General information on collaboration
Mongolia has been a JINR Member State since its foundation. Academician N. Sodnom was the first Plenipotentiary Representative of Mongolia at JINR who signed the Charter of JINR. He was then repeatedly appointed as Plenipotentiary Representative and elected as JINR Vice-Director, moreover, he was President of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences and Rector of the Mongolian State University. He has maintained close ties with JINR in these positions. Many Mongolian scientists and leaders have made a significant contribution to JINR development including professors D. Chultem, D. Tuvdendorj, N.Dalkhjav, B. Dalkhsuren, O. Otgonsuren and Sh. Gerbish.
Many young Mongolian physicists contributed to the internationally acclaimed projects carried out by the Institute’s international teams during the 60-year history of JINR. Mongolian experts who studied at JINR became leading scientists, professors, academicians, state prize winners and directors of research institutions. Today, they are leaders of science development in Mongolia and are very interested in Dubna to keep being the modern physics school for young specialists of the country.
Mongolian scientists continue to successfully work in JINR laboratories. As of 1 January 2021, 9 Mongolian experts work full-time at JINR, including three Candidates of Sciences and 1 Doctor of Sciences. Every year 15 Mongolian scientists and experts come to the Institute on short-term business trips to participate in joint projects and to attend JINR conferences, and approximately the same number of JINR researchers go to Mongolia.
The Nuclear Energy Commission of Mongolia, the National University of Mongolia, the Centre for Nuclear Research, Academy of Sciences of Mongolia and the Institute of Physics and Technology are traditional partners of JINR. Collaboration continues on a range of subjects in all fields of JINR activities, including the educational programme. Contacts between Mongolia and the European Organisation of Nuclear Research are enabled through JINR: many experts take part in the ALICE project.
Due to the launch of the national Mongolian programme on development of nuclear power and industrial development of uranium sources, JINR will play a significant role for Mongolian colleagues in both carrying out work in the frames of this programme and in training highly-skilled experts.
Aleksandr N. Bugay
Executive of the contacts with Mongolia, Director of the Laboratory of Radiation Biology JINR -
+7 (49621) 6-37-16
fax: +7 (49621) 6-59-48 -
Mikhail G. Loshchilov
Coordinator, collaboration with Mongolia, Leading engineer,the JINR Science Organization & International Cooperation Office -
+7 (49621) 6-53-64
The scientists of Mongolia take part in the research work on the following themes of the Topical plan for JINR research and international cooperation for the year 2025:
- Theoretical Physics
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Elementary Particle Physics and High-Enegry Heavy-Ion Physics
Cooperation on 2 themes. - Nuclear physics
Cooperation on 2 themes. - Radiation Research in Life Sciences
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Information Technology
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Scientific and Educational Programmes
Cooperation on 1 theme.
The Plenipotentiary representative of the Government of Mongolia in JINR from 2012 to present is Professor Suren Davaa.
Suren Davaa, Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Senior Officer at the Executive Office of the Nuclear Energy Commission of the Government of Mongolia, was born on 23 November 1953.
He graduated in 1976 with a degree in physics. He worked at Joint Institute of Nuclear Research in 1979 – 1986. Then in 1985, he defended his PhD thesis in JINR. He worked as a lecturer in 1986 – 1989. In 1989 – 1992 he was a head of University academic department, in 1992 – 2008 he was a first pro-rector and in 2009 – 2010 – rector of MonSU. Suren Davaa has worked as a director of the Nuclear Research Center at the National University of Mongolia in 1997 – 2016. Since 2016, he is Scientific Secretary of the Nuclear Research Center at the Mongolian State University. Since 2017 he is working as a senior officer at the Executive Office of the Nuclear Energy Commission, Government Mongolia.
Major scientific achievements
His main scientific projects are on the research of nuclei decay of lanthanides by nuclear orientation method. Spins of dozens level of the daughter nuclei and parameters of multipolarity mixing for cell transitions were identified unambiguously by measuring anisotropy of angular gamma-ray distribution between daughter nuclei levels.
Energy and Level structure of rotation bands and transient probabilities between these nuclei levels were calculated under the semi-microscopic quasi-partial phonon model for odd ytterbium nuclei, and a comparison with experimental data was also done.
Over the last years, Suren Davaa worked on nuclear energy infrastructure development in Mongolia. Over the past 20 years he significantly contributed to higher education reforms in Mongolia.
Suren Davaa about JINR:
JINR significantly contributes not only to the world science but also to electronics and accelerative and reactor technics development and to other high technologies. A range of generations of professional personnel from member states grew up in JINR.
The plenipotentiaries of the Government of the Republic of Mongolia in JINR since 1956:
- Sodnom Namsrai, Professor, Mongolian State University;
- Jagvaral Nyam, President, Science Committee of the Government of Mongolia;
- Tsevegmid Dondog, President, Committee on High Education and Science of the Government of Mongolia;
- Sodnom Namsrai, Corresponding Member of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Rector of the Mongolian State University;
- Tsevegmid Dondog, Professor, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Chairman of the Nuclear Energy Commission of the Government of Mongolia;
- Sodnom Namsrai, Academician, President of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences;
- Chadraa Baatar, Academician, Vice President of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Chairman of the Nuclear Energy Commission of the Government of Mongolia;
- Gantsog Tserensodnom, Professor, Rector of Mongolian State University, member of the Presidium of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences;
- Enkhbat Sodnom, Academician of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Government of Mongolia;
- Suren Davaa, Doctor, Director, Nuclear Research Center, the National
University of Mongolia (2012-2016);
Senior Officer, Nuclear Energy Commission of the Government of Mongolia (2017 – present day).
1957 – 1959
1968 – 1988
1991 – 1996
1997 – 2006
2007 – 2012
2012 – present day
At present, Tseepeldorj Baatar is a member of the JINR Scientific Council.
Tseepeldorj Baatar, Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Academician of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics, Institute of Physics and Technology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, member of the JINR Scientific Council since 2011, was born on 1 July 1945.
Major scientific achievements
He studies processes of multiple production of secondary particles in hadron – nuclear and nucleus – nuclear interactions under high energy. He is an author of about 200 scientific papers.
Members of the Scientific Council from Mongolia since 1994 were:
1994 – 2009
- Tseepeldorj Baatar, Academician of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics, Institute of Physics and Technology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences;
- Khuukhenkhuu Gonchigdorj, Professor, Chief of the Nuclear Physics Department of the National University of Mongolia;
- Ganzorig Jigjiddorj, Vice-Chairman of the Nuclear Energy Board of the Government of Mongolia;
- Sangaa Deleg, Vice-Director for scientific activities of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics;
- Khuukhenkhuu Gonchigdorj, Professor, Head of the Nuclear Data Division of the National University of Mongolia;
- Tseepeldorj Baatar, Academician of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics, Institute of Physics and Technology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences.
2009 – 2011
2013 – 2022
2011 – present day
The languages of international communication at JINR are Russian and English. However, one can hear the speech in many languages in Dubna, including the languages of JINR member-states when the countrymen, the representatives of the same expatriates’ community (the national groups of JINR), meet each other.
Being in constant contact with plenipotentiaries, embassies of member-states, JINR’s directorate and management services, they take part in the solution of the problems connected with the stay of their colleagues-countrymen and their families in Russia, with the organization of their life and leisure. The Council of the leaders of the national groups meets periodically. The representatives of the Directorate and the services of the Institute are invited to its meetings. The agenda includes the discussion of the urgent problems of the collaborators from the member-states. Due to this, the Directorate is able to make adequate decisions in time.
On the occasions of major public holidays of the member-states the national groups arrange receptions. These festive events are held accompanied by art exhibitions, photo exhibitions, and enrich JINR staff members’ knowledge about the member-states, their people and culture.
Ganbold Gurjav
Head of the national group of Mongolia, BLTP JINR leading researcher -
+7 (496) 216-57-32
- New Year – 1 January;
- Lunar New Year (Tsagaan Sar) – celebrated on the first day of spring according to lunar calendar (three days of celebration);
- International Women’s Day – 8 March;
- Child’s Day – 1 June;
- National Festival Naadam – 11-15 July;
- Day of Great Genghis Khan – celebrated on the first day of winter according to lunar calendar;
- Day of the First Constitution of Mongolia – 26 November;
- Independence Day of Mongolia – 29 December
- On 16 February 2024, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Mongolia, President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh presented the highest state awards to outstanding figures in science and education of the country
- 25 May 2023 marks the 100th anniversary of Namsarain Sodnom (1923 – 2002), a major Mongolian physicist, an organizer of national science and education, an Academician of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, the JINR Vice-Director in 1967 – 1973
- On 27 June 2022, a delegation of the Embassy of Mongolia to the Russian Federation visited JINR. During the visit, the parties discussed prospects for the Mongolia-JINR cooperation development and paid special attention to the educational field and spread of information about the Institute. Representatives of the Mongolian diplomatic mission got acquainted with the JINR scientific infrastructure, as well as presented awards of the Mongolian Government to two employees of the Joint Institute
- On 21 June 2022, scientists of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics in cooperation with a Mongolian scientific centre are conducting ecological studies in Ulaanbaator, Mongolia
- On 11 February 2022, scientists of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions JINR have identified risks of radioecological pollution in the area of the largest thermal power plant TPP-4 operating in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- On 23 December 2021, a regular meeting of the Science and Technology Council of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies took place. MLIT staff members were presented with awards on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences
- On 9 December 2020, representatives of Mongolia took part in a representative international workshop devoted to the conception of JINR Information Centres
- On 16 September 2019, a festive ceremony of awarding the diploma of Honorary Doctor of the Department of Fundamental Sciences of the Mongolian National University to RAS Corresponding Member, Director of the Laboratory of Radiation Biology JINR, Prof. E. A. Krasavin was held for training highly qualified specialists and a significant contribution to the development of scientific cooperation with Mongolia.
- On 13 December 2018, at the meeting of the General Assembly of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS), Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Laboratory of Information Technologies, Head of the national group of Mongolia at JINR, Doctor of Sciences Ochbadrah Chuluunbaatar was elected as a Full Member of MAS
- From 10 to 12 October 2018, a Mongolian delegation visited JINR represented by Executive Director of MonAtom Dorjbai Dalaijargal, Financial Director Damiran Batzaya, Mongolian journalists Khatanbataar Ganbataar, Baramsai Chadraabal, Galdan Battsetseg, Enkhjargal Odjargal and Rusatom staff members A.S. Kuznetsov and D.I. Strelnikov
- On 2 February 2018, a group of Mongolian students studying at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI visited JINR. The guests were welcomed in the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, the Laboratory of Information Technologies, and the Museum of History of Science and Technology of JINR
- On 19 January 2018, President of the New Mongol Academy Janchiv Galbadrakh visited JINR accompanied by Ochirbat Nyamsuren, Head of the Department of Natural Sciences of the New Mongol Institute of Technology
- On 25 — 27 October 2017, a delegation of the joint institute for Nuclear Research paid a working visit to Mongolia to participate in several high-level meetings and a meeting of the organizing committee of an educational conference which will be held in Ulaanbaatar in August 2018
- On 11 July 2017, on the occasion of is the main national holiday of Mongolia, the Naadam holiday dedicated to the anniversary of the National Democratic Revolution, a festive meeting with representatives of the Mongolian national group of JINR was held in the Directorate of the Joint Institute
- On 6 June 2016, a representative delegation of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, headed by JINR Director RAS Academician V.A.Matveev arrived in Mongolia to participate in ceremonial events dedicated to the 60th anniversary of JINR
- 2 October 2014. By the tradition, the programme of the autumn session of the JINR Scientific Council includes presentation of diplomas to the winners of JINR prizes and diplomas to scientists who were conferred the title “Honorary Doctor of JINR”. At the present session, the newly elected honorary doctors S. Enkhbat and R. Meyer, were dressed in professorial robes for the first time.
- On 11 July 2014, a meeting with Mongolian scientists staff member of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences Academician Ravdandorj Togoo, JINR staff members Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Ochbadrah Chuluunbaatar, junior scientific researchers Enkhbold Sansarbayar and Altangerel Badmaarag on the occasion of the traditional Mongolian holiday Naadam was held in the JINR Directorate
- On 24 March 2014, a meeting of JINR Director Academician V.A. Matveev was held with Head of the Nuclear Energy Agency of Mongolia (NEAM) N. Tehgshbayar and Head of the Department of Radiation Safety of NEAM Z. Damdinsurehn, who came to Dubna to participate in the events on 26 March
- On 20 November 2013, JINR Director V.A. Matveev presented to JINR Plenipotentiary of Mongolia Professor S. Davaa a congratulatory address to Prime Minister of Mongolia Norovyn Altankhuyag on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Nuclear Energy Board of the government of Mongolia
- 18 October 2013 Mongolia: remembering N.Sodnom and looking into the future
- JINR Director V.A. Matveev heartily congratulated members of JINR on Naadam holiday on 11 July 2013
- 14 June 2013Ulaanbaatar: conference devoted to the memory of Academician N. Sodnom
- The 5th International Conference on Contemporary Physics (ICCP-V) started on 3-6 June 2013 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- On 26 November 2012, Professor of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of MonSU Academician T.Zhanlav and Chief Scientific Researcher of LIT JINR Doctor of Physics and Mathematics O. Chuluunbaatar became laureates of the State Prize of Mongolia of 2012
- The festive events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Mongolian State University (MonSU) were held in Ulaanbaatar on 26 September – 5 October 2012
- A delegation from Mongolia consisting of leading officer of the Internationa Cooperation Division of the Nuclear Energy Agency of Mongolia (NEAM) Sh. Munkh-Ochir, senior officer of the NEAM Division of Nuclear Technologies B.Batgerel, Head of sector of the Centre for Nuclear Research of the Mongolian State University (CNR MSU) Professor D. Huuenhuu, Head of CNR MSU N.Norov and scientific researcher Tsembelmaa visited JINR on 27-30 September 2012
- A ceremonial reception on the occasion of the national holiday Naadam, the 806th anniversary of foundation of the Great Mongol State and the 91st anniversary of the National Democratic Revolution was held in the Mongolian Embassy in RF on 28 June 2012.
- A delegation of the Mongolian Embassy in the Russian Federation, consisting of Adviser of the Ambassador B. Dashdorj and the Second Secretary of the Embassy Mr. Zh.Bayarkhuu with their spouses visited Dubna on 26-27 May 2012
- Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia to RF Mr. Doloonzhin Idehvkhehten with his spouse and Minister-Counselor Banzragch Samdan visited Dubna on 20-21 January 2012
- A ceremonial reception arranged by the Mongolian Embassy in Moscow on 18 November 2011 on the occasion of the two memorable dates: the 90th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Mongolia and the Day of Declaration of Independence of Mongolia
- A JINR delegation, namely Director of the Laboratory of Information Technologies Professor V.V.Ivanov, LIT Deputy Director V.V.Korenkov and ICD Chief Engineer M.G. Loshchilov, at the invitation of JINR Plenipotentiary of Mongolia Academician S.Enkhbat visited Ulaanbaatar on 22-25 August 2011
- A representative delegation of the Mongolian Embassy headed by Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Mongolia in the Russian Federation Mr. Doloonzhin Idehvkhehten with his spouse visited Dubna on 12-13 March 2010
Contact Information on the Embassies
Embassy of Mongolia in the Russian Federation:
Consular Department of the Embassy of Mongolia in the Russian Federation:
Russian Embassy in Mongolia: