Summer meeting of the PAC for Nuclear Physics
Organization, 20 June 2018
The 48th regular meeting of the Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics chaired by М. Lewitowicz is held on 19 – 21 June 2018 in the International Conference Hall, Dubna.
М. Lewitowicz will open the PAC NP meeting with the report on implementation of the recommendations of the previous PAC meeting. The programme of the meeting will be continued by JINR Vice-Director M.G. Itkis who will share information on the Resolution of the 123rd session of the JINR Scientific Council (February 2018) and on the decisions of the JINR Committee of Plenipotentiaries (March 2018). Reports on the concluding themes “Improvement of the JINR Phasotron and Design of Cyclotrons for Fundamental and Applied Research” and “Organization, Support and Development of the JINR Educational Programme” will be delivered. Moreover, S.Z. Pakuliak will make a proposal on the opening of a new theme “Organization, Support and Development of the JINR Human Resources Programme”. The current status of the Factory of Superheavy Elements and the MAVR high-resolution magnetic analyser will be reported on by I.V. Kalagin and Yu.E. Penionzhkevich. A.S. Fomichev will carry a report “Commissioning and first results of the ACCULINNA-2 fragment separator”. Scientific reports will be then made.
Agenda of the last day of the PAC NP meeting traditionally comprises poster presentations by young scientists and PAC recommendations.