General information on collaboration
The Republic of Belarus, as a part of the USSR, joined JINR based on the Agreement signed on 26 March 1956. As a sovereign republic, Belarus has been a Member State of JINR since 1992.
In March 1992, the acceptance report was ratified and JINR Plenipotentiary from the Republic of Belarus was appointed supported by the executive order of the government of Belarus. However, close ties with national scientific centres of Belarus and Belarusian scientists have existed throughout the JINR history.
Nowadays, 21 scientific centers and the University of the Republic of Belarus cooperate with JINR in the fields of theoretical physics, particle physics, nuclear physics and condensed matter physics in the framework of the 28 ongoing research projects at JINR. 21 Belarusian experts and members of their families work in Dubna on a contractual basis. Most scientists (150) working on joint projects conduct research at institutes in Belarus, using methods developed at JINR, welcoming colleagues from Dubna, and going on business trips to Dubna when needed.
Industrial potential of Belarus provides a vital contribution to joint projects; its unique equipment is of crucial importance for operation of modern research facility detectors in Dubna, and in other scientific centres participating in joint projects.
In the last decade, several contracts and agreements enabling scientific and technical collaboration have been signed between JINR and its Belarusian counterparts.
Collaboration between Belarusian physicists and JINR scientists has been evolving and its scope has widened. Through such collaboration Belarusian scientists have had the opportunity to establish direct contacts with major scientific accelerator centres worldwide such as CERN, DESY, FNAL, SLSC and other.
Nowadays, Belarus as a JINR Member State is involved in two major CERN experiments: CMS and ATLAS.
International conferences, symposiums, and schools held in Belarus in cooperation with JINR enable exchange of scientific knowledge. Traditional Gomel schools are special among them. Academicians N.N. Bogoliubov, V.G. Kadyshevsky, A.N. Sissakian, corresponding members K.M. Tomilchik and A.A. Bogush, professors I.A. Savin, N.B. Skachkov, F.I. Federov, V.A. Beliy, N.M. Shumeiko, B.V. Bockut and others are among school organisers. The first such school-seminar of this series on current issues of physics of the microworld took place in Gomel in 1971. Three such events were held then with the interval of one year. In 1997, the tradition of Gomel schools was continued after a hiatus. The last 10th school for schoolchildren dedicated to current issues of physics of the microworld was held in the summer of 2009. JINR plays a major role in organising of these seminars.
JINR-Belarus round-table meeting in January 2002 demonstrated strong links between JINR and Belarusian national scientific centres.
A memorandum on cooperation between JINR and the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research (BRFFR) has been in effect since 2006. This memorandum is the basis for the competition of joint research work, and the winning projects receive funding.
Professor, RAS Corresponding Member
Vladimir D. Kekelidze
Executive of the contacts with the Republic of Belarus, Vice-Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research -
+7 (49621) 6-58-15
The scientists of Belarus take part in the research work on the following themes of the Topical plan for JINR research and international cooperation for the year 2025:
- Theoretical Physics
Cooperation on 3 themes. - Elementary Particle Physics and High-Enegry Heavy-Ion Physics
Cooperation on 9 themes. - Nuclear Physics
Cooperation on 2 themes. - Condensed Matter Physics
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Radiation Research in Life Sciences
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Information Technology
Cooperation on 1 theme. - Applied Innovation Activities
Cooperation on 2 themes. - Physics and Technology of Charged Particle Accelerators
Cooperation on 2 themes. - Organization of Scientific Activity and International Cooperation. Strengthening Human Resources. Educational Programme
Cooperation on 1 theme.
At present JINR collaborates with 24 scientific organisations, universities and undertakings of Belarus. The most actively JINR collaborates with following organisations and universities:
- Pavel Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel
- Francisk Skorina Gomel State University
- Belarusian State University
- B.I.Stepanov Physics Institute of NASB
- Research Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University
- National Scientific and Educational Centre of Particles and High-Energy Physics of Belarusian State University
- Joint Institute of Power and Nuclear Research – “Sosny” of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Collective discipline-related research works competition has been provided since 2006 on the Memorandum of collaboration between JINR and Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research (BRFFR) basis. Financing of winning projects is effected according to its results.
The winners of collective discipline-related research works competition BRFFR – JINR – 2014 are the following five projects:
- «Nonlinear Functional Approximation Development and Operators with Determinate and Stochastic Parameters» Project supervisors are S.N. Sedikh (VBLHEP JINR), O.A. Ivashkevich (RI PCP BSU)
- «High-Power Microwave Radiation Absorption Research with Ferromagnetic and Superparamagnetic Nanoclusters under the Nonlinear Ferromagnetic Resonance» Project supervisors are S.N. Sedikh (VBLHEP JINR), O.A. Ivashkevich (RI PCP BSU);
- «Research and Creation of Strow-Detectors with High Loading Characteristics and Precise Identification of Axial Coordinate for Measuring Equipment of Modern High-Current Accelerators» Project supervisors are N.P. Kravchuck (DLNP JINR), F.E. Zaziulia (NC PPHI BSU);
- «Analysis of Inclusive Processes under Moderate Momentum Transfer in Non-Standard (Non-Staid) Perturbative Approaches of QCD» Project supervisors are D.V. Shirokov (BLTP JINR), O.P. Solovtsova (GSTU);
- «Relation of Crystalline Structure with Improved Ceramics Physical Properties on Bismuth Ferrite Basis near Interface of Orthorhomb-Thombohedron» Project supervisors are V.V. Sickolenko (FLNP JINR), D.V. Karpinski (NPC NASB);
The winners of collective discipline-related research works competition BRFFR – JINR – 2015 are the following nine projects:
- «Phase Transformation Influence on Magnet- Transport Properties of Composite Oxides» Project supervisors are E.A. Efimova (VBLHEP JINR), I.O. Troianchuck (NPC NASB, Materials Science);
- «Structural Phase Transformation in Solid Solutions of Bismuth Ferrite» Project supervisors are S.I. Tiutiunnikov (VBLHEP JINR), A.N. Chobot (NPC NASB, Materials Science);
- «Precise Observed Measurements and Search New Physics Effects with Drell-Ian Process in CMS Experiment under Higher Energy and Luminosity on LHC» Project supervisors are A.V. Zarubin (VBLHEP JINR), N.M. Shumeiko (NC PPHI BSU);
- «Higgs Boson Spin Identification in di-Boson Decay Mode in ATLAS Experiment on LHC» Project supervisors are V.A. Bednyakov (DLNP JINR), A.A. Pankov (GSTU named after P.O. Sukhoi);
- «Radiation-Protected Nanocrystalline Coating Development on Titanium Nitrides and Zirconium Basis for Nuclear Reactor TFEs Jacket Protection» Project supervisors are V.A. Skuratov (FLNR JINR), V.V. Uglov (BSU);
- «Development of Model Correction to Fundamental Physical Constants» Project supervisors are A.E. Dorokhov (BLTP JINR), N.V. Maximenko (FCGCU);
- «Nanostructured Glass and Polycrystalline Optical Materials Functional Properties Formation Structural Aspects Research with Neutron Scattering Methods» Project supervisors are D.P. Kozlenko (FLNP JINR), V.S. Gurin (RI PCP BSU);
- «Analysis of Phase Formation Process and Physical Characteristics of Compounds in Cu-Fe-S System under High Pressure and Temperature Interaction» Project supervisors are M.V. Frontasieva (FLNP JINR), O.V. Ignatenko (NPC NASB Materials Science);
- «Diamagnetic Substitution Influence on Magnetic Structure and Correlation of Physical Properties in Barium Ferrite Solid Solutions BaFe12-х Mх O19 (M=Al, In; x=0-1.2)» Project supervisors are V.A. Turchenko (FLNP JINR), A.V. Trukhanov (NPC NASB Materials Science);
The Plenipotentiary representative of the government of the Republic of Belarus from 1 February 2022 is Sergey V. Shlychkov, Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus.
The plenipotentiaries of the government of the Republic of Belarus in JINR since 1992:
1992 – 1997
- Shumeiko Nikolai, Professor, Director of Scientific and Research Institution “National Scientific and Educational Centre of Particle and High Energy Physics” of the Belarusian State University
- Gaisenok Victor, Professor, Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus
- Lesnikovich Anatoly, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus
- Nedilko Vladimir, First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus
- Igor Voitov, Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus
- Shumilin Alexander, Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus
- Sergey Shlychkov, Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus.
1998 – 2001
2003 – 2011
2011 – 2014
2014 – 2022
2022 – present day
Sergei Ya. Kilin, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chief Scientific Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Professor of the Belarusian State University, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, was born on 18 May 1952. He graduated from the Belarusian State University, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics.
Chairman of Belarusian Physical Society, his researches are on quantum optics and quantum informatics. His main research envelopes are Development of Quantum Fluctuation Theory under nonlinear optic interaction, and on this theory basis he predicted a set of effects being observed under photon emission by single atoms and molecules in different environments. He developed new methods and systems for quantum IT (quantum computers an cryptography).
Sergey A. Maksimenko Director of the Research Institute for Nuclear Physics of the Belarusian, State University was born on 13 August 1954.
He graduated from the Belarusian State University, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor. Research interests: physics of nanostructures, electromagnetic wave propagation in nanostructures, electromagnetic materials in nanocomposites. Awards: Honorary Member of the International Society for Optical Engineering, Diploma of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus for achievements in professional work and teaching (2001), Honored Staff Member of the Belarusian State University (2010).
Members of the Scientific Council from the Republic of Belarus since 1993 were:
- Vasily I. Strazhev, professor, Deputy Minister of the Minestry of Education of Belarus;
- Nikolai M. Shumeiko, professor, Deputy Director of the Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University.
- Nikolai M. Shumeiko, professor, Director of the Research Institute “National Scientific-Educational Centre for Particle and High-Energy Physics” of the Belarusian State University;
- Sergei K. Rakhmanov, professor, Prorector for scientific activity of the Belarusian State University.
- Nikolai M. Shumeiko, professor, Director of the Research Institute “National Scientific-Educational Centre for Particle and High-Energy Physics” of the Belarusian State University;
- Nikolay S. Kazak, professor, Director of the B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Physics, Mathematics and IT of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;
- Sergei K. Rakhmanov, professor, Prorector for scientific activity of the Belarusian State University.
- Nikolai M. Shumeiko, professor, Director of the Research Institute “National Scientific-Educational Centre for Particle and High-Energy Physics” of the Belarusian State University;
- Vasily I. Strazhev, professor, Director of the Confucius Institute of sinology of the Belarusian State University;
- Vyacheslav I. Kuvshinov, professor, Director General of the Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research “Sosny”.
- Nikolai M. Shumeiko, professor, Director of the Research Institute “National Scientific-Educational Centre for Particle and High-Energy Physics” of the Belarusian State University;
- Sergei Ya. Kilin, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chief Scientific Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Professor of the Belarusian State University, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;
- Vasily I. Strazhev, professor of Physical Department in Belarusian State University.
- Sergei Ya. Kilin, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chief Scientific Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Professor of the Belarusian State University, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;
- Vasily I. Strazhev, professor of Physical Department in Belarusian State University;
- Sergei A. Maksimenko, Director of the Research Institute for Nuclear Physics of the Belarusian State University.
- Sergey A. Maskevich, Director, the International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University.
- Sergei Ya. Kilin, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chief Scientific Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Professor of the Belarusian State University, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;
- Sergei A. Maksimenko, Director of the Research Institute for Nuclear Physics of the Belarusian, State University.
1998 – 2002
2003 – 2007
2008 – 2012
2013 – 2016
2016 – 2018
2018 – 2022
2018 – present day
The group of leading scientist from Belarus is awarded honorary JINR diplomas for substantial contribution to development of collaboration between JINR and scientific and training Belarus centres on occasion of 30th Gomel Schools. Corresponding members, L.M. Tomilchick, A.A. Bogush, M. Plesckachevski, NASB academician A.I. Lesnikovich, professor N.M. Shumeiko, N.V. Maximenko, V.I. Stradgev, S.V. Shcherbackov, M.V. Selkin, V.I. Nedilko, are awarded diplomas.
The languages of international communication at JINR are Russian and English. However, one can hear the speech in many languages in Dubna, including the languages of JINR member-states when the countrymen, the representatives of the same expatriates’ community (the national groups of JINR), meet each other.
Over the years of existence of JINR the national groups have developed their traditions, forms of cooperation and collaboration with other national groups. Their leaders, appointed by the plenipotentiaries of the JINR member-states play an organizing role in the life of national groups.
Yuri Kulchitsky
Head of the national group of Belarus, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Head of Sector, DLNP JINR -
+7 (496) 216-53-01
Uladzimir Chausau
Head of the national group of Belarus, Head of the LRB JINR group -
+7 (496) 216-39-81
Being in constant contact with plenipotentiaries, embassies of member-states, JINR’s directorate and management services, they take part in the solution of the problems connected with the stay of their colleagues-countrymen and their families in Russia, with the organization of their life and leisure.The Council of the leaders of the national groups meets periodically. The representatives of the Directorate and the services of the Institute are invited to its meetings. The agenda includes the discussion of the urgent problems of the collaborators from the member-states. Due to this, the Directorate is able to make adequate decisions in time.
On the occasions of major public holidays of the member-states the national groups arrange receptions. These festive events are held accompanied by art exhibitions, photo exhibitions, and enrich JINR staff members’ knowledge about the member-states, their people and culture.
- Constitution Day – 15 March;
- Day of the Unity of Belarusian and Russian People – 2 April;
- Day of National Flag and National Emblem of Belarus – 2d Sunday of May;
- Day of Friendship an Unity of the Slavic – 25 June;
- National Independence Day – 3 July;
- Kupala Night – on the night of 6/7 July.
- On 9–27 September 2024, the second stage of the International Practice for students and postgraduates from universities of the JINR Member States took place at the University Centre
- 26 August 2024 marked the start of the International School of Accelerator Physics: Cyclotrons, organized by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and National Research Nuclear University Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (NRNU MEPhI). The event brought together more than 50 participants from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Uzbekistan
- On 17 June 2024, the closing ceremony of the Internship for Young Scientists from the CIS countries, in which young researchers from Belarus participated, took place at the JINR International Conference Centre
- A scientific group from the FLNP and FLNR JINR, Centre for Cooperative Research on Alternative Energies CIC energiGUNE (Spain), and Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus conducted a study of charge-discharge processes in Prussian white electrodes with different level of dehydration. The Journal of Alloys and Compounds was published an article on this research in May 2024
- Theoretical physicists of JINR and Gomel State Technical University performed analytical calculations of the tenth order QED radiative corrections to lepton anomalies within the Mellin-Barnes representation. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics published this study in March 2024
- In December 2023, an article by a team of authors from JINR and Belarus on the development of samples of thin-wall drift tube detectors (straw) with resistive cathode and cathode readout was published in the Nuclear Experimental Technique journal
- On 15 November 2023, the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR (AYSS JINR) and the Council of Young Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (CYS NAS of Belarus) signed a cooperation agreement
- At the end of October 2023, employees of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems at JINR installed a compact precision laser inclinometer at the Naroch Geophysical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
- From 28 May to 27 June 2023, Dubna was hosting the 16th International Internship for Young Scientists from the CIS Countries organized by the International Innovative Nanotechnology Centre of the CIS countries (ININC CIS) with the support of the Intergovernmental Foundation for Educational, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation of the CIS (IFESCCO) and JINR
- On 19 June 2023, the 30th anniversary International Seminar “Nonlinear phenomena in complex systems” (NPCS), co-organized by JINR, started at the Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
- On 29 May 2023, the opening of the 16th International internship for young scientists and specialists from the CIS countries took place at the JINR International Conference Centre
- On 13-14 February 2023, Academician Secretary of the Department of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Alexander Shumilin visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. On the first day, at a meeting with the JINR Directorate, in a festive atmosphere, Alexander Shumilin received the Order of Friendship for his contribution to the strengthening of scientific and technical cooperation between Russia and the Republic of Belarus
- On 23 December 2022, scientists of Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University (INP BSU) reported on the results of the first low-temperature tests of the niobium superconducting resonator. These tests allowed them to observe the phase transition to the superconducting state.The work was carried out by order of the Joint Institute within the framework of the NICA Megascience Project
- On 7 June 2022, Academician Secretary of the Department of Physics, Mathematics, and Informatics of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Belarus Alexander Shumilin met with JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov
- On 18 May 2022, Gatchina hosted a joint meeting of the boards of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, and the State Committee on Science and Technology (SCST) of the Republic of Belarus
- On 1 July 2021, JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov participated in a plenary session of the 8th Forum of Russian and Belarusian Regions to discuss intergovernmental development of science and technology
- It is planned to create a production of superconducting resonators for scientific accelerator complexes in Belarus. Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Grigory Trubnikov and Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Republic of Belarus in JINR, Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Shumilin discussed it at a meeting held on 4 June 2021 in Minsk
- On 26 – 27 March 2019, a delegation represented by leaders of scientific centres of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus visited JINR
- On 3 July 2017, in honour of the national holiday – the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus, JINR Director Academician V.A. Matveev received in his office Head of the national group of Belarusian employees, Head of the HMPRD sector of the DLNP Yu.A. Kulchitsky
- 21 June 2017. The State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus informs: About 200 researchers from Belarus participated in implementation of scientific topics of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
- The pre-anniversary meeting of the JINR Finance Committee and the session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of JINR Member States were held on 16-22 November 2015 in the capital of Belarus Minsk at the invitation of JINR Plenipotentiary of Belarus, Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus A.G.Shumilin
- The XIII International School-Conference “The Current Problems of Microworld Physics” took place in “Zolotye Peski” Gomel, Belarus, from 27 July to 7 August 2015
- The third stage of the international student practice that ended in the JINR University Centre on 24 September 2014 gathered in Dubna students from Belarus, Serbia and the Republic of South Africa
- A delegation of the Belarusian State University consisting of Dean of the Faculty of Physics V.M. Anishchik, Director of the State Enterprise “Active BSU” V.V. Hodassevich and Yu.A. Fedotova, head of the laboratory, secretary of the Committee on cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and JINR visited Dubna on 17-18 June 2014
- The third stage of the International student practice was started on Monday, 9 September 2013 in the JINR University Centre. Students from the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Belarus came to Dubna
- On 7 April 2011, the Directorate and the international staff of JINR congratulated Lev Mitrofanovich Tomilchik on his 80th anniversary; Lev Tomilchik is a famous Belarusian physicist theorist and organizer of science, corresponding member of NAS of Belarus, Professor, chief researcher of the Institute of physics
Contact Information on the Embassies
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation:
Russian Embassy in the Republic of Belarus: