Preparation of SINQ Upgrade

Семинары, 02 июня 2015

  9 июня 2015 г., 11:00, Конференц-зал ЛНФ, 3-й этаж    
Uwe Filges (Neutron Optics and Scientific Computing Group, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland) «Preparation of SINQ Upgrade» Abstract The Swiss Spallation Neutron Source SINQ is in operation since 1996. Today neutrons are provided to 18 neutron instruments. In addition SINQ was the first Neutron source where supermirror neutron guides were installed for all cold instruments. Recently we have started to investigate different upgrade options for SINQ. In particular a guide upgrade seems promising. Different guide options as well as possible instrument improvements will be presented.   Vadim Talanov (Radiation Transport and Multiphysics Group,  Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerlan) «Target and Moderator Developments for the Neutron Sources at PSI» Abstract Within the Accelerator Operation and Development Division our group is in charge of developments to enhance the functioning of two accelerator-driven neutron sources at PSI, SINQ and UCN. This includes conceptual studies to optimize the neutronic performance of targets and moderators and a joint experimental program to characterize the neutron production and transport to the instruments. The recent achievements towards the upgraded SINQ target-moderator system and the calibrated source of the ultra-cold neutrons will be presented and discussed.