EXON-2009: cooperation becomes wider
Conferences, 05 October 2009
The International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei EXON-2009 was held on 28 September – 2 October in Sochi. 140 scientists from 24 countries discussed results of the latest research on heavy ion physics at the world leading scientific centers. The nuclei in rare conditions from the lightest to the heaviest are studied in these centers. The Symposium programme also included the new projects which are developed and already implemented in the leading scientific centers of the world – DRIBs (Dubna), FAIR (Germany), Radioactive Isotope Beam Facility (Japan), FRIB (USA), SPIRAL2 (France).
Professor Y.E.Penionzhkevich, Academician Y.Ts.Oganessian, Professors M.G.Itkis (JINR), T.Motobayashi (Japan, RIKEN), S.Gales (France, GANIL), S.Hofmann (Germany, GSI) made their talks at the opening ceremony of the symposium and, on behalf of the organizing committee and the JINR Directorate, welcomed participants who gathered in the “Sputnik” Hotel of Sochi.
The series of symposia dedicated to that subject area unites leading scientists, directors of institutes involved in nuclear physics research and many young scientists who in abundance attended the symposium in Sochi. American scientists declared their willingness to join the traditional Dubna-Germany-France-Japan cooperation.

Professor Y.E.Penionzhkevich, Academician Y.Ts.Oganessian, Professors M.G.Itkis (JINR), T.Motobayashi (Japan, RIKEN), S.Gales (France, GANIL), S.Hofmann (Germany, GSI) made their talks at the opening ceremony of the symposium and, on behalf of the organizing committee and the JINR Directorate, welcomed participants who gathered in the “Sputnik” Hotel of Sochi.
The series of symposia dedicated to that subject area unites leading scientists, directors of institutes involved in nuclear physics research and many young scientists who in abundance attended the symposium in Sochi. American scientists declared their willingness to join the traditional Dubna-Germany-France-Japan cooperation.

Eugeny Molchanov, photo of the author