Travel storytelling day


The JINR Universal Public Library invites everyone interested to an annual meeting devoted to sharing travel experiences. The programme includes several stories with photos, 15-20 minutes each, and an open microphone. To give a talk, it is required to register via the event’s VK group.

Date and time: 7 September 2024, at 6:00 PM

Venue: JINR Universal Public Library, 13/7 Blokhintsev str.

The speakers will talk:

  • about Kamchatka, always beautiful, but sometimes dangerous (Evgeny Antipanov);
  • about the Himalayas: “a journey to the valley of Gods and humans” (Anna Epstein);
  • about galloping through the Caucasus with children: Ossetia, Ingushetia, Chechnya, Dagestan (Nastasya Pishchugina);
  • about a trip to Kazakhstan: Astana, Burabay Resort, Almaty (and its beautiful surroundings: Charyn and Kolsai) (Elena Mazhitova);
  • about big cars: how to visit the Belarusian Automobile Plant (Irina Davydova);
  • about finding a way to the forest terems of Astashovo and Pogorelovo (Maria Pilipenko).