Review journal Particles & Nuclei, #3 (Vol. 49) 2018

Publications, 29 May 2018

Founded in 1970, the review journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, brief name Particles & Nuclei, is published by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. This is the most influential physical review journal in Russia. Published by leading physicists from Member States of JINR, as well as scientists from all over the world, review articles in this eminent journal examine elementary particle physics, problems of vacuum in quantum field theory, condensed matter problems, symmetries in physics, string theories and gravity, nuclear physics, automatic processing of experimental data, accelerators and related instrumentation, accelerator-based transmutation studies, ecological implications of present nuclear and conventional energy sources, energy amplifiers based on accelerators. The journal provides review articles in Russian and in English. Note: all volumes are translated into English and published by the Nauka/Interperiodika International Academic Publishing House. The translation journal appears under the name Physics of Particles and Nuclei. Annualy 6 issues are published joined in one volume. In 2000-2004, the journal had a supplementary issue in addition to the six regular issues. The Editors invite you to contribute review articles and guarantee rapid publication of your papers.

Issue #3 2018 (Vol. 49)

Bednyakov V.A., Russakovich N.A.
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Experimental Particle Physics
(rus, 22.531.378)

Chervyakov A., Kleinert H.
On Electron–Positron Pair Production by a Spatially Inhomogeneous Electric Field


Silantyev A.V.
Reflection Functor in the Theory of Representations of Preprojective Algebras for Quivers, and Integrable Systems
(rus, 598.512)

Dubinov A.E., Ochkina E.I.
Electron Accelerators-Recirculators with Non-Circular Electron Orbits for Radiation Applications
(rus, 10.710.433)