
General information on collaboration

Hungary was one of the eleven JINR founding states which signed the original agreement in March 1956. At present, Hungary’s cooperation with JINR is based on existing agreements.

An important role in establishment of JINR, and in development of its cooperation with Hungary belongs to Hungarian internationally known scientists: Academician L.Jánossy, Corresponding Member A. Konia, Corresponding Member T. Pal, Academician D. Ostrovski, and Academician I. Lang, who were Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Government of Hungary at JINR in 1956 – 1992. T.Pal, who attended the signing of the agreement for JINR foundation in March 1956, said at a commemorative meeting, dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the Institute, that “JINR’s success has surpassed all expectations”. Hungary has actively participated in the Institute’s activities since its foundation.

From the late 50s until the mid-80s, many Hungarian physicists came to Dubna on short-term business trips, and some stayed in Dubna for extended periods of time, to work at JINR laboratories. Strong links with the Central Research Institute for Physics (KFKI) in Budapest have been established, as well as with the Institute of Nuclear Research in Debrecen, and with universities of these two cities. Data obtained during experiments at JINR facilities was processes at the Hungarian scientific centres. Experimental equipment was also manufactured in collaboration with the centres.

Hungary stoped its membership at JINR on 31 December 1992. Since 1993, cooperation continued based on a bilateral agreement between JINR and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in the areas which Hungary has an interest in: firstly, condensed matter physics, as well as solid-state physics. Contacts between Hungarian theoretical physicists and their Dubna colleagues have never been interrupted. Amount of cooperation may be estimated by looking at the number of visits of Hungarian physicists to JINR laboratories (JINR conferences’ attendees are not included) as below, and at the number of business trips of JINR employees to Hungary (conferences are included).

In 1981, about 100 researchers made short visits to JINR, to do collaborative work, and approximately same number of JINR employees visited Hungary. Between 1992 and 2009, about 185 researchers visited JINR, and 245 researchers from JINR made trips to Hungary. In 2010, 8 scientists participated in joint projects at JINR, and 20 researchers visited Hungary.

Between 1963 and 1992, Hungarian scientists defended 20 dissertations at JINR dissertation committees. Hungary participated in 44 scientific JINR research programmes, including KFKI RMKI – 36 programmes – up to 1992.


  • Richard Lednický
    Executive of the contacts with Hungary, Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), chief researcher of the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics

  • +7 (49621) 6-51-26
    +7 (49621) 6-53-06


Scientific Themes and Projects

The traditional indicator of scientific-technical cooperation is a quantity of bilateral protocols singed for concrete research work purpose between JINR and a cooperating centre.

From 1986 to 1992, 18 protocols for scientific-technical cooperation with Hungarian organisations were signed. Letters for extension of the agreement have been ratified since 18 February 1993.

JINR and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences concluded another agreement (up to present it regularly extends) for cooperation on 18 February 1993, taking into account the JINR contribution to development of nuclear physics centres in the Republic of Hungary and to scientists and experts training with a desire to maintain the cooperation.

A protocol for the cooperation between the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research in the fields of neutron scattering at IBR-2 and in using of heavy ion beams in condensed matter physics was signed on 18 February 2010.

The Flerov Laboratory of Neutron Physics cooperates with the Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics HAS, the Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science HAS, the Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics HAS, the Institute for Nuclear Research HAS (Debrecen) and with the University of Debrecen in the fields of condensed matter physics. Leaders of the theme of “Research of nanosystems and new materials with using of neutron scattering”: V.A. Aksenov, A.M. Balagurov, and D.P. Kozlenko.

Main fields of collaborative scientific and methodical work:

  • Study of cluster aggregation in fullerene C-60 solution of different polarity;
  • Study of cluster structure of powders and liquid dispersions of detonation-synthesized nanodiamonds and shungites;
  • Study of structural characteristics of magnetic liquids;
  • Study of proximity effects in layered ferromagnet/superconductor nanostructures;
  • Creation of the multifunctional reflectometer GRAINS with a horizontal sample plane for the study of surface effects in liquid, polymer and biological systems.

The scientists of Hungary take part in the research work on the following themes of the Topical plan for JINR research and international cooperation for the year 2025:

  • Large JINR Research Infrastructure
    Cooperation on 1 theme.
  • Theoretical Physics
    Cooperation on 2 themes.
  • Elementary Particle Physics and High-Enegry Heavy-Ion Physics
    Cooperation on 2 themes.
  • Nuclear Physics
    Cooperation on 1 theme.

The Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics maintains a cooperation with the Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (KFKI) on the theme: CMS. Compact Muon Solenoid at LHC. Leader – V.Yu. Karjavin.

The employees of the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics exchange visits with KFKI employees on the theme: Fundamental Interactions of Fields and Particles. Leaders: D.I. Kazakov and O.V. Teriaev. There is also collaborative work on themes: Theory of Nuclear Systems; Theory of Complex Systems and Advanced Materials. Leaders: N.V. Antonenko, A.A. Dzhioev, S.N. Ershov, V.A. Osipov, A.M. Povolotskii. Hungarian experts are invited for a participation in “Dubna International School of Modern Theoretical Physics (DIAS-TH)”. Leader: I.G. Pirozhenko.

Collaborative work is also carried out at the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions on the theme: Investigations of Neutron Nuclear Interactions and Properties of the Neutron. Leaders: E.V. Lychagin.

Cooperating organizations
Members of the Scientific Council

Professor Norbert Kroo was a member of the JINR Scientific Council over a period of years.

Denes Lajos Nagy, Research Professor Emeritus of the Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN), is a member of the JINR Scientific Council up to present.

National holidays
  • Farsang – Hungarian Maslenitsa, came to Hungary from Germany;
  • Easter;
  • Christmas;
  • Saint István Day, main national holiday in Hungary – 20 August;
  • Day of Hungarian Revolution of 1848 – 15 March;
  • Labour Day – 1 May;
  • National Holiday in remembrance of Hungarian Uprising celebrated on 23 October in remembrance of events of 1956. At the same time, it is the Day of Proclamation of the Republic of Hungary in 1989.

Contact Information on the Embassies:

Embassy of Hungary in the Russian Federation:

Russian Embassy in Hungary: