Visit of the Ambassador of Ukraine
News, 18 December 2008

On Friday 19 December a representative delegation of Ukraine headed by the Ambassador of Ukraine to Russia, the First Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Konstantin Gryshchenko visited Dubna.
The Plenipotentiary of the Government of Ukraine to JINR Vadim Stogniy arrived in Dubna together with the Ambassador. A meeting with the JINR Directorate headed by JINR Director academician
Among other important issues the expansion of cooperation, particularly the issue of closer interaction of the Institute with the research programs of the European Union was discussed at the meeting.
The Ambassador of Ukraine explained in an interview that his country is interested in more active involvement of JINR in the European Union scientific cooperation programs, which would allow to receive the additional funding for investigations of the JINR member states.
The Ambassador of Ukraine emphasized that the scientific cooperation is a part of big cooperation between countries and it is necessary even through hard times to save the scientific cooperation. Also he expressed appreciation to those, who moves science together with Ukrainian staff members of JINR in Dubna.
The guests from Ukraine visited the Nuclotron accelerator complex, had a look at the project of the nuclear collider NICA and the JINR basic facilities (DRIBs, IREN and other), and after that they had an excursion to the Special Economic Zone “Dubna”.
– Does Ukraine have an interest in basic and applied research program of the nuclear collider NICA? – journalists asked the Ambassador of Ukraine after excursion.
– Research activities for the NICA/MPD project are very important for Ukraine, because they should help to solve the problems in the nuclear power industry. Therefore we will support these scientific activities. They have priority not only for us, for Russia, but also for other world.
Before leaving Dubna Konstantin Gryshchenko and Vadim Stogniy had a meeting with the Ukrainian association in Dubna and discussed the problems of Ukrainian staff members of JINR. They promised to help them in the shortest possible time.
Photo by Pavel Kolesov