Radial meson excitations in the domain model of QCD


Seminar of Hadron Physics
6 March 2015, 11:00, BLTP Blokhintsev hall (4th floor)    
Vladimir Voronin (BLTP JINR) “Radial meson excitations in the domain model of QCD” Abstract We give a short overview of the motivation and discuss results of the approach to QCD vacuum as a medium describable in terms of statistical ensemble of almost everywhere covariantly constant Abelian (anti-)self-dual gluon fields which also can be seen as a random ensemble of domain wall networks. The domain walls separate the space-time regions with Abelian self-dual and anti-self-dual fields. The network of the domain walls is introduced as a combination of multiplicative and additive superposition of kinks. A relativistic quantum field theoretical description of mesons based on the domain model of QCD vacuum is reviewed. In this approach the mesons appear as colorless collective excitations in the confining QCD vacuum. New results for the masses and leptonic decay constants of radially excited mesons are presented. The radial excitations of light, heavy-light mesons and heavy quarkonia are described analytically from a single point of view. The model has a minimal for QCD set of parameters: quark masses, strong coupling constant, gluon condensate <g2F2> and the mean domain size related to the topological susceptibility of pure gluodynamics.