A visit of Minister of the the Embassy of Venezuela

News, 04 August 2015

Mr. Enrique Jose Vivas Gonzalez, Minister-Counselor for technology, science and education of the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Moscow, visited JINR on 31 July 2015.

Mr. Enrique Vivas met JINR Vice Director Professor M.G. Itkis and Head of the JINR International Cooperation Department Dr. D.V. Kamanin. Scientific secretary of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions A.V. Karpov and Scientific secretary of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics D.V. Peshekhonov acquainted Mr. Enrique Vivas with their laboratories and the main directions of scientific research. During the visit of Mr. Enrique Vivas several issues aimed at development of scientific cooperation between JINR and the Venezuelan research organizations and universities were discussed.

Mr. Enrique Vivas reported that the reason for the visit was a proclamation of the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research about its interest in enhancement of relations with JINR. The visit of the representative of the Venezuelan Embassy to JINR continued the visit of Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Moscow wich was held on 4 March 2014 with a delegation of 11 ambassadors of Latin American countries.

During the visit the first steps in development of cooperation which will be done with the support of the Venezuelan Embassy were laid out; first of all it will be informing about JINR’s research, conferences held by the Institute and about educational possibilities in interested organizations of Venezuela.