A regular meeting of the joint scientific seminar CMS-RDMS

News, 22 April 2015

A regular meeting of the joint scientific seminar “Physics on the Large Hadron Collider” (leader: prof. I.A. Golutvin) which is organized by the RDMS CMS collaboration of Russian institutes and JINR Member States that take part in the LHC experiment Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) will be held on 29 April 2015, at 3.00 pm (Moscow time) at the conference hall of the JINR University center (LIT, room 437).The Seminar is devoted to the presentation of the Tier-1 center in Russia which was designed for processing, storing and analysis of data for the CMS experiment at the LHC on the basis of JINR. This project will significantly increase the level of Russia’s participation in LHC experiments and will provide a good environment for development of a distributed infrastructure for new megaprojects.
The programme of the Seminar includes a lecture of Professor V.V.Korenkov (JINR, Dubna) about the status of the GRID infrastructure of the CMS experiment in the frames of the WLCG project (Worldwide LHC Computing Grid) and about basic stages of establishment, the present status and plans of development of the Tier-1 center in JINR. After the lecture an excursion to the JINR center of data processing and analysis, including infrastructure of the Tier-1 JINR, is scheduled.
You can also participate in the meeting, ask questions and take part in discussions via video conference system points at JINR (UC, room 437 , Dubna), INR (“Pitomnik”, Moscow), LPI (Moscow), (IHEP, Protvino), PNPI (Gatchina), CERN (354-1-А019 – Meyrin Centre), TSU (Tomsk), ASU (Barnaul), KSU (Kemerovo), OSU (Omsk), NSTU (Novosibirsk), YSU (Yaroslavl).The seminar webcast will be available without special equipment at http://rdms.jinr.ru/webcast. The excursion webcast will not be available The programme of the seminar http://rdms.jinr.ru/. The poster of the seminar is available at http://shmatov.home.cern.ch/shmatov/doc/Seminar/.