General information on collaboration
The Republic of Bulgaria (before 1992 the People’s Republic of Bulgaria) was a JINR Member State since its foundation in accordance with the Agreement signed on 26 March 1956 in Moscow. At the ceremony of signing the agreement, the People’s Republic of Bulgaria was represented by PRB Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in USSR Doctor Luben Nikilov Gerasimov who was authorised to sign the Charter of JINR.
Nowadays, the Republic of Bulgaria is one of the most active JINR Member States in terms of participation in JINR activities, number of joint projects and number of scientific and technical contacts. 26 Bulgarian experts are currently working at JINR. Most scientists participating in joint projects conduct research in Bulgarian universities and in institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Bulgaria applying techniques and methodology developed at JINR. Bulgarian researchers make short-term business trips to Dubna.
High proficiency of Bulgarian experts allows them to be in high-level positions within JINR scientific teams. Academician Ch. Christov (1968-1970), professor I. Zlatev (1979-1983) and professor C. Vilov (1992-2005) were elected as JINR Vice-Directors. Hundreds of Bulgarian scientists have worked at JINR and received good training in Dubna laboratories. Today, they are the core of Bulgarian nuclear physics.
Cooperation exists in all fields of JINR activities. However, high priority areas are elementary particle physics and relativistic nuclear physics. Research topics of the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics, the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, and the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics are the most interesting for Bulgarian scientists. In recent years, radiation and radiobiological research have attracted Bulgarian scientists, and thus they take an active part in research on these fields.
JINR conferences have been held in Bulgaria for several years. Some of them have become regular (such as the International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics & Computing (NEC) held in Varna every two years).
Latchesar K. Kostov
Executive of the contacts with the Republic of Bulgaria, Vice-Director of JINR -
+7 (49621) 6-22-30,
+7 (49621) 6-22-31 -
The scientists of Bulgaria take part in the research work on the following themes of the Topical plan for JINR research and international cooperation for the year 2025:
- Theoretical Physics
Cooperation on 4 themes. - Elementary Particle Physics and High-Enegry Heavy-Ion Physics
Cooperation on 7 themes. - Nuclear Physics
Cooperation on 3 themes. - Radiation Research in Life Sciences
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Information Technology
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Applied Innovation Activities
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Physics and Technology of Charged Particle Accelerators
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Organization of Scientific Activity and International Cooperation. Strengthening Human Resources. Educational Programme
Cooperation on 1 theme.
At present JINR collaborates with 17 scientific institutes and universities of Bulgaria. The most actively JINR collaborates with following organisations and universities:
The Plenipotentiary Representative of the government of the Republic of Bulgaria in JINR since December 2020 is Tsanko Bachiyski, Chairman of Nuclear Regulatory Agency of the Republic of Bulgaria.
The plenipotentiaries of the government of the Republic of Bulgaria in JINR since 1956:
- Gerasimov Lyuben Nikolov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bulgaria in the USSR;
- Nadjakov Georgi Stefanov, Academician of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Physics, BAS;
- Christov Christo Yankov, Academician of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS;
- Vankov Ivan Danailov, Professor, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS;
- Yanev Yanko, Associate Professor, Chairman of the Committee on Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes;
- Kostov Krumov Latchesar, Chairman of the Committee on Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes;
- Stamenov Jordan Nikolov, Professor, Director of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS;
- Popits Robert Kurt, Chairman of the Committee on Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purpose;
- Vapirev Emil, Chairman of the Committee on Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purpose;
- Tzotchev Sergei, Chairman of the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency;
- Kostov Krumov Latchesar, Chairman of the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency;
- Tsanko Bachiyski, Chairman of the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency.
1957 – 1970
1970 – 1989
1990 – 1995
1996 – 1997
1998 – 2001
2001 – 2004
2004 – 2013
2013 – 2020
2020 – present day
Radoslav Rashkov, Professor, Vice-Dean for Science and Project Affairs, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Sofia, Bulgaria).
Chavdar Penev Stoyanov, BAS corresponding member, Professor of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy BAS in Sofia.
Chavdar Penev Stoyanov was born in 1944. Doctor of Science, BAS Corresponding Member since 2004, Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Council of INRNE BAS, Director of the Nuclear Spectroscopy Laboratory INRE BAS, Member of the Collaboration Committee with JINR.
Topics of research work
Theoretical nuclear physics, microscopic models for nuclear atom structure description.
Roumen Tsenov, Professor, Physics Faculty, University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Sofia, Bulgaria).
Members of the Scientific Council from Bulgaria since 1956 were:
1956 – 1973
- Georgi Nadjakov, Academician, Vice-President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Physical Institute of BAS, Deputy Chairman of the Board on the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria;
- Emil Djakov, Academician of BAS, Deputy Director of the Physical Institute of BAS, professor, Head of a department of the University of Sofia, Director of the Institute of Electronics of BAS;
- Zhelyu Zhelev, Senior Researcher, group leader in DLNP JINR, Deputy Director of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy BAS, professor, Scientific Secretary of BAS;
- Christo Christov, Academician, Vice-President of BAS, Deputy Director of the Physical Institute of BAS, Director of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of BAS, Rector of the University of Sofia;
- Tsvetan Bonchev, Head of a Department of the Physical Institute of the University of Sofia, docent, Deputy Director of the Joint Centre for Physics;
- Vladimir Penev, Senior Researcher, Head of a Department in the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy BAS, professor;
- Pavel Markov, Head of a sector in the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy BAS;
- Vasil Christov, Head of a sector in the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy BAS;
- Angel Yordanov, Deputy Director of DLNP JINR, Senior Researcher;
- Todor Ruskov, professor, Head of a Department in the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy BAS;
- Nikolai Angelov, Deputy Director of LCTA-LIT JINR, professor;
- Natalia Yaneva, professor of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy BAS;
- Ivan Lalov, professor of the University of Sofia;
- Ivan Vankov, professor, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy BAS;
- Jardan Stamenov, professor, Director of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy BAS;
- Ventseslav Andreycheva, Corresponding Member of BAS, Head of a Department of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy BAS, professor, Chairman of the Committee for Nuclear Physics, Facilities and Cooperation with JINR of the Nuclear Power Use Board of Bulgaria;
- Anton Nikolaev Antonov, professor of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy BAS;
- Matey Mateev, Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Sofia, professor;
- Chavdar Stoyanov, BAS Corresponding Member, professor of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy BAS in Sofia;
- Chavdar Stoyanov, Head, Laboratory of Nuclear Spectroscopy, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;
- Nikolay Tonchev, Professor of the Institute of Solid State Physics BAS in Sofia;
- Chavdar Stoyanov, Head, Laboratory of Nuclear Spectroscopy, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;
- Roumen Tsenov, Professor, Physics Faculty, University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Sofia, Bulgaria);
- Radoslav Rashkov, Professor, Vice-Dean for Science and Project Affairs, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Sofia, Bulgaria).
1956, 1964 – 1976
1966 – 1967, 1973, 1975 – 1981, 1983 – 1988
1970 – 1989
1973, 1974 – 1975, 1977 – 1981, 1983 – 1988, 1990 – 1991
1975, 1992
1990 – 1993
1992 – 1993
1989 – 2001
2001 – 2010
2002 – 2010
2010 – present day
2011 – 2018
2018 – present day
2022 – present day
The languages of international communication at JINR are Russian and English. However, one can hear the speech in many languages in Dubna, including the languages of JINR member-states when the countrymen, the representatives of the same expatriates’ community (the national groups of JINR), meet each other.
Over the years of existence of JINR the national groups have developed their traditions, forms of cooperation and collaboration with other national groups. Their leaders, appointed by the plenipotentiaries of the JINR member-states play an organizing role in the life of national groups.
Professor Fiziev Plamen Petkov
Head of the national group of Bulgaria, Leading Scientific Reseacher, BLTP JINR -
+7 (496) 216-35-62
Dabrowska Boiana Rumenova
Deputy Head of the national group of Bulgaria, reseacher, VBLHEP JINR -
+7 (496) 216-38-71
Being in constant contact with plenipotentiaries, embassies of member-states, JINR’s directorate and management services, they take part in the solution of the problems connected with the stay of their colleagues-countrymen and their families in Russia, with the organization of their life and leisure.
The Council of the leaders of the national groups meets periodically. The representatives of the Directorate and the services of the Institute are invited to its meetings. The agenda includes the discussion of the urgent problems of the collaborators from the member-states. Due to this, the Directorate is able to make adequate decisions in time.
On the occasions of major public holidays of the member-states the national groups arrange receptions. These festive events are held accompanied by art exhibitions, photo exhibitions, and enrich JINR staff members’ knowledge about the member-states, their people and culture.
- New Year, St. Vasyli’s Day – 1 January;
- Liberation of Bulgaria – 3 March;
- Labour Day – 1 May;
- Day of Courage and Bulgarian Military (St. George’s Day) – 6 May;
- Day of Bulgarian education and culture and of Slavic writing – 24 May;
- Unification Day – 6 September;
- Day of Independence of Bulgaria – 22 September;
- Christmas Eve – 24 December;
- Christmas – 25-26 December.
- On 9 September 2024, by decree of the President of Russia, JINR Vice-Director, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Latchesar Kostov was honoured with a state award, the Order of Friendship, for his great contribution to strengthening the Russian-Bulgarian partnership in nuclear energy and the development of intergovernmental cooperation in fundamental and applied research
- The BM@N Collaboration of the NICA Project prepared a technical description of the BM@N Spectrometer including all its subsystems in an article published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research – section A in August 2024. The authors of the work are affiliated with JINR and scientific and educational centres in Bulgaria, China, Israel, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Uzbekistan
- On 18 May 2023, an international working meeting on the development of the University Centre JINR project “Open information and educational environment to support fundamental and applied interdisciplinary research at JINR” took place at UC JINR. Representatives of universities of the JINR Member States and Associate Members took part in the event
- On 8 January 2023, the Joint Institute pays tribute to the memory of the outstanding Bulgarian physicist Georgi Stefanov Nadjakov (8.01.1897 – 24.02.1981), who made a significant contribution to the development of JINR during the first decades of the Institute’s existence
- On 13 July 2022, the Joint Institute pays tribute to the famous Bulgarian scientist, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Tsvetan Dimitrov Vylov (13.07.1941 – 13.12.2009)
- The website of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria published information about the participation of the head of the country Rumen Radev in the ceremonial meeting of the session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research on 23 November 2021 in Sofia
- On 23 November 2021, President of Bulgaria Rumen Radev personally attended a festive meeting held in the frames of the session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States
- On 22 November 2021, at the session of the Committee of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Governments of the JINR Member States held in Bulgaria, a Declaration was adopted to highlight the value of international scientific and technological integration in solving the tasks of strengthening peace, mutual understanding, and socio-economic progress of all the countries
- From 8 to 12 November 2021, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is holding the 19th international training programme “JINR Expertise for Member States and Partner Countries” (JEMS-19)
- On 20 – 23 September 2021, within the Year of Bulgaria in JINR, a scientific workshop “Numerical and Symbolic Scientific Computing” was held in Sofia (Bulgaria) in a hybrid format
- From 15 to 18 September 2021, The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research together with the Nuclear Regulatory Agency of the Republic of Bulgaria organize a series of events devoted to the Institute’s 65th anniversary and the Year of Bulgaria in JINR
- On 11 September 2021, Director of the Industrial Center of the Republic of Bulgaria in Moscow, Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Russian Federation Georgi Nenchev Radulov met with the JINR leadership in the framework of his visit to Dubna
- On 9 September 2021 JINR Vice-Director Latchesar Kostov met with the head of Bulgaria in his residence in the Bulgarian capital on Prince Aleksandar Dondukov Boulevard
- On 28 August 2021, photo exhibition “Sozopol. Near and far” by Margarita Fedina, a famous travel photographer, a member of the Union of Photo Artists of Russia, was held in the JINR Blokhintsev Universal Public Library (13/7 Blokhintsev st.). This is a joint project of Blokhinka and the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Moscow within the framework of the Year of Bulgaria at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
- On 21 July 2021, preparations for the upcoming session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of JINR in Bulgaria and ways to enhance cooperation were discussed at a meeting of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bulgaria to the Russian Federation Atanas Krastin with leaders of JINR
- On 3 March 2021, a traditional solemn meeting of the JINR Directorate with representatives of the national group of the Republic of Bulgaria in JINR was held on the occasion of the national holiday of the Republic of Bulgaria – the Day of Bulgaria’s Liberation from the Ottoman yoke
- On 26 February 2021, the first coordination meeting with Tsanko Bachiyski, the new Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria in JINR, was held
- On 9 December 2020, representatives of Bulgaria took part in a representative international workshop devoted to the conception of JINR Information Centres
- A three-day Workshop on Numerical and Symbolic Scientific Computing (8 – 12 September 2019) took place on the picturesque coast of Varna (Bulgaria)
- On 2 – 4 June 2019, President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) Julian Revalski accompanied by BAS Chief Scientific Secretary Evdokia Pasheva and BAS Scientific Secretary of the Division “Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency” Sevdalina Dimitrova paid his first visit to JINR. During the visit, the Bulgarian delegation was accompanied by BLTP Chief Researcher Plamen Fiziev
- On 24 May 2019, on the Day of Slavic literature and culture, a festive concert was held in the JINR Cultural Centre “Mir” in which artistic teams from Dubna, the Moscow Region, and Bulgaria took part
- On 17 May 2019, a festive opening of an exhibition “Bulgaria is the motherland of the Cyrillic alphabet” by the Bulgarian Cultural Institute was held in the JINR Cultural Centre “Mir” dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture
- On 3 – 9 June 2018 the International Conference “Nuclear Structure and Related Topics” will be held. The Conference is held once in three years. It will be the first time the NSRT conference is held outside of Dubna
- 17 May 2018. Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Agency of the Republic of Bulgaria, Member of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States Latchesar Kostov was awarded the Rosatom medal “For contribution to international cooperation” at the ATOMEXPO Forum
- On 16 April 2018, Leading Researcher of BLTP JINR, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Plamen Fiziev delivered the lecture “Bulgaria at JINR” in the Museum of History of Science and Technology of JINR
- On 20 February 2018, a delegation of the Moscow Centre of Bulgarian Industry visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The organization is aimed at improving economic, trade and technical relations between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Russian Federation, development of bilateral economic contacts, expansion of Bulgarian export and tourism as well as attracting investments
- On 30 June – 1 July 2017, a delegation of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research participated in festive events dedicated to celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency which is headed by Plenipotentiary representative of Bulgaria in JINR L. Kostov
- 24 May 2017, Opening of the exhibition “Lion – the Bulgarian national symbol of the Renaissance”
- On 21 March 2017, Bulgarian staff members of JINR invite their colleagues and friends to the JINR Cultural Centre “Mir” to take part in the celebration devoted to the Day of Liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman yoke
- The Days of Bulgarian cinema in JINR is being held on 15 – 19 November 2016 in the JINR Cultural Centre “Mir”
- 19th Annual RDMS CMS Collaboration Conference was held on 6-11 September 2016 in Varna, Bulgaria
- The JINR Days in Bulgaria, the founder country of JINR, were opened today, on 7 April 2016, in Sofia, in the Museum of the Human and Nature
- The International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei was held on 6-12 September 2015 in Varna, Bulgaria
- The 11th European School of High-Energy Physics was held on 2-15 September 2015 in Bansko, Bulgaria
- The 18th International RDMS CMS Collaboration Conference was held in Varna (Bulgaria) on 24-29 August 2015
- The JINR Days in Bulgaria were held on 19-22 May 2015 in the “Borovets” Complex, Bulgaria
- The 7th Spring School on Nuclear Physics “JINR Days in Bulgaria” was held on 13-16 May 2014 at the Bulgarian skiing resort Borovets
- At the invitation of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), Sofia University “St.Kliment Ohridski”, the Regulatory Agency on Nuclear Energy of Bulgaria, the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS (INRNE BAS), an official visit of JINR Director Academician V.Matveev to the Republic of Bulgaria was held on 9-11 April 2014
- The JINR Days in Bulgaria were held on 10-13 October 2013. JINR Vice-Director Professor Mikhail Itkis, Directors of JINR laboratories Professor Viktor Voronov (BLTP), Professor Vladimir Kekelidze (VBLHEP) and Professor Valery Shvetsov (FLNP) attended this event
- The 6th Students school on nuclear physics In Blagoevgrad organized by the Nuclear Regulatory Agency of Bulgaria, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and the BAS Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy in cooperation with the South-West University “Neofit Rilski” was held on 14 – 16 May 2013 in the frames of the JINR days in Bulgaria
- A delegation from JINR consisting of V.V.Voronov, I.A.Golutvin, D.V. Kamanin, V.I.Korobov, V.N.Shvetsov participated in ceremonial events dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE) on 18-19 October 2012 in Sofia
- The 5th traditional school for young scientists, which was timed to the JINR Days in Bulgaria, was held on 15–18 May 2012 in Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria)
- The Diploma of Foreign Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Science was presented to Academician V.G.Kadyshevsky on 27 May 2010
- 13 November 2009. JINR Chief Engineer G.D.Shirkov and JINR Directorate Advisor P.N.Bogolubov took part in a grand meeting dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Academician N.N.Bogoliubov
Contact Information on the Embassies
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Russian Federation:
Russian Embassy in Bulgaria: