India (Draft)

General information on collaboration

The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research maintains fruitful and mutually beneficial relations with many Indian scientific centres and universities; for many years it has received young Indian scientists as JINR fellows. The Institute was visited by not only scientists and the leaders of scientific centers and universities of India but also statesmen and public figures of this country. For example, on the 9th of June 1976 Dubna was visited by S. Gandhi, a son of then Prime-Minister of India I. Gandhi. Such visits also cemented our scientific links and cooperation.

In 70-s – 80-s of the 20th century, there was successful collaboration with the Panjab university in the field of relativistic nuclear physics. Panjab scientists received photos from the 2m propane chamber bombarded with the beams of the famous Dubna synchrophasotron. The Indian scientists participated in the study of the interactions of relativistic nuclei with light and heavy nuclei, processing the data, analyzing the results and producing software for processing of data.

Scientists of the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (BLTP) cooperate with Indian theorists in the sphere of the quantum field theory, mathematical physics, and the theory of condensed matter. Since 1995 through 1998 at the Laboratory there worked Dr. Rudra Prakash Malik (Institute of Mathematical Sciences) as a JINR fellow. For the time of his work at BLTP he wrote a number of papers on the quantum field theory mathematical problems, which were published in the leading physical journals and reported at conferences in Russia and India and now he stays in contact with his Dubna colleagues. Prof. V.B. Priezzhev and Prof. D. Dhar with his collaborators from the Institute of Fundamental Research jointly prepared an article on self-organized criticality published in 1996 in «Physical Review Letters». At BLTP, in Prof. N.M. Plakida’s group there worked Dr. R. Chaudhuri from the National Centre of Fundamental Research (Kolkata). Their research topic is high temperature superconductivity. During many years famous Indian scientist Prof. A. Mitra of the Delhi University maintained scientific contact with Acad. V.G. Kadyshevsky and Acad. D.V. Shirkov.

The cooperation in the field of mathematics was within the framework of the Integrated Long Term Program of cooperation between India and Russia (ILTP) in science and technologies (ILTP). At the session of the Joint Council held since 14 to 15 May 1998 in Moscow, in the issue devoted to fundamental research (mathematical sciences) of the Program there was inscribed a project on “Strings, Topological and Integrable Field Theories”. Its coordinators were Prof. R. Ramachandran (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai) and Acad. V.G. Kadyshevsky. Following the Program, since 11 through 14 August 1998 there was held a workshop of Russia and India on “Topological and Integrable Field Theories” at the BLTP. The Indian scientists’ participation in the workshop was supported by the ILTP Russian part of responsibility, and the participation of the Russian scientists – by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The scientific program of the workshop included 22 one-hour lectures on the modern approach to the string theory and quantum integrable models of the field theory. In particular, there were shown a role of precisely solving integrable systems for the so called new string theory and the relation of these models with the theory combining all interactions (the so called M-theory). Very important were evening discussions when the Indian, Russian and JINR specialists shared their knowledge and achievements in the mentioned fields of science. There started new forms of collaboration. They decided to hold the second workshop on the same topic in India.

Indian scientists also take part in the study of electronuclear processes. At JINR, two laboratories conduct this research – the Laboratory of High Energies (now the Laboratory of High Energy Physics) and the Laboratory of Information Technologies. The JINR specialists and Indian physicist K.K. Dvivedi studied the neutron yield and measured the transmutation cross section of radioactive isotopes. The results of the collaborative work may be applied in designing electronuclear facilities and facilities for transmutation of nuclear energy radioactive waste. JINR and the Jaipur University cooperated within a project supported by the Indian and Jaipur governments on mathematical simulation of electronuclear systems. The International Centre of Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Тrieste) awarded Dubna scientist Prof. V.S. Barashenkov a grant for teaching specialists of the Jaipur University mathematical simulation. Transmutation was a research field interesting also to Prof. Kumar Vinod of the Rajasthan University and he collaborated with LHE (LHEP) colleagues for a long period. His disciple Harthool Kumawat worked at JINR and in 2004 defended here his Ph.D. thesis.

There were developed links in the sphere of radiation and radiobiological investigations.

At present, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research collaborates and maintains scientific links with 17 research organizations and universities of 12 Indian cities. Dubna physicists maintain contacts with their Indian colleagues within 13 research topics. The joint research is rather active in such fields as particle and nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, especially in the field of theoretical physics.

Up today, 3 Indian scientists work at JINR (at BLTP) as its employees.

It should be noted that JINR Directorate made great efforts to attract the Republic of India for its full-scale or associated participation in the JINR activity. All possible contacts have been used for achieving this goal. In June 2014, JINR initiated and held India-JINR Forum “Frontiers in nuclear, elementary particle and condensed matter physics”. The Forum aimed at being not only scientific event but also as “advertisement” – to show all potential of the international organization in Dubna to the Indian side. In 2015, JINR prepared a draft of the Agreement on the collaboration between JINR and the Department of Atomic Energy of the Government of the Republic of India, and it was forwarded by diplomatic channel to the Indian side.

In the year of 2016, 7 Indian specialists visited Dubna to carry out collaborative investigations, 6 of them – to the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reaction (FLNR), mainly they are employees of the VECC (in the framework of the topic “Synthesis and properties of nuclei at the stability limits”). The BLTP received Dr. Krishnendu Sengupta (“Theory of condensed matter”).


  • Nedelko Sergey
    Executive of contacts between JINR and India, Head of sector BLTP, JINR

  • +7 (49621) 6-35-08


  • Mridupavan Deka
    Senior Researcher, Department of Fundamenta Interactions, BLTP, JINR

  • +7 (49621) 6-34-34


Scientific Themes and Projects

Scientists of India take part in the research work on the following themes of the Topical plan for JINR research and international cooperation for the year 2017:

  • Theoretical Physics
    Cooperation is on 3 themes
  • Elementary Particle Physics and Relativistic Nuclear Physics
    Cooperation is on 4 themes
  • Nuclear physics
    Cooperation is on 2 themes
  • Condensed Matter Physics, Radiation and Radiobiological Research
    Cooperation is on 3 themes
  • Networking, Computing, Computational Physic
    Cooperation is on 1 theme

The S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences (BNC) in Kolkata maintains links and cooperates with BLTP in its 2 topics: the modern mathematical physics on strings, gravity, supersymmetry, integrability and the Dubna international advanced school of theoretical physics (DIAS-TH). A partner of BLTP in the theory of condensed matter is the Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai.

In the field of elementary particle physics and relativistic nuclear physics one ought to single out a joint participation in international collaborations in CERN projects – CMS and ALICE. About 30 specialists of 4 institutions represent Indian part in CMS and more than 30 specialists of 6 Indian research centres are involved in ALICE. Employees of H.J.Bhabha Atomic Research Centre in Mumbai (BARC) and the Jaipur university take part in the research on relativistic heavy and light ion physics. Specialists of these centres also participate in the research with heavy-ion beams at the Nuclotron-M (JINR facility).

A group of scientists headed by Dr. A. Kumar from Banaras Huindu Iniversity (BNR, Varanasi) with their colleagues in the Laboratory of Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics conduct investigations of neutron nuclear interactions and properties of neutron.

Manipal University, the Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC) and the Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) are interested in the research of FLNR on synthesis and properties of nuclei at the limits of stability.

Jadavpur University in Kolkata cooperates with the Laboratory of Information Technologies in the topic “Methods, algorithms and software for modeling physical systems, mathematical processing and analysis of experimental data”.

Bhupendra Narayana Mandal University (Madhepura, Bihar), Katihar Medical College (Bihar) and JINR realize a project titled “Biophysical investigation of tumor cells removal based on medical free electron maser application”. Prof. A.P. Dubey (Mandal University) from the Indian part and Dr. Yu.K. Potrebenikov (JINR) from the Russian part (the project is in the framework of ILTP) coordinate the implementation of this project. One of the scientists involved in it is Kumar Niranjan who was a JINR employee as well as a visiting scientist in Surface Science Section, Materials Science Division, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam. Now he works in India.

BARC and JINR are strengthening relations and establishing joint research activities in the following areas: the study of self organizing and biological systems, the study of nano objects, engineering research, applications of nuclear methods to environmental studies and medical sciences, investigations under extreme conditions and development of neutron scattering methods, especially advanced neutron detectors and special sample environment.

Scientists of BARC and the Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC, New-Delhi) are involved in collaborative work for biomedical and radiation – genetic studies using different types of ionizing radiation.


At the end of 2016 the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of India (DST) on the basis of the Memorandum of understanding on scientific cooperation announced a competition of fundamental scientific research projects in 2017. In the frames of this competition Joint Institute for Nuclear Research have won 4 grants:

Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics

“Nonequilibrium dynamics of correlated quantum systems: application for the Josephson junction and ultracold atoms” (project leader Shukrinov Yu.M., project period 2016-2017)

“Systematic study of fusion and quasifission in heavy nuclei – the way to the synthesis of new elements” (project leader Antonenko N.V., project period 2017-2018)

Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics

“Application of fast neutrons for elemental analysis, study of nuclear reactions and cross-sections measurements” (project leader Kopach Yu.M., project period 2016-2017)

Laboratory of Radiation Biology

“Studies of the molecular orientation and radiation damage of DNA adsorbed on zirconia” (project leader Kholmurodov Kh.T., project period 2017-2018)

Cooperating organizations

Main Indian institutions – partners of JINR in 2017

(cities in the alphabetical order)

  • Aligarh Muslim University (AMU, Aligarh);
  • Institute of Physics (IOP, Bhubaneswar);
  • University of Rajasthan (Univ., Jaipur);
  • University of Jammu (Univ., Jammu);
  • Panjab University (PU, Chandigarh);
  • Institute of Mathematical Sciences / National Institute for Research in Mathematical and Physical Sciences (IMSc, Chennai)
  • S.N.Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences (BNC, Kolkata);
  • Indian Association for Cultivation of Science (IACS, Kolkata);
  • Jadavpur University (Kolkata)
  • Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP, Kolkata);
  • Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre of the Department of Atomic Energy (VECC, Kolkata);
  • Manipal University (MU, Manipal);
  • Bhabha Atomic Research Centre of the Department of Atomic Energy (BARC, Mumbai);
  • Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR, Mumbai);
  • Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC, New-Delhi);
  • Amity University (AMITY, Gurgaon);
  • Banaras Hindu University (BHU, Varanasi).
Members of the Scientific Council

In March 2003 at the JINR CP session Indian scientist Vinod Sahni (BARC directorate member) – elected a member of the JINR Scientific Council for 5 years and then re-elected for 5 years more.

Official visits since the end of 90-s

In December 1999, then JINR Director Acad. V.G. Kadyshevsky visited India, where he met with the Indian Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Dr. R. Chidambaram. They came to an understanding about preparing a large-scale agreement on collaboration.

JINR delegation headed by Prof. A.N. Sissakian visited India from 11 to 15 December 2000 by the invitation of the Department of Atomic Energy of the Indian Government (DAE). Prof. A. Kakodkar, Head of the Atomic Energy Commission, DAE Secretary and Director of the Bhabha Research Atomic Centre (BARC) received the delegation. JINR and BARC representatives signed the Memorandum about the directions of scientific collaboration of these two organizations. Prof. S. Kapur, DAE Scientific Council Chairman, also received the delegation and expressed gratitude to JINR for its initiative on expanding collaboration with Indian scientific and educational centers.

On 7 May 2002, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to the Russian Federation Mr.Krishnan Raghunath and Councilor on Science and Technology of the Embassy Hari Mohan Saksena visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.

On 27 September 2002, JINR was visited by a delegation of Indian scientists including Dr. D. Bhavalkar, Director of the DAE Advanced Technologies Centre, Dr. P. Satyamurti, Dr. V. Sahni (BARC, Mumbai) and others. The delegation had a tour of JINR laboratories and a talk with JINR directorate. During the meeting there were discussed technical (organizing) questions concerning the Agreement about India becoming a JINR associate member-state.

In November of 2003, Minister of Science and Technologies of India Prof. V. Ramamurti was in Russia. He and Prof. V.G. Kadyshevsky met in Moscow for discussing perspectives of India-JINR relations development. Prof. Ramamurti informed that they planned to sign the agreement on collaboration between JINR and DAE, India. A bit later JINR received Main Adviser on Science to the Indian Government Prof. R. Chidambaram and S&T Councilor of the Indian Embassy Dr. P. Shukla. During the visit there were discussed various items concerning development of the collaboration between JINR and Indian scientists.

In 2006, JINR guests were Ambassador of India to Russia Mr. Kanwal Sibal and S&T Councilor of the Indian Embassy Dr. Pramod Shukla. New Ambassador Prabhat Shukla also visited Dubna in 2008.

For participation in WWER Regulators Forum held in 2007 in Dubna JINR was visited by Mr. S.K.Sharma, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) of India, and Mr. R.I. Gujrathi, Director of AERB Nuclear Projects Safety Division.

In 2009, JINR directorate received a major delegation of Indian scientists headed by Vinod Sahni.

Agreements and protocols signed since 2000
  • Memorandum on Areas of S&T Cooperation between JINR, Dubna and BARC/DAE, Mimbai, 2000;
  • Protocol on the collaboration between Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, and JINR, 2005 (till December 2005);
  • MoU between Manipal University and JINR, 2008;
  • Proposal for collaboration between the JINR Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions and the Manipal University (2008-2013);
  • Minutes of the INDIA-JINR Forum held on 16-20 June 2014 at JINR in Dubna;
  • Exchange agreement between the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India and JINR, 2016.
National holidays
  • Independence Day – 15 August
  • Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday – 2 October
  • Republic Day – 26 January

Contact Information on the Embassies:

Embassy of India in the Russian Federation:

Russian Embassy in India: