Winners of the Youth JINR Prize Competition 2019-2020
News, 22 December 2020
Results of the JINR Prize Competition 2019-2020 for young scientists and specialists 2019-2020 have been published. As a result of the second round held online on 15 December, the prizes are awarded to following researchers:
- In the section “Scientific and research theoretical papers”
1st prize: A. F. Pikelner (BLTP)
3rd prize: Rakhmati Nedzhad Azam Mokhammad Ali (BLTP) - In the section “Scientific and research experimental papers”
1st prize: R. A. Kozhina (LRB)
2nd prize: I. A. Muzalevsky (FLNR)
2nd prize: V. V. Shalaev (VBLHEP) - In the section “Scientific-research and scientific-technical papers”
1st prize: D. O. Ponkin (VBLHEP)
2nd prize: A. V. Galavanov (VBLHEP)
3rd prize: B. Munkhbaatar (LRB)
3rd prize: P. V. Goncharov (LIT) - In the section “Scientific and technical applied papers”
2nd prize: A. Nazarova (FLNP)
2nd prize: A. Ibraeva (FLNR)
3rd prize: E. V. Melnik (FLNR)