The 4th Russian-Spanish Congress started
News, 04 September 2017
Today, on 4 September 2017, the 4th Russian-Spanish Congress: Particle, Nuclear, Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology started in Dubna; the venue of the Congress is the International Conference Hall.
That series of events was started in 2011, when the first forum of “Particle, Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics” was held the University of Barcelona in the frames of the “Year of Russia in Spain and Spain in Russia”. Since then, the Congress has been held every two years, alternately in Spain and Russia. So the second Congress was held in Russia, in the Saint-Petersburg State University, and the third one was held in 2015 in the University of Santiago de Compostela.
The topics of the Congress cover a wide range of issues, in particular:
- Strong interactions of hadrons at high energies accessible on Large Hadron Collider.
- Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics on LHC and RHIC and predictions of new phases in hot and dense nuclear matter.
- Low and intermediate energy hadron physics: effective Lagrangians and realizations of CP breaking.
- AdS/CFT and AdS/QCD correspondence in Quantum Field and String Theory and Holographic models of Strong Interactions.
- Search for Physics beyond the Standard Model at ultra-high energies both on colliders and on space located installations.
- Modern Cosmology, Dark Energy and theoretical implications on Extra Space dimensions and deviations from Newtonian dynamics.
- Dark Matter in the Universe and Axion manifestation.
- Integrability in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory.
- Nuclear physics of neutron rich nuclei.
This year more than 100 scientists came to participate in the Congress. In addition to Spain and Russia, the participants geography of the Congress covers Belarus, France, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and Venezuela.
The purpose of the Congress is enhancement and development of existing Russian-Spanish scientific cooperation and establisment of new scientific contacts. In addition, the Congress promoting and supporting academic relations between Russian and Spanish universities, as well as involvement of young researchers in joint research and educational activities with further training in both countries.
The 4th Russian-Spanish Congress was organized by the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The Congress will continue until 8 September.