Tennis tournament in memory of V.G. Solovyov


On 7 – 8 April 2018, the tennis section of the JINR Scientists’ Club will hold a traditional tennis tournament dedicated to the memory of V.G. Solovyov. The competition will be held in the JINR Sports Club.


  • 7 April: 11:30 AM – 7:00 PM;
  • 8 апреля: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM

JINR staff members have the advantage in formation of pairs.
The total age of players of one pair should be not less than 85.
The final decision on the list of participants will be made by Chief Referee of the Tournament.

The beginning of the competition is set on 7 April at 11:30 AM.

O. Kozlov is appointed Chief Referee of the Tournament.