Medical Unit No. 9 of Russia held Healthy Saturday

News, 10 October 2023

On 21 October, 672 people had the chance to check their health condition as part of the Healthy Saturday campaign. The event was organized by the Medical Unit No.9 of the FMBA of Russia with support from specialists of the Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Centre of FMBA, Federal Pulmonology Research Institute of FMBA, Federal Clinical Centre for High Medical Technologies of FMBA, and the DNA Clinic. This is the first time this kind of event took place in Dubna.

29 specialists worked at the site, conducting check-ups and consultations: neurologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, pulmonologists, vascular surgeon, psychologist, geriatrician, therapist, oncologist, gynecologist, and ultrasound diagnostics specialists. The patients could get vaccination and various diagnostic tests, such as ECG, ultrasound, computed tomography, mammography, fluorography, and blood tests.

The patients were provided with a light breakfast and oxygen cocktails. A play area with cartoons and colouring books was set up for children. Excursions around the Medical Unit territory were provided for everyone interested, including the outpatient medical rehabilitation department with a hydrotherapy complex, where the patients had the chance to try any procedure. An audio lecture “Prevention of cardiovascular diseases” was held in the assembly hall and was attended by more than 50 people.

“The citizens and attendees from nearby settlements certainly showed great interest in the event. The day before the Healthy Saturday, we conducted monitoring to assess which healthcare professionals are most sought after by patients. As a result, the most in-demand doctors consulted the patients today, including four neurologists, three cardiologists, three gastroenterologists, and three endocrinologists, among other specialists. Recognising the importance of this kind of events is crucial for enhancing the availability of medical consultations to the public. We have already discussed the need to carry out such activities on the basis of our Medical Unit No.9 regularly with colleagues,” Head of the Medical Unit No.9 of the FMBA of Russia Irina Larionova said.

Curator of the Medical Unit No.9, JINR Assistant Director, RAS Corresponding Member Grigory Shirkov noted that the format of the event was chosen well. “Healthy Saturday is a convenient form of check-up, providing a whole range of tests and medical consultations in one visit,” he said. “This event is an example of successful necessary cooperation between doctors and medical organizations, working together to enhance people’s health and well-being through complementary expertise. I think that such a comfortable format will help our residents to form a conscious and careful attitude to their health and the health of their loved ones.”

The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research provides Medical Unit No.9 with regular support in upgrading medical equipment and renovating its site. To increase the availability and quality of medical care, JINR and Medical Unit No. 9 signed an agreement on the creation of supernumerary medical offices with specialists who will provide healthcare to the Institute’s employees. In addition, last year, JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov and Head of the FMBA of Russia Veronika Skvortsova signed a cooperation agreement, which includes the development of programmes to improve the healthcare system for JINR employees and their families at the Medical Unit No. 9 of the FMBA of Russia. Thus, in 2023, with JINR participation and support, a hemodialysis unit equipped with 12 new generation dialysis machines and a vascular centre equipped with an angiograph opened in Dubna at the Medical Unit No. 9.