VBLHEP: screening of the film dedicated to L.B. Golovanov
In commemoration of Golovanov Leonid Borisovich who was the honoured engineer of Russia, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Head of the Sector of LHE JINR, the participant of testing of the first Russian aircraft with a hydrogen engine TU-155, screening of the film dedicated to this brilliant engineer will be held. The film has been produced by Senior Researcher of VBLHEP JINR, Doctor of Physics and Maths A.A. Baldin.
Time and Venue: 10 May 2018, at 10:00 AM, VBLHEP Small Conference Hall (bld. 215) – room 347
Everyone is welcome to watch the film!
Leonid Borisovich was born on 14 August 1930. In 1955, he graduated from the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Since 1955, he worked in the Electrophysical Laboratory of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1956, this Laboratory was transformed to the Laboratory of High Energies of JINR. He was the Head of the Sector and Acting Leading Researcher. Leonid Borisovich defended the Candidate’s thesis in the All-Russian Institute of Aviation Materials.
Leonid Borisovich was a highly skilled specialist in development of unique cryogenic equipment for nuclear research. Hydrogen chambers were invented and research of multilayer insulation were conducted with his participation. He was a supervisor of work on creation of a number of liquid hydrogen, deuterium and helium targets, with the help of which the majority of electronic experiments were performed in LHE JINR. Golovanov is a co-author and author of more than 80 research papers and inventions.
JINR Weekly Newspaper about L.B. Golovanov:
Article of 1997 “Everything has started from the samovar”
Congratulations from colleagues on occasion of Birthday
From the JINR photo archive, photos by Yu.A. Tumanov:
Drift chamber based on the unique technology of forming blocks of lavsan tubes. In the photo: L.B. Golovanov (LHE) introduces Yu.Ts. Oganessian to the technology of production of tubes, 1993
Discussion of results of the target testing between Head of the Cryogenic Department A.G. Zeldovich (on the right) and Head of the Sector L.B. Golovanov, 1975
Competition of the club of underwater sport in the pool “Archimedes”. Awarding ceremony. In the foreground — L. B. Golovanov, 1980
Competition of the club of underwater sport. Head of the club L.B. Golovanov, 1980
Competition of the club of the underwater sport (from left to right): V.V. Kamanin and L.B. Golovanov, 1980
Drift chamber based on the unique technology of forming blocks of lavsan tubes. (from right to left): L.B. Golovanov (LHE) introduces Yu.Ts. Oganessian to the technology of production of tubes, 1993
Drift chamber based on the unique technology of forming blocks of lavsan tubes. (from left to right) L.B. Golovanov (LHE) and I.E. Chirikov-Zorin observe the block of tubes, 1993