
Conferences, 06 July 2015

On July 6, 2015 in the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research the International Meeting «Strangeness in Quark Matter» – SQM-2015, which is one of the most prestigious scientific forums on physics of nuclear matter under extreme conditions of high temperatures and densities. The first meeting of this series took place in 1991 in Denmark; later it was held in China, Brazil, Poland, Great Britain and other countries.At the ceremonial opening, JINR Director Academician V.A. Matveev spoke about the history and structure of JINR, scientific and educational programmes, cooperation with research centers and universities around the world. The presentation of the Dubna, Vice-Mayor of Dubna N.A. Smirnov made a presentation about the city of Dubna. VBLHEP Director Professor V.D. Kekelidze spoke about implementation of the NICA project. About 250 scientists from more than 30 countries came to Dubna to participate in the Meeting «Strangeness in Quark Matter». For five days, will feature More than 40 plenary reports and the same number of posters will be presented during five days, more than a hundred plenary presentations in five sections are planned. Among them – reports on the latest results of experiments carried out at CERN and RHIC. The programme of the forum includes excursions to the JINR basic facilities, and first of all to the the accelerator complex NICA which is being developed in VBLHEP, detector laboratories, the factory of superconducting magnets.