moscow), the Lebedev Physical Institute (Moscow), the Saint-Petersburg State University, NRNU – MEPhI (Moscow), the Pulsed Technologies Ltd. (Ryazan), INR RAS (Moscow), ICKC SB RAS (Novosibirsk), the NRC Kurchatov Institute (Moscow), the Efremov Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus (Saint-Petersburg), IPСE RAS (Moscow), MRTI RAS (Moscow), PTC LPI (Protvino), the physical faculty of MSU (Moscow), and also the IHEP (China). The Workshop has been held in Alushta since 2005. According to the organizers, this year the Workshop expects record high number of participants – about 130; 56 reports and 83 posters are planned.
Organizers of the Workshop are the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics and the Scientific Council on Charged Particle Accelerators of the Russian Academy of Sciences.