Remote STC meeting of DNICM FLNP
Date and Time: Tuesday, 14 February 2023, at 3:00 PM
Venue: DNICM Conference hall, bld. 42a, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics
Open Scientific and Technical Council of the NICM Department FLNP
Discussion of proposals for nominating scientific works for the FLNP competition 2022 in the section “Competition of scientific works on condenced matter physics”
- Series of scientific works: Stable Aggregates in Aqueous Ferrofluids: Structural Characterization by Scattering Methods
FLNP team of authors: Avdeev М. V., Ivankov А. I.
Other authors: Nagorny А. V. (Elettra, Italy), Shulenina А. V. (MSU) - Series of scientific works: Formation of Up-Conversion Luminescent Nanoparticles in Glass Materials: Results of Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
FLNP team of authors: Kichanov S. Е., Gorshkova Yu. Е., Kozlenko D. P.,
Rutkauskas А. V., Savenko B. N., Dyussembekova S.
Other authors: Rachkovskaya G. Е., Zakharevich G. B., Trusova Е. Е. (Belarusian State Technological University), Gurin V. S. (Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Problems, Belarusian State University), Alexeenko А. А. (Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel) - Series of scientific works: Bulk and Surface Phase States in the Fe-27Ga Magnetostrictive Alloy
FLNP team of authors: Balagurov А. М., Bobrikov I. А., Ivanshina О. Yu.,
Samoylova N. Yu., Sumnikov S. V.
Other authors: Korneeva Е. А. (FLNR JINR), Golovin I. S. (MISIS) - Series of scientific works: Comparative study of phase transformations in non-equilibrium Fe-Ga alloys with a high content of gallium
FLNP team of authors: Vershinina T. N., Bobrikov I. А., Samoylova N. Yu.,
Sumnikov S. V., Balagurov А. М.
Other authors: Boyev А. О. (Skoltech), Abdel Karim М., Palacheva V. V., Golovin I. S. (MISIS) - Microscopic mechanism of ferroelectric properties in barium hexaferrites
FLNP team of authors: Turchenko V. А., Balasoiu M.
Other authors: Bondyakov А. S. (MLIT JINR), Trukhanov S. V., Trukhanov А. V. (Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre of NAS of Belarus),
Korovushkin V. V. (MISIS), Ignazi Fina Martinez, Bernat B. (ICMAB, CSIC, Spain), Polosan S. (National Institute of Materials Physics, Romania), Lupu N. (National Institute for Research and Development of Technical Physics, Romania)
All interested staff members are kindly invited. You can read abstracts to scientific works and the works themselves in advance via the link