Meeting of Scientific and Methodological Section of the VBLHEP STC


Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics

Date and Time: Thursday, 9 November 2023, at 11:00 AM

Venue: bld. 215, room 241, Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics, online on Volna

Meeting of Scientific and Methodological Section of the VBLHEP Science and Technology Council 03-2023


  1. Consideration of the application for JINR annual prizes: “Implementation and application of a fully digital automated design production management information system (CMIS) at JINR” under the section “Physics Instruments and Methods”.

    Authors: Cesar Ceballos Sanchez, Anatoly Kolozhvari, Andrey Dolbilov, Roman Semenov, Ekaterina Tsapulina, Alejandro Rodriguez Alvarez, Aleksei Sheremetev, Yuri Murin.

    Represented by Yuri Murin.