Their names are in the history of science. Shapiro’s magnetism

News, 15 April 2015

The 100th anniversary of the birth of one of the founders of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences F.L. Shapiro was celebrated on 6 April 2015. That day a memorial seminar in the JINR Club of Scientists gathered staff members and veterans of the laboratory – not only Russian, but also from other JINR Member States. Participants were sharing their memories about Shapiro. Clarity of thought, phenomenal simplicity of presentation of complex issues, he was a brilliant theorist and a great experimentalist, generous in sharing ideas, considerate to other people’s problems, a charismatic man – these characteristics of F.L. Shapiro were repeated from one report to another.
Olga Tarantina Photo by Elena Puzynina