Publications about IBR-2
Publications, 10 October 2018
We offer to get acquianted with two new publications on physical research and the scientific infrastructure of the IBR-2 reactor issued by the JINR Publishing Department.
- Kirilov A. S., Morkovnikov I. A.
“About the Concept of the File Repositary for Istruments at the IBR-2 Pulsed Reactor”
The work is devoted to the concept of a central repository of measurement data from the IBR-2 instruments at the FLNP, JINR. The concept takes into account the variety of structures and data file formats on specific instruments, the users’ wishes, and estimated amount of disk space required. The questions of the service organization for the work with the data into the storage were considered, taking into account the existing system of automatic measurements registration Journal.
- Korepanova N. V. et al.
“Neutron Noise Analysis Using the Basic Element Method”
The full range of noise energy pulses reaches ±22% under normal conditions of operation of the IBR-2M reactor (JINR, Dubna). Therefore, slow changes in average power, caused, for example, by the movement of regulatory bodies, “drown” in the noises. But in a number of cases, it is these slow components of the pulse energy variation, the so-called basic signals (baseline), that are of fundamental importance for justifying the conditions for safe operation of the reactor. To determine the baseline in the noises of the IBR-2M the sixth order mean-square piecewise polynomial approximation (MSPPA-6) was used for the detection of the baseline in the noises of IBR-2M. The algorithm MSPPA-6 depends on control parameters α, β, M and K, the optimal values of which depend on the initial noise parameters. The algorithm was applied to both the static and the dynamic state of the reactor in the range of an average power of 30 kW – 2 MW. The average processing time of one point on a PC x86_64 Processor Intel Core i5-4570 Sandy Bridge machine, 3.20 GHz, was 0.05 ms, which allows using the MSPPA-6 algorithm in real time.