Lectures in the frames of the Helmholtz International School
In the frames of the Helmholtz International School “Modern Colliders – Theory and Experiment 2018”, lecture courses “Beyond the Standard Model” by Christophe Grojean (DESY, Hamburg, and Humboldt University, Berlin) and “Higgs Physics” by Sven Heinemeyer (IFT/IFCA – CSIC, Madrid/Santander) will be delivered on 30 – 31 July 2018.
Despite their busy agenda, the lecturers kindly agreed to come to Dubna and participate in the Helmholtz International Summer School.
Two sets of three lectures will be given on 30 July (Monday) and 31 July (Tuesday) at the International Conference Hall of JINR. The first lecture starts at 9:30 AM.
The programme of the School and the accompanying Workshop (CALC2018) is available on the link.