Leptonic and semileptonic decays of mesons in the domain model of the QCD vacuum

News, 26 September 2024

Physical Review D published a paper about leptonic and semileptonic decays of mesons in the domain model of the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) vacuum by senior researcher of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at JINR Vladimir Voronin.

The leptonic and semileptonic decays of mesons are investigated within the domain model of QCD vacuum and hadronization. The domain model is the mean-field approach based on the statistical ensemble of almost everywhere homogeneous Abelian (anti-)self-dual gluon fields which reproduces main features of low-energy QCD and allows one to deduce a nonlocal effective meson action.

Diagrams contributing to semileptonic decay

Using this meson action, the leptonic decay constants, form factors and branching ratios of semileptonic decays are evaluated simultaneously with masses of mesons. The results are compared to experimental data or other approaches.