Robustness of the Baryon-Stopping Signal for the Onset of Deconfinement in HIC


Seminar “THEORY OF HADRONIC MATTER UNDER EXTREME CONDITIONS” 24 June 2015, 16:00, BLTP Blokhintsev hall (4th floor)   David Blaschke (University Wroclaw (Poland) and BLTP JINR) “Robustness of the Baryon-Stopping Signal for the Onset of Deconfinement in HIC” Abstract The impact of the experimental acceptance, i.e. transverse-momentum pT cut-off and limited rapidity region, on the earlier predicted irregularity in the excitation function of the baryon stopping is studied. This irregularity is a consequence of the onset of deconfinement occurring in the compression stage of a nuclear collision and manifests itself as a wiggle in the excitation function of the reduced curvature Cy of the net-proton rapidity distribution at midrapidity. It is demonstrated that the wiggle is a very robust signal of a first-order phase transition that survives even under conditions of a very limited acceptance. At the same time the Cy for pure hadronic and crossover transition scenarios become hardly distinguishable, if the acceptance cuts off too much of the low-pT proton spectrum and/or puts too narrow rapidity window around midrapidity. It is found that the shape of the net-proton rapidity distribution near midrapidity depends on the pT cut-off. This implies that the measurements should be taken at the same acceptance for all collision energies in order to reliably conclude on the presence or absence of the irregularity. An outlook is given to actual perspectives of this study in relation to the NICA MPD experiment.