Probing Nuclei by Deeply Penetrating and Peripherally Interacting Hadron: Bridging Low and High Energy Processes


Seminar of Hadron Physics
17 April 2015, 11:00, BLTP Blokhintsev lecture hall (4th floor)  
  S.M. Eliseev (BLTP JINR) “Probing Nuclei by Deeply Penetrating and Peripherally Interacting Hadron: Bridging Low and High Energy Processes” Abstract The fact that nuclei have diffuse surfaces (rather than being simple spheres) has dramatic consequences on the interpretation of various nuclear experimental data, for example, the RHIC heavy-ion data. At present, the nuclei are used for the study of hadron properties and their interaction at different nuclear density (in the center and in the peripheral domain of nucleus). This topics provide a connection between experiments with proton beams, lepton beams, and high energy heavy ion collisions. K+-meson at intermediate energy can probe the whole volume of nuclei owing to their small cross section of interaction with nucleons. We show that new experimental data on the total cross section of K+-nuclei interaction cannot be described by the novel well-elaborated Glauber Monte Carlo model. (Widely utilized in heavy-ion collisions, probing hot and dense hadronic matter.) At the same time, in the case of projectiles (e.g., K meson or protons) interacting in the peripheral region of the nuclei (with small density), the agreement of our calculated cross sections with data is rather good. This may indicate on a unique event, in-medium effect, in the region of the nucleus with high density.